
由Romaine在話題This Month in Education: February 2019上作出的最新留言:5 年前

The Signpost: 31 January 2019

  1. 第二個報道有點意思,不知道大家如果要模仿他們,介紹中文版管理員的用戶頁,那會是怎樣子呢?
  2. 下面還有一個報道說英文版WP:RD屢遭破壞,申請半保護的時候,有編輯說不如撤掉。我覺得這東西在中文版也是雞肋,探討存廢未嘗不可。--春卷柯南編輯數突破二萬 ( ·刻石留名 ) 2019年1月31日 (四) 20:48 (UTC)
    WP:RD存在的價值就在於可以疏導其他客棧頁中無關緊要的討論,編者們無視亦行,換言之就是個溝渠,無則不可。鋼琴小子 2019年2月3日 (日) 21:25 (UTC)


Wikipedia:《求聞》/2019年/維基百科遭委內瑞拉當局屏蔽。--Techyan留言2019年2月4日 (一) 04:32 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #350







《求聞》編譯組全體同仁 敬上

—以上未加入日期時間的留言是於2019年2月6日 (三) 00:14 (UTC)之前加入的。











This Month in GLAM: January 2019


Read this edition in fullSingle-page

To assist with preparing the newsletter, please visit the newsroom. Past editions may be viewed here.

Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-07

Wikidata weekly summary #351

Growth team updates #5

Welcome to the fifth newsletter for the new Growth team!  

The Growth team's objective is to work on software changes that help retain new contributors in mid-size Wikimedia projects.

New projects for discussion

We began the "Personalized first day" project with the welcome survey so that we could gather information about what newcomers are trying to accomplish. The next step is to use that information to create experiences that help the newcomers accomplish their goal – actually personalizing their first day. We asked for community thoughts in the previous newsletter, and after discussing with community members and amongst our team, we are now planning two projects as next steps: "engagement emails" and "newcomer homepage".

  • Engagement emails: this project was first discussed positively by community members here back in September 2018, and the team how has bandwidth to pursue it. The idea is that newcomers who leave the wiki don't get encouraged to return to the wiki and edit. We can engage them through emails that send them the specific information they need to be successful – such as contact from a mentor, the impact of their edits, or task recommendations. Please read over the project page, and comment on its discussion page with any ideas, questions, or concerns. Do you think this is a good idea? Where could we go wrong?
  • Newcomer homepage: we developed the idea for this project after analyzing the data from the welcome survey and EditorJourney datasets. We saw that many newcomers seem to be looking for a place to get started – a place that collects their past work, options for future work, and ways to learn more. We can build this place, and it can connect to the engagement emails. The content of both could be guided by what newcomers say they need during their welcome survey, and contain things like contact from a mentor, impact of their edits, or task recommendations. Please read over the project page, and comment on its discussion page with any ideas, questions, or concerns. Do you think this is a good idea? Where could we go wrong?

Initial reports on newcomer activity

We have published initial reports on each of the team's first two projects. These reports give the basic numbers from each project, and there are many more questions we will continue to answer in future reports. We're excited about these initial findings. They have already helped us define and design parts of our future projects.

  • Welcome survey: the initial report on welcome survey responses is available here. Some of the main findings:
    • Most users respond to the survey, giving it high response rates of 67% and 62% in Czech and Korean Wikipedias, respectively.
    • The survey does not cause newcomers to be less likely to edit.
    • The most common reason for creating an account in Korean Wikipedia is to read articles—not for editing—with 29% of Korean users giving that responses.
    • Large numbers of respondents said they are interested in being contacted to get help with editing: 36% in Czech and 53% in Korean.
  • Understanding first day: the initial report on what newcomers do on their first day is available here. Some of the main findings:
    • Large numbers of users view help or policy pages on their first day: 42% in Czech and 28% in Korean.
    • Large numbers of users view their own User or User Talk page on their first day: 34% in Czech and 39% in Korean.
    • A majority of new users open an editor on their first day – but about a quarter of them do not go on to save an edit during that time.

Help panel deployment

The help panel was deployed in Czech and Korean Wikipedias on January 10. Over the past four weeks:

  • About 400 newcomers in each wiki have seen the help panel button.
  • About 20% of them open up the help panel.
  • About 50% of those who open it up click on one of the links.
  • About 5% of Czech users ask questions, and about 1% of Korean users ask questions.

We think that the 20% open rate and 50% click rate are strong numbers, showing that a lot of people are looking for help, and many want to help themselves by looking at help pages. The somewhat lower numbers of asking questions (especially in Korean Wikipedia) has caused us to consider new features to allow people to help themselves. We're going to be adding a search bar to the help panel next, which will allow users to type a search that only looks for pages in the Help and Wikipedia namespaces.

How to create a good feedback page?

What is the way to built a good help page? What blocks you when writing an help page? Your replies will help to create better help contents to newcomers, that would be used on Help panel.

Growth team's newsletter prepared by the Growth team and posted by bot, 2019年2月13日 (三) 14:15 (UTC) • Give feedbackSubscribe or unsubscribe.




—以上未加入日期時間的留言是於2019年2月14日 (四) 16:14 (UTC)之前加入的。





手抖發了兩次,我的鍋(--Techyan留言2019年2月15日 (五) 02:35 (UTC)










—以上未加入日期時間的留言是於2019年2月17日 (日) 08:14 (UTC)之前加入的。

Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-08


何吉數. 牆外百科牆裡人:中國大陸的維基編輯們. 端傳媒. 2019-02-13. 

該文章為付費閱讀,因此只能閱讀一部份。本人僅代為轉發。臺灣杉在此發言 (會客室) 2019年2月13日 (三) 06:19 (UTC)

是條目,不是詞條(我覺得這個梗可以寫成論述了,無論是獨立成篇還是寄人籬下)。--春卷柯南編輯數突破二萬 ( ·刻石留名 ) 2019年2月13日 (三) 08:38 (UTC)
@春卷柯南維基百科:不要急著糾正是條目還是詞條維基百科:要糾正是條目不是詞條 --仍然相信友誼就是魔法CuSO4 who is filled with DETERMINATION 2019年2月15日 (五) 02:54 (UTC)
寫論述的人簡直了,此刻我只想來幾個滑稽。。。--侧耳倾听 2019年2月18日 (一) 11:20 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #352








—以上未加入日期時間的留言是於2019年2月20日 (三) 08:14 (UTC)之前加入的。





Talk to us about talking

Trizek (WMF) 2019年2月21日 (四) 15:01 (UTC)



去年中文維基百科所有的用戶查核員都被基金會擼掉了,當時的說法是因為「安全原因」但具體是什麼「無可奉告」,現在快要一年了,究竟是什麼原因有進一步消息了嗎?--侧耳倾听 2019年2月23日 (六) 14:53 (UTC)

請自行發信件去問。這裡又不是基金會工作人員常駐。——路過圍觀的Sakamotosan | 避免做作,免敬 2019年2月24日 (日) 01:29 (UTC)

各位大哥我錯了,我不問了。--侧耳倾听 2019年2月24日 (日) 13:11 (UTC)


Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-09

Wikidata weekly summary #353

Books & Bytes, Issue 32

  The Wikipedia Library

Books & Bytes
Issue 32, January – February 2019

  • #1Lib1Ref
  • New and expanded partners
  • Wikimedia and Libraries User Group update
  • Global branches update
  • Bytes in brief

French version of Books & Bytes is now available on meta!

Read the full newsletter

Sent by MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of The Wikipedia Library team --MediaWiki message delivery留言2019年2月26日 (二) 03:30 (UTC)


—以上未加入日期時間的留言是於2019年2月26日 (二) 16:14 (UTC)之前加入的。

This Month in Education: February 2019

This Month in Education

Volume 8 • Issue 2 • February 2019


In This Issue

The Signpost: 28 February 2019

News, reports and features from the English Wikipedia's weekly journal about Wikipedia and Wikimedia
Read this Signpost in full · Single-page · Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2019年2月28日 (四) 11:17 (UTC)