

异性恋(英语:Heterosexuality)亦称为异恋(异恋性向)、异性向[注 1]异性爱[注 2],一般指对异性(包括生理性别及性别认同为当事人的异性)产生爱慕感、能与之建立浪漫关系,或认为异性拥有性吸引力的一种现象。把异性恋视作性倾向时,其定义则为“一种对异性产生的持久情感、喜爱、爱情和/或性吸引力的模式”;它“亦指人的一种性认同——该认同依据这些因素而作出:受到异性吸引、相关行为、其他同样受到异性吸引的人所组成的群体”[1][2]。异性恋在某些情况下会被称为“直”。






“Hetero-” 一词源自希腊语“ἕτερος”(héteros),即“他者”或“他人”[11]。在科学应用上,“Hetero-”此一前缀即解作“不同”[12]

当今对于“heterosexual”的应用源于19世纪的人格分类学。卡尔·玛丽亚·克尔特贝尼英语Karl Maria Kertbeny于1869年创造了“heterosexual”和“homosexual”(同性恋)这两个字词[13]。在十九世纪末,没什么人会使用这两个字词,直到理查德·克拉夫特·埃宾英语Richard von Krafft-Ebing和艾伯特·莫尔于1890年左右重新引入之,有关情况才得以改变[13]。从1920年代早期开始,不少专著皆会采用该一名词 ,但大众在1960年代开始才广泛应用之。俗称“hetero”最早可追溯到1933年。而抽象名词“heterosexuality”则最早见于1900年[14]。“heterosexual” 一词亦收录于梅里厄姆-韦伯斯特的1923年版《新国际词典》(New International Dictionary),当中视之为一个医学用语,指的是“对于异性的病态迷恋”;不过在1934年推出的“第二版(未删节本)”当中,其定义为“对于异性的性激情体现;正常的性” [15]




贝利(Bailey)等人在2016年发表了一篇综述,于当中估计指“在所有文化中,绝大多数人都认为只有异性才有性吸引力(即异性恋)”,而且“性取向人口统计会随着时间地点而出现很大差异”的说法没有得到令人说服的证据证明[3]。 一男一女之间的异性性行为仍是最为普遍的性社交(sociosexual)行为[4]




年龄/性别 异性恋 非异性恋 不知道/拒绝回答
18–29 90.1% 6.4% 3.5%
30–49 93.6% 3.2% 3.2%
50–64 93.1% 2.6% 4.3%
65+ 91.5% 1.9% 6.5%
18–29,女性 88.0% 8.3% 3.8%
18–29,男性 92.1% 4.6% 3.3%











研究者已对脑部男性化的神经生物机转进行了不少研究。5α还原酶会把雌二醇睾酮催化成双氢睾酮,其在脑部扮演着雄激素受体的角色,使之男性化。若某人的雄激素受体过少(雄性素不敏感症候群英语androgen insensitivity syndrome患者)或雄激素过多(患有先天性肾上腺增生症的女性),那么其生心理皆会受到影响[33]。部分研究认为异性恋男性和异性恋女性皆为此一过程之结果[34]。 在这些研究中,女同性恋者的男性化程度比起女异性恋者为高。而有关异性恋男性的研究结果则出现矛盾。有些研究显示其男性化程度比男同性恋者为高,亦有的显示较低的男性化水平。







性取向和性取向认同在很多时候并没有好好区分开来,而这点可以影响研究者能否准确评估当事人的性向认同,以及性取向能否改变;性向认同可以在人的一生中出现变化,而其可符合,亦可不符合当事人的生物性别、性行为、实际的性取向[39][40][41]。性取向则为恒定的,绝大多数人的性取向不会出现任何变化 。不过仍有研究显示一些人的性取向确会出现改变,女性比男性更容易出现这种情况[42]。美国心理学会把性取向(认为特定性别具有恒久的吸引力)和性向认同(在某人一生中可出现变化)区分开来[43]


丽莎·M·戴蒙德英语Lisa M. Diamond在一项2年跨度的研究中研究了80名非异性恋的青少年女性(16-23岁),结果显示过半研究对象不只一次地改变了自己的性向认同。其中三分之一在两年的追踪内改变了自身的性向认向。戴蒙德总结道:“尽管(特定性别对于对象的)吸引力是相对稳定的,但性认同和行为则有着更多的流动性”[45]













若没有其他性取向作对照物,那么异性恋一词则没有需要创造出来。乔纳森·内德·卡茨(Jonathan Ned Katz)将当今对于异性恋的定义追溯到19世纪末[49]。根据卡茨的观点,维多利亚时代的人只将性当作繁殖的一种手段,两性的性关系并不那么公开。身体则只是为了繁殖而存在的工具——“当时的人认为人的能量是封闭和严重受限的,故此与把之浪费在性享乐上相比,倒不如花多点时间于生儿育女和工作上”[49]

卡茨认为当代对于情色性的观念始于19世纪后期的德美两国。不断变化的经济和“家庭从生产者转变成消费者”[49] ,致使价值观出现改变。在维多利亚时代行之有效的伦理观开始出现变化,快乐成为一项拥有很高价值的事物,这使得人类性观念亦有所变化。消费者文化为情色创造了市场、快乐则成了一项商品。同时医师在性议题上更有影响力。他们把“正常的爱”放在医学框架下看待。按他们的定义,“正常的爱”是“男女关系新理想的一部分,其中包括基本的、必要的、正常的情欲”[49]。“维多利亚性变态”则为其反面——即任何不遵守性规范者。他们把健康正常的性吸引定为仅存于两性之间。“对于性反常的关注,产生给正常的性命名的需求,以更好地将他或她的‘一般性’,跟它的‘反常性’区分开来”[49]




世上很多宗教皆对异性婚姻持宽容态度,但当中亦有例外,比如某些佛教和印度教派别、一神普救派大都会社群教会英语Metropolitan Community Church、一些普世圣公宗教区、一些贵格会加拿大联合教会、犹太教内的改革派保守派 [50][51]

尽管几乎所有宗教皆容许一男一女在符合教义的情况下进行性行为,但亦有少数认为这是一种罪恶,比如震教徒和谐协会英语Harmony Society埃弗拉塔修道院英语Ephrata Cloister。它们认为所有形式的性关系皆为罪恶,并提倡独身。一些宗教认为只有担任某些特定职位的人才需要独身,比如天主教教士。不过天主教会认为异性婚姻是神圣而必要的[52]



异性恋本位是一种提倡异性恋是人们正常或首选性取向的世界观。它对于男女的性别角色有一定固化作用。迈克尔·华纳英语Michael Warner于1991年使此一用词更广为人知[53]。很多性与性别研究者认为强迫异性恋为异性恋本位的一个面向[54]。强迫异性恋是指一种想法,其认为“父权社会假定或强迫女性们一定要成为异性恋者”。在这种社会底下,人们会将异性恋视为两性的自然倾向或义务[55]


直人骄傲英语Straight pride是一句于1980年代后期至1990年代早期兴起的口号。社会保守主义者经常把之当作一种政见或政治策略使用[56]。 评论家指此一用语是用于回应LGBT人士于1970年代早期开始采用的“同志骄傲[57][58][59]


  1. ^ 有歧义,一为“不同的性向”,二为“异性恋性向”。
  2. ^ 日韩地区。




  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Sexual orientation, homosexuality and bisexuality. American Psychological Association. [2013-08-10]. (原始内容存档于2013-08-08). 
  2. ^ APA California Amicus Brief (PDF). Courtinfo.ca.gov. [2013-10-11]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2011-02-18). 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Bailey, J. Michael; Vasey, Paul; Diamond, Lisa; Breedlove, S. Marc; Vilain, Eric; Epprecht, Marc. Sexual Orientation, Controversy, and Science. Psychological Science in the Public Interest. 2016, 17 (2): 45–101 [2019-07-30]. PMID 27113562. doi:10.1177/1529100616637616. (原始内容存档于2020-04-14). 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 Human sexual activity - Sociosexual activity. Encyclopedia Britannica. [2019-12-21]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-08) (英语). 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Frankowski BL; American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Adolescence. Sexual orientation and adolescents. Pediatrics. 2004, 113 (6): 1827–32 [2019-07-30]. PMID 15173519. doi:10.1542/peds.113.6.1827. (原始内容存档于2013-03-20). 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 6.2 Lamanna, Mary Ann; Riedmann, Agnes; Stewart, Susan D. Marriages, Families, and Relationships: Making Choices in a Diverse Society. Cengage Learning. 2014: 82 [2016-02-11]. ISBN 978-1-305-17689-8. (原始内容存档于2016-11-30). The reason some individuals develop a gay sexual identity has not been definitively established  – nor do we yet understand the development of heterosexuality. The American Psychological Association (APA) takes the position that a variety of factors impact a person's sexuality. The most recent literature from the APA says that sexual orientation is not a choice that can be changed at will, and that sexual orientation is most likely the result of a complex interaction of environmental, cognitive and biological factors...is shaped at an early age...[and evidence suggests] biological, including genetic or inborn hormonal factors, play a significant role in a person's sexuality (American Psychological Association 2010). 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Gail Wiscarz Stuart. Principles and Practice of Psychiatric Nursing. Elsevier Health Sciences. 2014: 502 [2016-02-11]. ISBN 978-0-323-29412-6. (原始内容存档于2016-11-30). No conclusive evidence supports any one specific cause of homosexuality; however, most researchers agree that biological and social factors influence the development of sexual orientation. 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 Gloria Kersey-Matusiak. Delivering Culturally Competent Nursing Care. Springer Publishing Company. 2012: 169 [2016-02-10]. ISBN 978-0-8261-9381-0. (原始内容存档于2016-11-30). Most health and mental health organizations do not view sexual orientation as a 'choice.' 
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 LeVay, Simon. Gay, Straight, and the Reason Why: The Science of Sexual Orientation. Oxford University Press. 2017 [2019-07-30]. ISBN 9780199752966. (原始内容存档于2020-10-22). 
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 Balthazart, Jacques. The Biology of Homosexuality. Oxford University Press. 2012 [2019-07-30]. ISBN 9780199838820. (原始内容存档于2021-01-26). 
  11. ^ Klein, Ernest, A Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of the English Language: dealing with the origin of words and their sense development thus illustrating the history of civilization and culture, p. 345. Oxford: Elsevier, 2000
  12. ^ Hetero | Define Hetero at Dictionary.com. Dictionary.reference.com. [2016-07-07]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-04). 
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 Oosterhuis, Harry. Sexual Modernity in the Works of Richard von Krafft-Ebing and Albert Moll. Medical History. 2012-06-01, 56 (2): 133–155. PMC 3381524 . PMID 23002290. doi:10.1017/mdh.2011.30. 
  14. ^ Mills, Jonathan, Love, Covenant & Meaning, p. 22, Regent College Publishing, 1997.
  15. ^ Katz, Jonathan Ned (1995) The Invention of Heterosexuality, p. 92. New York, NY: Dutton (Penguin Books). ISBN 0-525-93845-1
  16. ^ "hetero." Dictionary.com Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 2012-05-12. Dictionary.com页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆).
  17. ^ hetero. Merriam-Webster. [2013-10-11]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-04). 
  18. ^ Henry, G. W. (1941). Sex Variants: A Study of Homosexual Patterns. New York: Paul B. Hoeber
  19. ^ Encyclopedia Of School Psychology - Page 298, T. Steuart Watson, Christopher H. Skinner - 2004
  20. ^ Laumann, E. O., Gagnon, J. H., Michael, R. T., & Michaels, S. (1994). The social organization of sexuality: Sexual practices in the United States. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.[页码请求]
  21. ^ Wellings, K., Field, J., Johnson, A., & Wadsworth, J. (1994). Sexual behavior in Britain: The national survey of sexual attitudes and lifestyles. London, UK: Penguin Books.[页码请求]
  22. ^ Bogaert AF. The prevalence of male homosexuality: the effect of fraternal birth order and variations in family size. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 2004, 230 (1): 33–7. PMID 15275997. doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2004.04.035.  Bogaert argues that: "The prevalence of male homosexuality is debated. One widely reported early estimate was 10% (e.g., Marmor, 1980; Voeller, 1990). Some recent data provided support for this estimate (Bagley and Tremblay, 1998), but most recent large national samples suggest that the prevalence of male homosexuality in modern western societies, including the United States, is lower than this early estimate (e.g., 1–2% in Billy et al., 1993; 2–3% in Laumann et al., 1994; 6% in Sell et al., 1995; 1–3% in Wellings et al., 1994). It is of note, however, that homosexuality is defined in different ways in these studies. For example, some use same-sex behavior and not same-sex attraction as the operational definition of homosexuality (e.g., Billy et al., 1993); many sex researchers (e.g., Bailey et al., 2000; Bogaert, 2003; Money, 1988; Zucker and Bradley, 1995) now emphasize attraction over overt behavior in conceptualizing sexual orientation." (p. 33) Also: "...the prevalence of male homosexuality (in particular, same-sex attraction) varies over time and across societies (and hence is a "moving target") in part because of two effects: (1) variations in fertility rate or family size; and (2) the fraternal birth order effect. Thus, even if accurately measured in one country at one time, the rate of male homosexuality is subject to change and is not generalizable over time or across societies." (p. 33)
  23. ^ 23.0 23.1 Hope, Debra A (编). Contemporary Perspectives on Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Identities. Nebraska Symposium on Motivation 54. 2009. ISBN 978-0-387-09555-4. doi:10.1007/978-0-387-09556-1. 
  24. ^ Sexual Behavior Levels Compared in Studies In Britain and France. nytimes.com. 1992-02-08. 
  25. ^ Sex uncovered poll: Homosexuality. Guardian. 2008-10-26 [2010-08-24]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-07). 
  26. ^ Harford, Tim. More or Less examines Office for National Statistics figures on gay, lesbian and bisexual people. BBC. 2010-10-01 [2021-02-16]. (原始内容存档于2015-11-05). 
  27. ^ Measuring Sexual Identity : Evaluation Report, 2010. Office for National Statistics. 2010-09-23 [2021-02-16]. (原始内容存档于2015-06-26). 
  28. ^ Gary Gates. How Many People are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender?. The Williams Institute. 2011 [2014-05-12]. (原始内容存档于2017-07-21). 
  29. ^ Gary Gates. How many people are lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender? (PDF). The Williams Institute: 1. 2011 [2021-02-16]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2015-04-25). 
  30. ^ Gates, Gary J.; Newport, Frank. Special Report: 3.4% of U.S. Adults Identify as LGBT. Gallup. 2012-10-18 [2015-01-13]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-02). 
  31. ^ Yougov report (PDF) (报告). Yougov. 2015-08-21 [2021-02-16]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2022-06-21). 
  32. ^ PDB 2AM9; Pereira de Jésus-Tran K, Côté PL, Cantin L, Blanchet J, Labrie F, Breton R. Comparison of crystal structures of human androgen receptor ligand-binding domain complexed with various agonists reveals molecular determinants responsible for binding affinity. Protein Sci. May 2006, 15 (5): 987–99. PMC 2242507 . PMID 16641486. doi:10.1110/ps.051905906. 
  33. ^ Vilain, E. (2000). Genetics of Sexual Development. Annual Review of Sex Research, 11:1–25
  34. ^ Wilson, G. and Rahman, Q., (2005). Born Gay. Chapter 5. London: Peter Owen Publishers
  35. ^ The Columbia Encyclopedia (Colum. Univ. Press, 5th ed. [casebound?] 1993 (ISBN 0-395-62438-X)), entry Reproduction.
  36. ^ Archived copy. [2016-01-24]. (原始内容存档于2011-12-22). 
  37. ^ Can Pregnancy Occur | Pregnancy Myths on How Pregnancy Occurs. Americanpregnancy.org. 2012-04-24 [2016-07-07]. (原始内容存档于2014-07-06). 
  38. ^ Lawyers Guide to Forensic Medicine SBN 978-1-85941-159-9 By Bernard Knight - Page 188 "Pregnancy is well known to occur from such external ejaculation ..."
  39. ^ Sinclair, Karen, About Whoever: The Social Imprint on Identity and Orientation, NY, 2013 ISBN 9780981450513
  40. ^ Rosario, M.; Schrimshaw, E.; Hunter, J.; Braun, L. Sexual identity development among lesbian, gay, and bisexual youths: Consistency and change over time. Journal of Sex Research. 2006, 43 (1): 46–58. PMC 3215279 . PMID 16817067. doi:10.1080/00224490609552298. 
  41. ^ Ross, Michael W.; Essien, E. James; Williams, Mark L.; Fernandez-Esquer, Maria Eugenia. Concordance Between Sexual Behavior and Sexual Identity in Street Outreach Samples of Four Racial/Ethnic Groups. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (American Sexually Transmitted Diseases Association). 2003, 30 (2): 110–113. PMID 12567166. doi:10.1097/00007435-200302000-00003. 
  42. ^ *Bailey, J. Michael; Vasey, Paul; Diamond, Lisa; Breedlove, S. Marc; Vilain, Eric; Epprecht, Marc. Sexual Orientation, Controversy, and Science. Psychological Science in the Public Interest. 2016, 17 (2): 45–101 [2019-07-30]. PMID 27113562. doi:10.1177/1529100616637616. (原始内容存档于2020-04-14). Sexual fluidity is situation-dependent flexibility in a person’s sexual responsiveness, which makes it possible for some individuals to experience desires for either men or women under certain circumstances regardless of their overall sexual orientation....We expect that in all cultures the vast majority of individuals are sexually predisposed exclusively to the other sex (i.e., heterosexual) and that only a minority of individuals are sexually predisposed (whether exclusively or non-exclusively) to the same sex. 
    • Dennis Coon, John O. Mitterer. Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behavior with Concept Maps and Reviews. Cengage Learning. 2012: 372 [2016-02-18]. ISBN 978-1111833633. Sexual orientation is a deep part of personal identity and is usually quite stable. Starting with their earliest erotic feelings, most people remember being attracted to either the opposite sex or the same sex. [...] The fact that sexual orientation is usually quite stable doesn't rule out the possibility that for some people sexual behavior may change during the course of a lifetime. 
    • Eric Anderson, Mark McCormack. Measuring and Surveying Bisexuality. The Changing Dynamics of Bisexual Men's Lives. Springer Science & Business Media. 2016: 47 [2019-06-22]. ISBN 978-3-319-29412-4. (原始内容存档于2021-08-24). [R]esearch suggests that women's sexual orientation is slightly more likely to change than men's (Baumeister 2000; Kinnish et al. 2005). The notion that sexual orientation can change over time is known as sexual fluidity. Even if sexual fluidity exists for some women, it does not mean that the majority of women will change sexual orientations as they age – rather, sexuality is stable over time for the majority of people. 
  43. ^ Appropriate Therapeutic Responses to Sexual Orientation (PDF). American Psychological Association: 63, 86. 2009 [2015-02-03]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2013-06-03). 
  44. ^ Mock, S. E.; Eibach, R. P. Stability and change in sexual orientation identity over a 10-year period in adulthood (PDF). Archives of Sexual Behavior. 2012, 41 (3): 641–648 [2021-02-17]. PMID 21584828. doi:10.1007/s10508-011-9761-1. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2020-06-29). 
  45. ^ Diamond, L. M. Sexual identity, attractions, and behavior among young sexual-minority women over a 2-year period (PDF). Developmental Psychology. 2000, 36 (2): 241–250 [2015-04-20]. PMID 10749081. doi:10.1037/0012-1649.36.2.241. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2010-06-10). 
  46. ^ Thompson, E.M.; Morgan, E.M. "Mostly straight" young women: Variations in sexual behavior and identity development. Developmental Psychology. 2008, 44 (1): 15–21. PMID 18194001. doi:10.1037/0012-1649.44.1.15. 
  47. ^ American Psychological Association: Resolution on Appropriate Affirmative Responses to Sexual Orientation Distress and Change Efforts页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  48. ^ "... the core of a family is a heterosexual couple who have children that they raise to adulthood - the so-called nuclear family." Encyclopedia of family health页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  49. ^ 49.0 49.1 49.2 49.3 49.4 Katz, Jonathan Ned. The Invention of Heterosexuality (PDF). Socialist Review. 1990, (20): 7–34 [2016-12-05]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2016-12-21). 
  50. ^ World Religions and Same Sex Marriage (PDF). Columbus School of Law. 2007-06-20 [2018-04-01]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2007-06-20). 
  51. ^ Affirming Congregations and Ministries of the United Church of Canada 互联网档案馆存档,存档日期2012-02-24.
  52. ^ [1] 互联网档案馆存档,存档日期2015-02-01.
  53. ^ Warner, Michael (1991), "Introduction: Fear of a Queer Planet". Social Text; 9 (4 [29]): 3–17
  54. ^ Rich, Adrienne (1980), "Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence". "Signs"; Pages 631-660.
  55. ^ Rich, Adrienne. Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence. Onlywomen Press Ltd. 1980: 32. ISBN 0-906500-07-9. 
  56. ^ Making colleges and universities safe for gay and lesbian students: Report and recommendations of the Governor's Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth (PDF). Massachusetts. Governor's Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth. [2021-02-18]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2012-07-25). , p.20. "A relatively recent tactic used in the backlash opposing les/bi/gay/trans campus visibility is the so-called "heterosexual pride" strategy".
  57. ^ Eliason, Michele J.; Schope, Robert. Shifting Sands or Solid Foundation? Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Identity Formation. Meyer, Ilan H.; Northridge, Mary E. (编). The Health of Sexual Minorities. 2007: 3–26. ISBN 978-0-387-28871-0. doi:10.1007/978-0-387-31334-4_1.  "Not surprisingly, individuals in the pride stage are most criticized not only by heterosexual persons but also many LGBT individuals, who are uncomfortable forcing the majority to share the discomfort. Heterosexual individuals may express bewilderment at the term “gay pride,” arguing that they do not talk about “straight pride”".
  58. ^ Eliason, Michele J. Who cares?: institutional barriers to health care for lesbian, gay, and bisexual persons页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), p.55 (1996)
  59. ^ Zorn, Eric. When pride turns shameful. Chicago Tribune. 2010-11-14 [2021-02-18]. (原始内容存档于2016-02-01). 



