

Richard Yates
国籍  美国
代表作革命之路英语Revolutionary Road》(1961年)
十一种孤独英语Eleven Kinds of Loneliness》(1962年)
复活节游行英语The Easter Parade》(1976年)
受影响于斯科特·菲茨杰拉德欧内斯特·海明威J·D·塞林格古斯塔夫·福楼拜查尔斯·狄更斯列夫·托尔斯泰林·拉德纳英语Ring Lardner安东·契诃夫约瑟夫·康拉德费奥多尔·陀思妥耶夫斯基E·M·福克斯特凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德辛克莱·刘易斯狄兰·托马斯詹姆斯·乔伊斯约翰·济慈
施影响于安得烈·杜布斯英语Andre Dubus雷蒙德·卡佛罗伯特·斯通英语Robert Stone (novelist)斯图尔特·奥南英语Stewart O'Nan托拜厄斯·沃尔夫迈克尔·谢朋威廉·斯蒂伦英语William Styron理查德·福特安·贝蒂英语Ann Beattie[1]锺芭·拉希莉[2]林韬[3]

理查德·耶茨(英语:Richard Yates,1926年2月3日—1992年11月7日)是一位美国小说家。他的处女作《革命之路英语Revolutionary Road》出版后即获1962年美国国家图书奖提名,首部短篇小说集《十一种孤独英语Eleven Kinds of Loneliness》则常与詹姆斯·乔伊斯的《都柏林人》相较。但评论界的赞誉并未在耶茨生前带给他商业上的成功,直到他去世后,部分得益于斯图尔特·奥南英语Stewart O'Nan1999年发表在波士顿评论英语Boston Review的文章、布莱克·贝利英语Blake Bailey创作于2003年的耶茨传记,以及改编自耶茨同名小说的2008年奥斯卡奖提名和金球奖获奖电影《革命之路》,耶茨的作品才再次受到公众关注。



1926年2月3日,理查德·耶茨出生于纽约州扬克斯,父亲文森特·耶茨(Vincent Yates)是通用电气的推销员,母亲露丝·莫勒·耶茨(Ruth Maurer Yates)则是一位雕塑家。耶茨三岁时父母离异,而后他跟随母亲生活,童年时期频繁辗转于不同城镇的居所。他于1941年入读康涅狄格州埃文老农场学校英语Avon Old Farms School,期间开始对新闻学和写作产生兴趣。自埃文毕业后,耶茨应征入伍,作为步兵参与在法国和德国的战斗,直到1946年返回美国,于纽约寻找工作。[4][5]

在纽约期间,耶茨于合众通讯社的财务部门担任改写员,并曾短暂为时任司法部长罗伯特·肯尼迪的演讲稿捉刀,后来成为雷明顿兰德公司的宣传作家。[6]1950年,耶茨被诊断出患有肺结核,因而获得退伍军人残疾抚恤金,随后两年他搬到英国和法国生活,并决定成为职业小说家。回到纽约后,耶茨以自由撰稿人身份继续供职于雷明顿兰德公司,期间持续创作短篇小说,同时着手撰写他的首部长篇小说《革命之路英语Revolutionary Road》。《革命之路》于1961年出版后广受好评,更获美国国家图书奖提名,耶茨的才华也得到评论家们的认可。[5] In 1962, he wrote the screenplay for a film adaptation of William Styron's Lie Down in Darkness. He subsequently taught writing at Columbia University, the New School for Social Research,[4] Boston University (where his papers are archived),[7] at the University of Iowa Writer's Workshop, at Wichita State University, the University of Southern California Master of Professional Writing Program, and at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa.[8]

In 1948, he married Sheila Bryant, the daughter of Marjorie Gilhooley Bryant and British actor Charles Bryant, who lived with Broadway actress and silent-film star Alla Nazimova from 1912 to 1925 during the height of her wealth and fame. Richard and Sheila Yates had two daughters, Sharon and Monica, before divorcing in 1959. Richard remarried Martha Speer in 1968 and they had a daughter, Gina.[9] In 1992, he died of emphysema and complications from minor surgery in Birmingham, Alabama.[10]





Yates's fiction was autobiographical in nature and his fiction included much of his own life. Yates was born in 1926, making him 17 in 1943, the same age as William Grove in A Good School; he was 29 in 1955, the same age as Frank Wheeler in Revolutionary Road; and he was 36 in 1962, the age of Emily Grimes in The Easter Parade.[11]

Yates's first novel, Revolutionary Road, was a finalist for the National Book Award that year (alongside Joseph Heller's Catch-22, J. D. Salinger's Franny and Zooey, and the winning novel, Walker Percy's The Moviegoer). Yates was championed by writers as diverse as Kurt Vonnegut, Dorothy Parker, William Styron, Tennessee Williams and John Cheever. Yates's brand of realism was a direct influence on writers such as Andre Dubus, Raymond Carver and Richard Ford.[4]

For much of his life, Yates's work met almost universal critical acclaim, yet not one of his books sold over 12,000 copies in hardcover first edition.[12] All of his novels were out of print in the years after his death, though his reputation has substantially increased posthumously and many of his novels have since been reissued in new editions. This current success can be largely traced to the influence of Stewart O'Nan's 1999 essay in the Boston Review, "The Lost World of Richard Yates: How the great writer of the Age of Anxiety disappeared from print".

With the revival of interest in Yates's life and work after his death, Blake Bailey published the first in-depth biography of Yates, A Tragic Honesty: The Life and Work of Richard Yates (2003). Film director Sam Mendes directed Revolutionary Road, a 2008 film based on the 1961 novel of the same name. The film was nominated for BAFTAs, Golden Globes, Academy Awards, and others. Kate Winslet thanked Richard Yates for writing such a powerful novel and providing such a strong role for a woman while accepting a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress for her role in the film.[13]



耶茨同时也是一位倍受赞誉的短篇小说作家。他的首部短篇小说集《十一种孤独英语Eleven Kinds of Loneliness》在处女作《革命之路 (小说)英语Revolutionary Road》发表一年后即问世。《十一种孤独》常被认为可与乔伊斯的《都柏林人》相媲美(除其中一个故事外,所有的故事都发生在纽约市各行政区及其周边地区,而乔伊斯的故事则发生在都柏林)并在小说作家圈中享有崇高地位,尽管相对大众来说仍是默默无闻。后来罗伯特·托尔斯(Robert Towers)在《纽约时报》上发表的一篇文章曾称赞此作:“无遗地展现了那些你能够在纽约皇后区厚厚的电话薄里随便翻到名字的小人物们极力捍卫个人尊严的努力和从而却招致的更大耻辱”。[14]

距离首作问世将近20年之后,耶茨的第二部短篇小说集《恋爱中的骗子英语Liars in Love》发表于1981年,再次收获了评论界的热烈反响。为《纽约时报》撰稿的克里斯托弗·李曼赫普特英语Christopher Lehmann-Haupt称此作为“巧夺天工”,并断定道“这部小说集中的每一处细节都将会在读者的记忆中长久地保持鲜活”。[15]

Despite this, only one of Yates' short stories ever appeared in 《纽约客》 (after repeated rejections), and this was done posthumously. "The Canal" was published in the magazine nine years after the author's death, to celebrate the 2001 release of The Collected Stories of Richard Yates, a collection that was again met with great critical fanfare.
















  • 1969年:《雷玛根大桥》(The Bridge at Remagen)(剧本)
  • 1985年:《在黑暗中躺下》(Lie Down In Darkness)(未拍摄剧本)
  • 2008年:《革命之路》(Revolutionary Road)


  1. ^ Beattie, Ann. Out of Oblivion / A writer rejoices that Richard Yates' stories are back in print. SFGate. 2001-05-06 [2022-03-23]. 
  2. ^ The Hum Inside the Skull, Revisited. The New York Times. 2005-01-16 [2022-03-23]. 
  3. ^ Lin, Tao. Tao Lin Asks, and Answers, Four Questions. The Rumpus英语The Rumpus. 2010-08-08 [2022-03-23]. 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Bailey, Blake. A Tragic Honesty: The Life and Work of Richard Yates. New York: Picador英语Picador (imprint). 2003. ISBN 978-03-1228-721-4. OCLC 51040212. 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Keene, Ann T. Yates, Richard (03 February 1926–07 November 1992), writer. American National Biography英语American National Biography. 2005-09 [2022-03-23]. 
  6. ^ Ford, Richard. Essay; American Beauty (Circa 1955). The New York Times Book Review (The New York Times Company). 2000-04-09 [2022-03-23]. 
  7. ^ Drinking With Dick Yates. The North American Review. May–August 2001: 75. 
  8. ^ Bradfield, Scott. Follow the long and revolutionary road. (原始内容存档于2009-02-14). 
  9. ^ Naparsteck, Martin, Richard Yates Up Close: The Writer and His Works, McFarland, Dec 22, 2011
  10. ^ Pace, Eric. Richard Yates, Novelist, 66, Dies; Chronicler of Disappointed Lives. The New York Times (The New York Times Company). 1992-11-09 [2008-03-31]. 
  11. ^ Naparsteck, Martin. Richard Yates Up Close. NC, uSA: McFarland. 2012: 15. ISBN 978-0-7864-6059-5. 
  12. ^ A Fresh Twist in the Road For Novelist Richard Yates, a Specialist in Grim Irony, Late Fame's a Wicked Return. Los Angeles Times. 1989-07-09. 
  13. ^ Revolutionary Road –通过www.imdb.com. 
  14. ^ Tower, Robert. Richard Yates and His Unhappy People. The New York Times. 1981-11-01. 
  15. ^ Lehmann-Haupt, Christopher. Books of the Times. The New York Times. 1981-10-15. 
  16. ^ Film Review: Revolutionary Road, Peter Bradshaw, Guardian, 2009 Jan 30
  17. ^ Williams, John. Slippery Nate: Adelle Waldman Talks About ‘The Love Affairs of Nathaniel P.'. The New York Times. 2013-07-17. 
  18. ^ Bailey, Blake. A Tragic Honesty: The Life and Work of Richard Yates. Picador, 2003.
  19. ^ (December 1, 2011). "Larry David's Rough Night Out With The Aging Literary Lion". The Awl. Retrieved on May 21, 2014
  20. ^ The Collected Stories of Richard Yates by Richard Yates. www.penguin.co.uk. 



