文化同化Cultural assimilation),又譯同化政策,指的是一批個體,以自願或者非自願的形式接受新的思考模式、習俗、語言和文字。一般來說,同化主要指佔據統治階級的民族用他們的文化取代被統治民族的一系列過程,但也有非常多和平同化的情況。「同化」原本是生物學中的概念,參見同化 (生物學),屬於所有生命都會發生的正常現象,但後來被社會學借用為本條目所指的意思。


文化上同化包括「全面同化(full assimilation)」和「強制同化(forced assimilation)」。全面同化是最普遍的,因為它沒有強制性,和生物學的同化一樣屬於自動發生的現象[2]


















1880 年至 1920 年間,美國接納了約 2,400 萬移民[7]。移民的增加可以歸因於許多歷史變化。 21世紀初也標誌着一個大規模的移民時代,社會學家再次試圖理解移民對社會和移民本身的影響。根據普遍的觀點,同化是來自另一個群體或個人的「解釋和融合的過程」。這可能包括記憶、行為和情緒。透過分享他們的經驗和歷史,移民融入了共同的文化生活。[7]

在 1607 年至 1776 年的殖民時期,人們透過兩種截然不同的途徑移民到英國殖民地:自願移民和強迫移民。那些自願移民到殖民地的人是被英屬北美廉價土地、高薪和思想自由的誘惑所吸引[8]。後半期,強迫移民的最大人口是非洲奴隸[9]。與其他強迫移民如罪犯不同,奴隸沒有可能獲得自由,儘管一些奴隸在美國內戰前的幾個世紀中被釋放[10]。既定方式的移民歷史悠久,這意味着透過傳統門戶而來的移民在階級、種族和民族等級方面的地位更加結構化或固定。而另一方面,新門戶的移民歷史不久,所以經新門戶而來的移民在階級、種族和民族等級方面的地位不太明確,他們在定義自己的地位方面可能有更大的影響力。其次,新門戶的規模可能會影響移民同化。較小的門戶可能會影響移民和本土出生的人之間的種族隔離程度。第三,制度安排的差異可能影響移民同化。與新門戶不同,傳統門戶通常已設立了許多幫助移民的機構,如法律援助、相關部門和社會組織。[7]

此外,移民進入美國並融入美國,他們已佔自 2000 年以來美國人口成長的 29%[11]。在過去的二十年裏,人們對最近抵達美國的移民進行了密切的研究。結果顯示了移民的驅動因素包括公民身份、住房所有權、英語語言能力、工作狀況和賺取更好的收入[12]



加拿大的多元文化歷史可以追溯到 16 世紀至 19 世紀的歐洲殖民時期,當時有歐洲民族移民到當地的浪潮。 20世紀,印度人、中國人和日本人是當地最大的移民群體[13]



加拿大仍然是世界上移民人口最多的國家之一。 2016 年人口普查記錄有 750 萬有證移民,佔全國總人口的五分之一[14]。焦點已從文化同化的言論轉向文化融合[15]。與同化主義相反,融合旨在保留少數群體社會的根源,同時仍允許與主流文化順利共存[13]





對澳洲原住民實施「保護」政策(將他們與白人社會分開[16])的立法是在澳洲聯邦成立之前,在澳洲的一些州和領地還是殖民地時通過的,如維多利亞州(1867年)、西澳大利亞州(1886 年)和昆士蘭州(1897 年)。聯邦成立後,新南威爾斯州於 1909 年制定了政策,南澳大利亞州北領地(當時處於南澳大利亞州的控制之下)亦於 1910-11 年制定了相關政策。當時政府把創建了原住民遷入傳教站和政府管理的原住民保護區。政府立法限制他們的行動,禁止飲酒並規範就業。這些政策在 20 世紀上半葉得到了強化(當時人們意識到原住民不會滅絕或被白人社會完全吸收[16]),例如 1953 年《福利條例》的規定,其中原住民被國家監護。 「部分原住民」(稱為半種姓)兒童被強行從父母身邊帶走,以便以歐洲方式教育他們;其中女孩經常被訓練成家庭傭人[17]。隨後保護政策終止,同化政策取而代之。他們提議應該允許「純血統」澳洲土著「消亡」,同時鼓勵「混血種姓」融入白人社區。這些政策驅使原住民被認為不如白人,原住民經常在以白人為主導的城鎮遭受歧視,並且不得不搬家以尋找工作[16][18]

1910 年至 1970 年間,幾代原住民兒童被從父母身邊帶走,被稱為「被偷走的一代」。該政策對個人、家庭和原住民文化造成了持久的傷害[16]

1961 年在坎培拉舉行的原住民福利會議上,澳洲聯邦和州政府部長為政府環境制定了澳洲原住民「同化」的官方定義。1961 年 4 月,時任聯邦領土部長海斯勒克通知眾議院[19]




在 19 世紀和 20 世紀,一直持續到 1996 年、最後一所加拿大印第安人寄宿學校關閉為止,加拿大政府在基督教會的幫助下開始了同化運動,強行同化加拿大原住民。政府透過條約和使用武力鞏固了對原住民土地的權力,最終將大多數原住民隔離到保留地。婚姻習俗和精神儀式被禁止,精神領袖被監禁。此外,加拿大政府也建立了廣泛的寄宿學校系統來同化兒童。原住民兒童與家人分離,不再被允許在這些新學校表達他們的文化。他們不准說自己的語言或實踐自己的傳統,否則會受到懲罰。基督教會犯下許多暴力和性虐待案件。加拿大真相及和解委員會的結論是,這種行為相當於文化滅絕。學校積極努力讓孩子遠離他們的文化根源。學生被禁止說自己的母語,經常受到虐待,畢業後被政府包辦婚姻。加拿大政府的明確目標是透過天主教和聖公會,將原住民完全同化到更廣泛的加拿大社會中,並摧毀他們本土歷史的所有痕跡[20]



2019 年 1 月,新當選的巴西總統雅伊爾·博索納羅剝奪了原住民事務局識別和劃定原住民土地的責任。他認為這些領土上的孤立人口非常少,並提議將他們融入更大的巴西社會[21]。據生存國際組織稱,「將原住民土地劃界的責任從原住民事務局手中移交給農業部,實際上是向巴西部落人民宣戰。」[22]



南美洲文化同化常被認為主要開始於歐洲人向美洲探險和殖民,並通常被認為始於 1492 年,當時歐洲人開始探索大西洋尋找「印度群島」,最終發現了美洲。隨着勞動力、自然資源(即木材、銅、金、銀和農產品)等資源湧入歐洲,歐洲仍然對美洲原住民人口佔主導地位,但這些收益是片面的,因為原住民群體並未從與殖民列強的貿易協定中受益[23]。除此之外,葡萄牙和西班牙等殖民宗主國要求南美洲的殖民地融入歐洲習俗,例如遵循神聖羅馬天主教會、接受西班牙語或葡萄牙語而不是土著語言以及接受歐洲式政府[24]

透過強而有力的同化政策,西班牙等殖民國家使用暴力手段來維護對原住民的文化統治[25]。一個例子發生在1519年,當時西班牙探險家埃爾南·科爾特斯到達特諾奇蒂特蘭——原阿茲特克帝國在墨西哥的首都。在發現阿茲特克人實行活人祭祀後,科爾特斯殺死了阿茲特克高級官員,並囚禁了阿茲特克統治者蒙特祖瑪二世[26]。不久之後,科爾特斯開始建立聯盟,以恢復特諾奇提特蘭的權力,並將其更名為墨西哥城。如果不透過謀殺和傳播傳染病奪取權力,西班牙征服者(數量相對較少)就無法佔領墨西哥並使許多人皈依天主教及變成奴隸。雖然西班牙人在殖民主義時期影響了南美洲原住民的語言和宗教文化同化,但許多原住民語言,例如印加帝國的語言克丘亞語,至今仍在秘魯等地使用。2017年,使用克丘亞語的秘魯人口為 380 萬人[27]



從 18 世紀末開始,在新西蘭的殖民化過程中,原住民毛利人首先自發性地融入了歐洲訪客和定居者的文化。基因同化很早就開始並持續進行——1961 年新西蘭人口普查僅將 62.2% 的毛利人歸類為「純血統毛利人」[28]。語言同化也很早就發生並持續發生:歐洲定居者採用並改編了毛利語單詞,而歐洲語言影響了毛利語詞彙(可能還有音韻學)[29]





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  21. ^ Brazil's new president makes it harder to define Indigenous lands. Global News. January 2, 2019 [2024-07-01]. (原始內容存檔於2019-01-19). 
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  24. ^ The Columbian Exchange: Biological and Cultural Consequences of 1492. [2024-07-01]. (原始內容存檔於2024-01-15). 
  25. ^ Gabbert, Wolfgang. The longue durée of Colonial Violence in Latin America. Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung. 2012, 37 (3 (141)): 254–275. ISSN 0172-6404. JSTOR 41636608. 
  26. ^ The Spanish conquistadores and colonial empire (article). Khan Academy. [2020-05-28]. (原始內容存檔於2024-02-26) (英語). 
  27. ^ Inei – Redatam Censos 2017. [2018-09-17]. (原始內容存檔於2018-09-13). 
  28. ^ New Zealand. Department of Statistics. Population Census, 1961 10. 1962: 23 [16 July 2020]. Full-blood Maoris totalled 103,987 [...], or 62 2 per cent of the Maori population as it is defined for the purposes of the census. 
  29. ^ Thomason, Sarah Grey. Language Contact. Reference, Information and Interdisciplinary Subjects Series. Georgetown University Press. 2001: 135 [16 July 2020]. ISBN 9780878408542. It is possible that, although older English loanwords were nativized into Maori phonology, newer loanwords are no longer being nativized, with the eventual result being a changed Maori phonological system. 
  30. ^ Hoskins, Te Kawehau; McKinley, Elizabeth. New Zealand: Maori Education in Aotearoa. Crossley, Michael; Hancock, Greg; Sprague, Terra (編). Education in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific. Education Around the World. London: Bloomsbury Publishing. 2015: 159 [15 July 2020]. ISBN 9781472503589. The gaping disparity in outcomes between indigenous Māori students and Pākehā (New Zealand Europeans) has its genesis in the colonial provision of education for Māori driven by a social policy of cultural assimilation and social stratification for over 100 years. 
  31. ^ Hoskins, Te Kawehau; McKinley, Elizabeth. New Zealand: Maori Education in Aotearoa. Crossley, Michael; Hancock, Greg; Sprague, Terra (編). Education in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific. Education Around the World. London: Bloomsbury Publishing. 2015: 159 [15 July 2020]. ISBN 9781472503589. From the 1970s, Maori activism across the social field has led to [...] a formal social policy of biculturalism and iwi (tribes) positioned as partners with the state. 
  32. ^ Neich, Roger. Carved Histories: Rotorua Ngati Tarawhai Woodcarving. Auckland: Auckland University Press. 2001: 147 [15 July 2020]. ISBN 9781869402570. The change from stone to metal tools occurred at different times in different areas of the North Island, depending on the amount of contact with European visitors. In the coastal areas this happened very early, starting with the metal obtained from Captain Cook's men and other eighteenth-century explorers such as Jean-Francois-Marie de Durville and Marion du Fresne, followed very soon after by the sealers and whalers. Away from the coasts, the first metals arrived later, in the early nineteenth century, usually as trade items brought by missionary explorers. 
  33. ^ Smith, Ian. Sojourning settlers. Pākehā Settlements in a Māori World: New Zealand Archaeology 1769–1860. Wellington: Bridget Williams Books. 2019: 1292020 [15 July 2020]. ISBN 9780947492496. It appears that firearms were first acquired by Māori somewhere in the northern North Island about 1806 or 1807. 
  34. ^ Harris, Warwick; Kapoor, Promila (編). Nga Mahi Maori O Te Wao Nui a Tane: Contributions to an International Workshop on Ethnobotany, Te Rehua Marae, Christchurch, New Zealand, 22–26 February 1988. Botany Division, DSIR. 1988: 181 [15 July 2020]. ISBN 9780477025799. The first record of potatoes being grown in New Zealand is dated 1769. [...] The Maori community were quick to see the advantages the potato had over the kumara: its greater cold tolerance, better storage qualities and higher yields. 
  35. ^ McKenzie, Donald Francis. Oral Culture, Literacy & Print in early New Zealand: The Treaty of Waitangi. Wellington: Victoria University Press. 1985: 20 [15 July 2020]. ISBN 9780864730435. In the early 1830s we see the hesitant beginnings of letter writing in written requests for baptism [...]. The effective use of letters for political purposes was many years away. Nor did printing of itself become a re-expressive tool for the Maori until the late 1850s. 
  36. ^ Crosby, Alfred W. Ecological Imperialism: The Biological Expansion of Europe, 900–1900. Studies in Environment and History 2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1986: 2462004 [15 July 2020]. ISBN 9781107394049. There were no Maori conversions up to 1825, and only a few - usually of the moribund - between 1825 and 1830. 
  37. ^ King, Michael. The Penguin History of New Zealand. ReadHowYouWant.com. 2003: 2862011 [15 July 2020]. ISBN 9781459623750. Traditional Maori clothing had gone out of general use by the 1850s (and much earlier in communities associated with whaling and trading and those close to European settlements), though it would still be donned, especially cloaks, for ceremonial occasions and cultural performances. As the European settler population had begun to swell in the 1840s, so European clothes, new and second-hand, had become widely available along with blankets, which had the advantage of being usable as clothing and/or bedding. 
  38. ^ Petrie, Hazel. Outcasts of the Gods? The Struggle over Slavery in Maori New Zealand. Auckland University Press. 2015 [15 July 2020]. ISBN 9781775587859. (原始內容存檔於2023-07-31). 
  39. ^ Stoddart-Smith, Carrie. Radical kaupapa Maori politics. Godfery, Morgan (編). The Interregnum: Rethinking New Zealand. BWB Text 39. Bridget Williams Books. 2016: 38–39 [15 July 2020]. ISBN 9780947492656. [...] different western ideas may complement the diverse perspectives of kaupapa Māori frameworks, but it would be an error to construe such ideas as essential to them. Many Māori drive a socialist agenda, for example, and although there are commonalities with some aspects of tikanga Māori, socialism as a political philosophy should not be seen to be implied by Māori narratives. 
  40. ^ Buick-Constable, John. Indigenous State Relations in Aotearoa/New Zealand: A Contractual Approach to Self-determination. Hocking, Barbara Ann (編). Unfinished Constitutional Business?: Rethinking Indigenous Self-determination. Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press. 2005: 120 [16 July 2020]. ISBN 9780855754662. From the 1970s, [...] in the wake of a changed international climate of human rights and anti-colonialism, Indigenous peoples around the world sought a reinvigoration of their Indigenous identity and a renewal of their Indigenous self-determination. [...] Largely in tandem with these trends has been a renaissance of the theory and practice of contractualism [...]. The history of Maori-Crown relations in Aotearoa/New Zealand is exemplary of this contractual approach in the struggles of Maori for self-determination historically and contemporaneously. 
  41. ^ O'Regan, Tipene. New Myths and Old Politics: The Waitangi Tribunal and the Challenge of Tradition. BWB Texts 17. Wellington: Bridget Williams Books. 2014 [16 July 2020]. ISBN 9781927131992. [...] my Beaglehole Memorial Lecture of 1991 [...] was delivered at a time when hearings of the [Waitangi] Tribunal were becoming a battleground [...]. Māoridom itself was experiencing a remarkable efflorescence of freshly reconstructed group identities and New Age-style incorporations into Māori ethnic identity. The Waitaha movement emanating from within contemporary Ngāi Tahu was one of these. 
  42. ^ 例子: Ward, Alan. Myths and Realities. A Show of Justice: Racial 'amalgamation' in Nineteenth Century New Zealand. Auckland University Press. 19742013 [16 July 2020]. ISBN 9781869405717. It is often said that Western individualism is in conflict with Polynesian communalism [...]. It is hardly surprising that today Maori attitudes to the law appear more ambivalent than they did in the 1870s and 1880s. 

