


英国选举是以政党为基础进行的,在2005年以前,英国选举是两党制,其中最高的得票者当选。但二战之后,小党派也开始逐渐占据较多的议席[2]。2005年大选中自由民主党赢下646个议席中的62个,使得英国国会出现“两个半”(two and a half)政党制的趋势[3][4]

被选举人需要获得至少10个选民提名,并支付500镑押金(获得超过5%的投票后可退还)[5]。候选人由政党自行挑选。据《1998年政党登记法》(Registration of Political Parties Act 1998),候选人还需要得到其所属党派“提名官”(nominating officer)认可[6]


  1. ^ Electoral Commission: Who we are and what we do (PDF). [2011-01-05]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2011-08-10). 
  2. ^ Johnston, Ron; Pattie, Charles; Dorling, Danny; Rossiter, David. From Votes To Seats: The Operation of the UK Electoral System since 1945. Manchester University Press. 2001: 44. 
  3. ^ Lynch, P. & Garner, R. (2005). The Changing Party System. Parliamentary Affairs. 58(3), pp. 533–554
  4. ^ Siaroff, Alan. Two-and-a-Half-Party Systems and the Comparative Role of the 'Half'. Party Politics. May 2003, 9 (3): 267–290 [19 September 2012]. S2CID 144175155. doi:10.1177/1354068803009003001. (原始内容存档于2015-05-17). 
  5. ^ "Guidance for candidates and agents"页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), "Electoral Commission".
  6. ^ How MPs are elected. UK Parliament. [2021-12-16]. (原始内容存档于2021-08-26).