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性与性学专题 (获评丙級极高重要度
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Polyamory ?

Would it be useful to add a link or article to "Polyamory" (ポリアモリー)? Does there exist any translation of the word ?

(excuse, my Chinese is still bad... I am working to improve that:) ) J.

Yes. Although there is no well known chinese translation, there are some discussion about Polyamory. Several articles traslated polyamory as 多元之愛.AirBa (talk) 12:35 2006年6月23日 (UTC)

For example in http://intermargins.net/repression/deviant/love/alternative/plural_love/news/2005Jan-Jun/20050411a.htm
and http://intermargins.net/repression/deviant/love/alternative/plural_love/plural_love_index.htm,
- this could be a good starting point, couldn't it ? J.