
French aviator René Fonck (1894-1953) with his medals in 1918.

The term ace (now commonly flying ace) was first used by French newspapers during World War I, describing Adolphe Pégoud as l'as ('the ace'), after he downed five German aircraft. When aircraft began to shoot or force down other aircraft, systems to count "air victories" were subsequently developed. The American qualification of five victories eventually became the standard, even though other air services had previously used differing figures.[1]

While "ace" status was most often won by fighter pilots, bomber and reconnaissance crews, and observers in two-seater aircraft such as the Bristol F.2b ("Bristol Fighter"), also destroyed enemy aircraft. If a two-seater aircraft destroyed an aircraft, both crew members were credited with a victory. Because pilots usually teamed with differing observer/gunners in two-seater aircraft, an observer might be an ace when his pilot was not, and vice versa.[2] The few aces among combat aviators have historically accounted for the majority of air-to-air victories in military history.[3]

Loss of records by mischance and the passage of time complicates reconstructing the actual count for given aces. The scores presented in the list cannot be definitive, but are based on itemized lists that are the best available sources of information.[4] Aces are listed after verifying the date and location of combat, and the foe vanquished, for every victory accredited by an aviator's home air service using their own aerial victory standards. Those victories for which the evidence is unavailable or fragmentary have been excluded from the victory count.




姓名 軍階 擊落次數 所屬中隊 註釋
勒內·豐克 中尉 75[5] SPA103
喬治·吉内梅 上尉 53[6] CdeLd'h, MM(Fr), CdeG, DSO, OLII
夏爾·南熱塞 中尉 43[7] CdeLd'h, MM(Fr), CdeG, DSC, MC, BCdeG, DSC(US)
喬治·馬東 上尉 41[8] CdeLd'h, MM(Fr), CdeG
莫里斯·布瓦約 中尉 35[9] CdeLd'h, MM(Fr), CdeG
米歇爾·夸法爾 34[10] CdeLd'h, MM(Fr), MC
萊昂·布雅德 中尉 28[11] CdeLd'h, CdeG
阿爾芒·潘薩爾 上尉 27[12] CdeLd'h, MM(Fr), CdeG, MC
勒內·多爾姆 中尉 23[13] CdeLd'h, MM(Fr), CdeG
加布里埃爾·介朗 23[14] CdeLd'h, MM(Fr), CdeG
馬塞爾·埃熱蘭 22[15] CdeLd'h, MM(Fr), CdeG
皮埃爾·馬里諾維奇 22[16] CdeLd'h, MM(Fr), CdeG
阿爾弗雷德·厄爾托 21[17] CdeLd'h, CdeG
阿爾貝·德蘭 20[18] CdeLd'h, CdeG
雅克·埃利克 19 Médaille militaire, Croix de Guerre[19]
亨利·艾·德·斯拉德 19 Légion d'honneur, Croix de Guerre with 14 Palmes, Belgian Croix de guerre, British Military Cross, Italian Croix de la Couronne[20]
貝爾納·巴尼·德·羅馬內 18 Légion d'honneur, Médaille militaire, Croix de Guerre with ten Palmes and three étoiles de vermeil[21]
讓·沙皮 16 Légion d'honneur, Médaille militaire, Croix de Guerre with 11 Palmes, Belgian Croix de guerre, British Military Cross[22]
拉烏爾·吕夫貝里 16 French Légion d'honneur, Médaille militaire, and Croix de Guerre with ten Palmes, British Military Medal, Montenegrin Medal for Military Valor.[23]
阿爾芒·德·蒂雷納 15 Légion d'honneur, Croix de Guerre with 11 Palmes and an étoile de bronze, British Military Cross, Belgian Croix de guerre, Italian Croce di guerre[24]
吉爾貝·薩迪耶 15 Légion d'honneur, Médaille militaire, Croix de Guerre with nine Palmes, an étoile de vermeil, and an étoile d'argent, British Military Cross [25]
馬里于斯·安布羅吉 14 Légion d'honneur, Médaille militaire, Croix de Guerre with ten Palmes and a star[26]
讓·卡薩萊 13 Légion d'honneur, Médaille militaire, Croix de Guerre with nine Palmes[27]
奧梅爾·德默爾德 13 Légion d'honneur, Médaille militaire, Croix de Guerre with seven Palmes and two Étoiles[28]
埃克托爾·加羅 13 Légion d'honneur, Médaille militaire, Croix de Guerre with eight Palmes and two Étoiles[29]
馬塞爾·諾蓋斯 13 Légion d'honneur, Croix de Guerre with 12 Palmes[30]
貝爾納·阿蒂戈 12 Légion d'honneur, Médaille militaire, Croix de Guerre with nine Palmes, Belgian Croix de guerre
古斯塔夫·達拉第 12 Légion d'honneur, Médaille militaire, Croix de Guerre with nine Palmes. Also Chevalier du Ouissam Alaouite, Officier du Nichan Iftikar[31]
格札維埃·德·塞萬 12 Légion d'honneur, Croix de Guerre with nine Palmes, British Order of the British Empire[32]
費爾南·居尤 12 Légion d'honneur, Médaille militaire, Croix de Guerre[33]
馬塞爾·于格 12 Légion d'honneur, Croix de Guerre with eight Palmes, British Military Cross. Lieutenant Colonel in World War II.[34]
呂西安·雅耶 12 Légion d'honneur, Médaille militaire[35]
阿德里安·萊普 12 Légion d'honneur, Croix de Guerre with nine Palmes, 1939-45 Croix de Guerre, British Military Cross. Lieutenant colonel in World War II[36]
夏爾·馬塞 12 Médaille militaire, Croix de Guerre with seven Palmes[37]
讓·納瓦爾 12 Légion d'honneur, Médaille militaire, Croix de Guerre with 12 Palmes[38]
夏爾·尼維爾 12 Légion d'honneur, Croix de Guerre with five Palmes and five Étoiles de vermeil, Belgian Croix de guerre, Italian Medal of Valor. Lieutenant colonel in World War II[39]
保羅·塔拉斯孔 12 Légion d'honneur, Médaille militaire, Croix de Guerre with 12 Palmes. Colonel during World War II[40]
保羅·瓦丹格通 12 Légion d'honneur, Croix de Guerre with five Palmes plus an Étoile de vermeil, an Étoile d'argent, and an Étoile de bronze[41]
阿蒙·貝特洛 11 Légion d'honneur, Médaille militaire, Croix de Guerre with ten Palmes and an Étoile de bronze[42]
讓·布耶 11 Légion d'honneur, Médaille militaire, Croix de Guerre with eight Palmes and an Étoile d'argent, British Distinguished Conduct Medal[43]
讓·博宗-韋迪拉 11 Légion d'honneur, Médaille militaire, Croix de Guerre with eight Palmes plus and two Étoiles de vermeil and an Étoile de bronze, Russian Cross of Saint George fourth class[44]
安德烈·謝納 11 Légion d'honneur, Médaille militaire, Croix de Guerre with nine Palmes and an Étoile de bronze[45]
安德烈·埃貝蘭 11 Légion d'honneur, Médaille militaire, Croix de Guerre with seven Palmes[46]
威廉·埃里松 11 Légion d'honneur, Médaille militaire, Croix de Guerre[47]
馬克西姆·勒努瓦 11 Légion d'honneur, Médaille militaire, Croix de Guerre with eight Palmes[48]
埃內斯特·莫努里 11 Légion d'honneur, Croix de Guerre with seven Palmes and an Étoile de vermeil[49]
勒內·蒙特里永 11 Médaille militaire, Croix de Guerre with seven Palmes and an Étoile de vermeil[50]
雅克·奧爾托利 11 Légion d'honneur, Médaille militaire, Croix de Guerre with seven Palmes and two Étoiles de bronze, British Military Cross, Belgian Croix de guerre[51]
莫里斯·比佐 10[52]
呂西安·加塞爾 10[52]
奧古斯特·拉烏勒 style="text-align:left;" 10[52]
讓·珀宗 style="text-align:left;" 10[52]
夏爾·凱特 style="text-align:left;" 10[52]
洛朗·吕昂普 style="text-align:left;" 10[52]
費爾南·博納東 style="background:#e3d9ff;" 9[53]
亞歷山大·布勒蒂永 style="text-align:left;" 9[53]
阿蒂爾·科阿杜 style="text-align:left;" 9[53]
泰奧菲勒·孔德米纳 style="text-align:left;" 9[53]
馬塞爾·多梅 style="text-align:left;" 9[53]
古斯塔夫·杜希 style="text-align:left;" 9[53]
勒內·杜西内勒 style="text-align:left;" 9[53]
喬治·拉克馬 style="text-align:left;" 9[53]
讓·馬東 style="text-align:left;" 9[53]
亨利·佩罗诺 style="text-align:left;" 9[53]
馬蒂厄·德拉圖爾 style="text-align:left;" 9[53]
馬塞爾·維亞萊 style="text-align:left;" 9[53]


  1. ^ 此顏色連同劍標 †,代表該名飛行員在戰爭期間陣亡失蹤、死於傷勢或意外死亡。


  1. ^ Maksel, Rebecca. What does it take to become an "ace"?. Need to Know. Air & Space Magazine. 7 April 2008 [20 October 2009].  [失效連結]
  2. ^ Franks, Bailey & Guest 1993,第10頁
  3. ^ Dunnigan 2003,第149頁
  4. ^ Shores, Franks & Guest 1990,第7頁
  5. ^ Guttman 2002,第20頁.
  6. ^ Franks, 2000. pp. 43–44
  7. ^ Franks, 2000. pp. 56–58
  8. ^ Franks, 2000. p. 51
  9. ^ Franks, 2000. pp. 60–61
  10. ^ Guttman, 2002. p. 93
  11. ^ Guttman, 2002. pp. 65–66
  12. ^ Franks, 2000. pp. 61–62
  13. ^ Franks, 2000. pp. 44–45
  14. ^ Guttman, 2002. pp. 11, 91
  15. ^ Guttman, 2002. p. 18
  16. ^ Guttman, 2002. p. 31–32
  17. ^ Franks, 2000. p. 45
  18. ^ Franks, 2000. p. 46
  19. ^ Franks & Bailey 1992,第157-158頁.
  20. ^ Franks & Bailey, 1992, p. 175.
  21. ^ Franks & Bailey, 1992, pp.117-118.
  22. ^ Franks & Bailey, 1992, pp. 131-132.
  23. ^ Franks & Bailey, 1992, pp. 56-57.
  24. ^ Franks & Bailey 1992,第148-149頁.
  25. ^ Franks & Bailey 1992,第217頁.
  26. ^ Franks & Bailey 1992, pp. 112-113.
  27. ^ Franks & Bailey 1992, pp. 128-129.
  28. ^ Franks & Bailey 1992, pp. 145-146.
  29. ^ Franks & Bailey 1992, pp. 162-163.
  30. ^ Franks & Bailey 1992, pp. 196-197.
  31. ^ Franks & Bailey 1992, pp. 137-138.
  32. ^ Franks & Bailey 1992, p. 148.
  33. ^ Franks & Bailey 1992, p. 172.
  34. ^ Franks & Bailey 1992, pp. 178-179.
  35. ^ Franks & Bailey 1992, pp. 179.
  36. ^ Franks & Bailey 1992, pp. 184-185.
  37. ^ Franks & Bailey 1992, pp. 187-188.
  38. ^ Franks & Bailey 1992, pp. 197-198.
  39. ^ Franks & Bailey 1992, pp. 199-200.
  40. ^ Franks & Bailey 1992, p. 220.
  41. ^ Franks & Bailey 1992, pp. 225-226.
  42. ^ Franks & Bailey 1992, pp. 119.
  43. ^ Franks & Bailey 1992, pp. 123-124.
  44. ^ Franks & Bailey 1992, pp. 125.
  45. ^ Franks & Bailey 1992, pp. 130-131.
  46. ^ Franks & Bailey 1992, p. 176.
  47. ^ Franks & Bailey 1992, p. 176-177.
  48. ^ Franks & Bailey 1992, p. 183-184.
  49. ^ Franks & Bailey 1992, p. 193-194.
  50. ^ Franks & Bailey 1992, pp. 195-196.
  51. ^ Franks & Bailey 1992, pp. 200-201.
  52. ^ 52.0 52.1 52.2 52.3 52.4 52.5 Franks & Bailey 1992
  53. ^ 53.00 53.01 53.02 53.03 53.04 53.05 53.06 53.07 53.08 53.09 53.10 53.11 引用错误:没有为名为FranksBailey1992的参考文献提供内容


  • Dunnigan, James F. How to Make War: A Comprehensive Guide to Modern Warfare in the Twenty-first Century. HarperCollins. 2003. ISBN 978-0-060090-12-8. 
  • Durkota, Allen; Darcey, Thomas; Kulikov, Victor. The Imperial Russian Air Service: Famous Pilots and Aircraft of World War I. Mountain View: Flying Machines Press. 1995. ISBN 978-0-060090-12-8. 
  • Franks, Norman; Bailey, Frank W.; Guest, Russell. Above the Lines: The Aces and Fighter Units of the German Air Service, Naval Air Service and Flanders Marine Corps, 1914–1918. Oxford: Grub Street. 1993. ISBN 978-0-948817-73-1. 
  • Franks, Norman. Sopwith Pup Aces of World War I. Aircraft of the Aces, No. 67. Oxford: Osprey Publishing. 2005. ISBN 978-1-841768-86-1. 
  • Franks, Norman; Guest, Russell; Alegi, Gregory. Above the War Fronts: The British Two-seater Bomber Pilot and Observer Aces, the British Two-seater Fighter Observer Aces, and the Belgian, Italian, Austro-Hungarian and Russian Fighter Aces, 1914–1918. Oxford: Grub Street. 1997. ISBN 978-1-898697-56-5. 
  • Franks, Norman; Bailey, Frank W. Over the Front: A Complete Record of the Fighter Aces and Units of the United States and French Air Services, 1914–1918. Oxford: Grub Street. 1992. ISBN 978-0-948817-54-0. 
  • Guttman, Jon. Pusher Aces of World War 1. Aircraft of the Aces, No. 88. Oxford: Osprey Publishing. 2009. ISBN 978-1-846034-17-6. 
  • Guttman, Jon. Spad VII Aces of World War I. Aircraft of the Aces, No. 39. Oxford: Osprey Publishing. 2001. ISBN 978-1-841762-22-7. 
  • Kulikov, Victor. Russian Aces of World War 1. Aircraft of the Aces, No. 111. Oxford: Osprey Publishing. 2013. ISBN 978-1-780960-61-6. 
  • Newton, Dennis. Australian Air Aces: Australian Fighter Pilots in Combat. Motorbooks International. 1996. ISBN 978-1-875671-25-0. 
  • Pieters, Walter M. Above Flanders Fields: A Complete Record of the Belgian Fighter Pilots and Their Units During the Great War. Oxford: Grub Street. 1998. ISBN 978-1-898697-83-1. 
  • Shores, Christopher. British and Empire Aces of World War I. Aircraft of the Aces, No. 45. Oxford: Osprey Publishing. 2001. ISBN 978-1-84176-377-4. 
  • Shores, Christopher; Franks, Norman; Guest, Russell. Above the Trenches: A Complete Record of the Fighter Aces and Units of the British Empire Air Forces 1915–1920. Oxford: Grub Street. 1990. ISBN 978-0-948817-19-9. 
  • Shores, Christopher; Franks, Norman; Guest, Russell. Above the Trenches Supplement: A Complete Record of the Fighter Aces and Units of the British Empire Air Forces. Oxford: Grub Street. 1996. ISBN 978-1-898697-39-8.