shànရှမ်းဘာသာ[ʃáɴ bàðà];英语:Shan language)是dǎi耶语လိၵ်ႈတႆး掸语发音[lik.táj]ၵႂၢမ်းတႆး[kwáam.táj]ၽႃႇသႃႇတႆး[pʰàː.sʰàː.táj]泰语ภาษาไทใหญ่)在缅语和英语中的通称。傣耶语是傣耶人(掸族)最主要的语言,掸邦的官方语言之一,也是德宏傣族景颇族自治州一种傣族方言,在其它傣语支语言中时称“尧语”(傣仂语ᦇᦲᧁᧉ罗马化:ngiːwˀ北部泰语ᨦ᩠ᨿ᩶ᩅ罗马化:ngʸawˀ老挝语ງ້ຽວ/ແງ້ວ罗马化:ngyawˀ/ngɛːwˀ泰语เงี้ยว罗马化:ngyiːewˀ)。

330万 (2001)
承认少数语言 缅甸
ISO 639-2shn
ISO 639-3shn

简述 编辑

说掸语的人自称大傣(Tai Yai或Tai Long)。“掸”是他称,可能是暹罗一词的讹传。



掸语音系 编辑

辅音 编辑


  双唇音 唇齿音 齿龈音 上颚音 软颚音 喉音
不送气清音 送气清音 浊音 不送气清音 送气清音 浊音 不送气清音 送气清音 浊音 不送气清音 送气清音 浊音
塞音 [p]
鼻音   [m]
擦音   ([f])2
颤音       ([r])3
近音         [j]
流音       [l]
1 声门爆破音一般标记在未终止的短元音后,或者在一个元音前的无声“a”。
2 开头的[f]只见于某些方言词中,其他方言区一般发音为[pʰ]
3 颤音很少见,一般用于英语或巴利语外来词中。很多掸族人不会发[r]这个音,有时发[l]作为替代。

元音 编辑


前元音 央元音 后元音
/i/ /ɨ/~/ɯ/ /u/
/e/ /ə/~/ɤ/ /o/
/ɛ/ /a/

[iu], [eu], [ɛu]; [ui], [oi], [ɯi], [ɔi], [əi]; [ai], [aɯ], [au]; [aːi], [aːu]


声调 编辑

掸语的元音有抑止元音和自由元音的对立英语Checked and free vowels,两者的声调有所不同。根据方言差异,掸语有五个或六个声调。第六个声调只在北部方言出现。

自由元音音节的声调对比 编辑


序号 描述 IPA 描述 转写*
1 24
˨˦ 次低调上升到次高调 ǎ a
2 11
˩ 低平,持续平稳 à a,
3 32
˧˨ 中调,然后略微降到次低调 a
4 55
˥ 高平,持续平稳 á a:
5 42
˦˨ˀ 短暂的嘎裂声,次高调迅速降到次低调并带声门塞音 âʔ, â̰ a.
6 343
˧˦˧ 先从中调昇到次高调,再降到中调 (类似于从3调到5调) a᷈
* The symbol in the first column corresponds to conventions used for other tonal languages; the second is derived from the Shan orthography.


调值 掸语 IPA 示意 释义
rising ၼႃ /nǎː/ na
low ၼႃႇ /nàː/ na, 极、非常
mid ၼႃႈ /nāː/ na;
high ၼႃး /náː/ na: 水田
creaky ၼႃႉ /na̰/ na. 姨、舅


  1. 掸语的升调接近泰语的升调。
  2. The Shan low tone is equivalent to the Thai low tone.
  3. The Shan mid-tone is different from the Thai mid-tone. It falls in the end.
  4. The Shan high tone is close to the Thai high tone. But it is not rising.
  5. The Shan falling tone is different from the Thai falling tone. It is short, creaky and ends with a glottal stop.

抑止元音音节的声调对比 编辑

下表是四个抑止元音音节(入声)表示的声调,即以声门塞音[ʔ]及[p]、[t]、[k]三个阻碍音 结尾的闭音节。

Tone Shan Phonemic Phonetic Transliteration English
high လၵ်း /lák/ [lak˥] lak: post
creaky လၵ်ႉ /la̰k/ [la̰k˦˨ˀ] lak. steal
low လၢၵ်ႇ /làːk/ [laːk˩] laak, differ from others
mid လၢၵ်ႈ /lāːk/ [laːk˧˨] laak; drag

音节结构 编辑

The syllable structure of Shan is C(G)V((V)/(C)), which is to say the onset consists of a consonant optionally followed by a glide, and the rhyme consists of a monophthong alone, a monophthong with a consonant, or a diphthong alone. (Only in some dialects, a diphthong may also be followed by a consonant.) The glides are: -w-, -y- and -r-. There are seven possible final consonants: /ŋ/, /n/, /m/, /k/, /t/, /p/, and /ʔ/.

Some representative words are:

  • CV /kɔ/ also
  • CVC /kàːt/ market
  • CGV /kwàː/ to go
  • CGVC /kwaːŋ/ broad
  • CVV /kǎi/ far
  • CGVV /kwáːi/ water buffalo

Typical Shan words are monosyllabic. Multisyllabic words are mostly Pali loanwords, or Burmese words with the initial weak syllable /ə/.

注释 编辑

  1. ^ Hammarström, Harald; Forkel, Robert; Haspelmath, Martin; Bank, Sebastian (编). Shan. Glottolog 2.7. Jena: Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History. 2016. 

参考文献 编辑

  • The Major Languages of East and South-East Asia. Bernard Comrie (London, 1990).
  • A Guide to the World's Languages. Merritt Ruhlen (Stanford, 1991).
  • Shan for English Speakers. Irving I. Glick & Sao Tern Moeng (Dunwoody Press, Wheaton, 1991).
  • Shan - English Dictionary. Sao Tern Moeng (Dunwoody Press, Kensington, 1995).
  • An English and Shan Dictionary. H. W. Mix (American Baptist Mission Press, Rangoon, 1920; Revised edition by S.H.A.N., Chiang Mai, 2001).
  • Grammar of the Shan Language. J. N. Cushing (American Baptist Mission Press, Rangoon, 1887).

延伸阅读 编辑

  • Sai Kam Mong. The History and Development of the Shan Scripts. Chiang Mai, Thailand: Silkworm Books, 2004. ISBN 974-9575-50-4

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