
猶太人離開穆斯林世界是指20世纪(1948年至1970年代初為主),大约900000犹太人因為各種原因離開非洲亚洲穆斯林世界以色列独立宣言是導致猶太人離開穆斯林世界的重要原因。伊朗伊斯蘭革命爆發後,伊朗境內的猶太人離開伊朗。此後穆斯林世界的猶太人人口就非常少。据估计,这些離開穆斯林世界的犹太人中至少有650000(72%)人前往以色列定居。 [1]

20世纪初,一些定居在中东穆斯林世界(例如也门和叙利亚)的犹太人移民到巴勒斯坦地區[2]英国托管巴勒斯坦期间,来自穆斯林世界的犹太人移民比較少。 [3] 1948年以色列独立之前,大约有800000犹太人生活在阿拉伯世界。其中,近三分之二生活在法国和意大利控制下的北非地区,15-20%生活在伊拉克王國,约10%生活在埃及王國,约7%生活在葉門穆塔瓦基利亞王國。另有200000犹太人在伊朗王國土耳其境內定居。

20世纪40年代末和1950年代初爆發第一波穆斯林世界猶太人移民潮,許多猶太人離開伊拉克、也门和利比亚。 [4] 1948年至1951年间, 有260000犹太人離開阿拉伯世界前往以色列。 [5]以色列政府決定接納他們。 [6]

1956年第二次中东战争爆發後,許多埃及猶太人離開埃及。20世纪60年代,又有許多猶太人離開北非。此時黎巴嫩是唯一一个犹太人人口有所增加的阿拉伯国家,不過到了20世纪70年代中期,黎巴嫩的犹太人人口也有所减少。截至1972 年,已有600000犹太人離開阿拉伯和穆斯林国家前往以色列, [7][8][9] ,另有300000人前往法国和美国。這導致來自中东地区的犹太人(米兹拉希犹太人塞法迪犹太人)占以色列总人口的一半以上。 [10] 截至2009年,只有26000名犹太人依然留在阿拉伯国家和伊朗, [11]另有26000名猶太人依然留在土耳其。 [12] 截至2019年,阿拉伯国家和伊朗的犹太人人口又下降至12,700人, [13] 土耳其的猶太人人口下降至14,800。 [14]


  1. ^ Beker 2005,第4頁.
  2. ^ Simon, Laskier & Reguer 2003: "Before the 1940s only two communities, Yemen and Syria, made substantial aliyah."
  3. ^ Picard 2018,第4頁: "In fact, few Jews from Muslim countries immigrated to Palestine during the years of the British Mandate.
  4. ^ Aharoni, Ada. The Forced Migration of Jews from Arab Countries. Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice (Routledge). 2003, 15 (1): 53–60 [2024-01-17]. S2CID 145345386. doi:10.1080/1040265032000059742. (原始内容存档于2017-10-10). 
  5. ^ Shindler, Colin. A History of modern Israel. Cambridge University Press 2008. pp. 63–64.
  6. ^ Hakohen, Devorah. Immigrants in Turmoil: Mass Immigration to Israel and Its Repercussions in the 1950s and After. Syracuse University Press. 2003: 46. ISBN 978-0-8156-2969-6. After independence, the government presented the Knesset with a plan to double the Jewish population within four years. This meant bringing in 600000 immigrants in a four-year period. or 150000 per year. Absorbing 150000 newcomers annually under the trying conditions facing the new state was a heavy burden indeed. Opponents in the Jewish Agency and the government of mass immigration argued that there was no justification for organizing large-scale emigration among Jews whose lives were not in danger, particularly when the desire and motivation were not their own. 
  7. ^ Schwartz, Adi. All I Wanted was Justice. Haaretz. 4 January 2008 [14 November 2010]. (原始内容存档于20 March 2016). 
  8. ^ Malka Hillel Shulewitz, The Forgotten Millions: The Modern Jewish Exodus from Arab Lands, Continuum 2001, pp. 139 and 155.
  9. ^ Ada Aharoni "The Forced Migration of Jews from Arab Countries 互联网档案馆存檔,存档日期13 February 2012., Historical Society of Jews from Egypt website. Accessed 1 February 2009.
  10. ^ Tucker, Spencer C.; Roberts, Priscilla. The Encyclopedia of the Arab-Israeli Conflict: A Political, Social, and Military History [4 volumes]: A Political, Social, and Military History. ABC-CLIO. 12 May 2008. ISBN 978-1-85109-842-2. 
  11. ^ The Rebirth of the Middle East, Jerry M. Rosenberg, Hamilton Books, 2009, page 44
  12. ^ Turkish – Jewish Friendship Over 500 Years. [13 November 2014]. (原始内容存档于2014-08-17). 
  13. ^ Jewish Population of the World. www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org. [2 July 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-13). 
  14. ^ Jewish Population of the World. www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org. [2 July 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-13). 

