
A photograph of the Camp Humphreys military base in South Korea on the other side of a river, showing six buildings of seven-storey dorm barracks on the left, and shorter wider buildings under construction on the right. Five cranes complete the skyline with a forested mountain range in the distance.
An aerial view of Pituffik Space Base in Greenland, taken in the 1980s when it was named Thule Air Base, showing a large runway and surrounding track, and a coastal town of one-storey buildings, with two ships backgrounded by sea ice.

這是一個擁有海外軍事基地的國家列表。主權國家在海外建立軍事基地,能夠擴大一個國家的武力投射(例如進行遠征作戰),從而影響海外事件。根據海外基地的規模和基礎設施,它們可以用作集結點英語staging area,或者用於後勤、通訊和情報支援。現代歷史上的許多衝突,導致世界大國建立不少的海外軍事基地,以幫助有關國家實現政治和軍事目標。

一戰二戰期間,英國與其他殖民強國在許多殖民地建立海外軍事基地,並且基於戰略原因,積極尋求對所需設施的使用權,過去在海外建立煤炭補給站英語Coaling station,對海軍艦艇而言非常重要。冷戰期間,美國蘇聯在各自勢力範圍內,儘可能的建立軍事基地,並在有關地區積極尋求影響力。最近期間,反恐戰爭導致在中東地區建立海外軍事基地。


美國是最大的海外軍事基地運營者,截至2014年9月30日,擁有38個「已命名的基地」[注 1],其中有現役、國民警衛隊、預備役或文職人員。規模最大的是位於德國拉姆施泰恩空軍基地,擁有近9,200名人員。[2][注 2]


國家 地點 簡述
  馬來西亞 北海空軍基地 北海空軍基地是五國防禦協議的總部,澳洲承諾派遣空軍參與作戰部署。[3] 此外,澳洲陸軍北海保留一支步兵指定連(北海步槍連英語Rifle Company Butterworth)用於訓練目的。
  阿聯酋 明哈德空軍基地英語Al Minhad Air Base 用於澳洲在中東地區的派遣行動。


國家 地點 簡述
  科威特 1991年海灣戰爭結束之後,根據兩國的雙邊協議,孟加拉軍事特遣隊(BMC)一直駐紮在科威特,協助科威特軍隊進行後勤和其他工作。[4][5][6][7]


國家 地點 簡述
  古巴 貝胡卡爾 美國情報官員透露一份秘密交易,古巴允許中國情報機構在夏灣拿以南的貝胡卡爾設立監聽站英語Listening station,監聽美國東南部地區的船舶交通和電子通信,該地區設有美國南方司令部和其他軍事設施。[8][9][10]
  柬埔寨 西哈努克省 美國情報官員透露一份秘密協議,柬埔寨允許中國人民解放軍海軍使用雲壤海軍基地,為中華人民共和國在南海提供一個南部側翼。[11][12][13]
  吉布提 吉布提市 中華人民共和國為在非洲西亞參與護航、維和、人道主義救援等任務,選擇在吉布提建設中國人民解放軍駐吉布提保障基地[14]
  塔吉克 山地巴達赫尚自治州 中塔兩國簽署安全協議,建設秘密基地以應對塔利班統治阿富汗,並擴大在中亞地區的軍事影響力。[15][16]


國家 地點 簡述
  乍得 恩賈梅納 法國空軍於1939年建立拉密堡172軍用機場法語Base aérienne 172 Fort-Lamy,直到1975年棄用;1986年作為雀鷹行動法語Opération Épervier (Tchad)的部分,法國重新佔領機場並常駐空軍分隊。
  科特迪瓦 阿比讓 法國駐科特迪瓦部隊法語Forces françaises en Côte d'Ivoire於2015年1月1日成立,是法軍駐在科特迪瓦的一支預先部署部隊,非洲的兩個前沿作戰基地之一,延續法國與科特迪瓦英語France–Ivory Coast relations於2012年簽署防務夥伴關係協議,確立兩國之間長期的密切合作關係。[17][18]
  吉布提 吉布提市 法軍駐吉布提部隊法語Forces françaises à Djibouti是法軍駐外人數最多的特遣隊,自1977年6月吉布提獲得獨立後,作為法國與吉布提簽訂的臨時防務協議駐紮在吉布提市,新協議於2014年起生效。[17][18]
  加蓬 利伯維爾 法國駐加蓬部隊法語Éléments français au Gabon自1960年加蓬獨立後,根據1960年和2011年簽署的防務協議,法軍在加蓬部署武裝部隊。[17][18]
  德國 米爾海姆布賴薩赫法斯貝格 法軍於二戰結束後駐紮在法國佔領區法語Zone d'occupation française en Allemagne,1945年至1949年稱為駐德佔領軍(TOA)、1949年至1993年稱為駐德法軍(FFA)、1993年至1999年稱為法國駐德部隊(FFSA),1999年以後稱為法國駐德軍隊和民事部隊(FFECSA)。
  伊拉克 巴格達 法國發起夏馬風行動協助伊拉克政府打擊伊斯蘭國據點。
  約旦 哈桑王子空軍基地英語Prince Hassan Air Base 作為夏馬風行動的部分。
  塞內加爾 達喀爾 法國駐塞內加爾部隊法語Éléments français au Sénégal於2011年8月1日成立,以取代法國駐維德角部隊,構成一個「具有區域使命的行動合作中心」。[17][18]
  阿聯酋 阿布扎比 法國與阿聯酋於1995年1月簽訂防禦協議,2007年7月法國應阿聯酋的請求,在該國發展永久軍事設施,成立法國駐阿聯酋部隊法語Forces françaises aux Émirats arabes unis[17][18]


國家 地點 簡述
  法國 伊爾基什-格拉芬什塔登 歐洲軍團下轄德法混合旅第291獵兵營駐紮在法國領土。
  立陶宛 魯德寧凱立陶宛語Rūdninkai 德軍正在維爾紐斯西南靠近白羅斯邊境建設訓練區英語Rūdninkai Training Area,從2025年起將駐紮第45裝甲旅。


國家 地點 簡述
  塞浦路斯 尼科西亞 希臘駐塞浦路斯部隊英語Hellenic Force in Cyprus希臘陸軍的營級單位,其職責是協助塞浦路斯國民警衛隊[19]


國家 地點 簡述
  不丹 哈阿宗辛布宗 印度軍事訓練隊英語Indian Military Training Team永久駐紮在哈阿英語Haa, Bhutan,負責訓練不丹王軍不丹皇家衛隊英語Royal Bodyguard of Bhutan印度陸軍也在首都辛布駐紮一支支隊。[20]
  馬達加斯加 印度在馬達加斯加北部建設監聽站和雷達設施,抵禦中國在印度洋區域的軍事行動。[21][22]
  毛里裘斯 阿加萊加群島 印度資助建設3,000米長的機場及其相關設施,以安置部隊監視印度洋西南部區域。[23]
  阿曼 哈德角英語Ras al Hadd馬斯喀特 印度海軍的監聽站和停泊權。[24]
  塞舌爾 馬埃島阿方斯群島法夸爾環礁阿斯托夫島阿桑普申島 印度政府資助建設六座海岸監視雷達系統英語Integrated Coastal Surveillance System,與印度的監視系統相連。[25][26][27][28]
  塔吉克 法爾霍爾空軍基地英語Farkhor Air Base艾尼空軍基地英語Ayni Air Base 印度空軍特遣隊佔據巴基斯坦防線後方的優勢位置。[29][30][31]


國家 地點 簡述
  伊拉克 安巴爾薩拉赫丁 軍事設施和受援民兵訓練基地。
  黎巴嫩 貝卡貝魯特 軍事訓練和若干軍事設施。[32]
  敘利亞 基斯沃阿布凱馬勒 永久性軍事基地,[33] 以及若干軍事設施。[34]
  塔吉克 軍事設施及軍用無人機工廠。[35]


國家 地點 簡述
  敘利亞 以色列國防軍北方司令部戈蘭高地以色列佔領區英語Israeli occupation of the Golan Heights建設若干軍事基地。[36]


國家 地點 簡述
  吉布提 吉布提市 為保護國民而建設的軍事支援基地。[37]
  尼日爾 尼亞美 為保護國民而建設的軍事支援基地。[38]


國家 地點 簡述
  吉布提 安布利英語Ambouli 日本政府為應對索馬里海盜建設的日本自衛隊駐吉布提據點[39]


國家 地點 簡述
  沙地阿拉伯 塔布克 根據1982年的兩國外交協議,巴基斯坦派駐軍事人員和基地,為沙地提供培訓和諮詢角色。[40][41][42][43]


國家 地點 簡述
  亞美尼亞 久姆里 俄羅斯建設第102軍事基地英語Russian 102nd Military Base第3624空軍基地英語Erebuni Airport
  白俄羅斯 巴拉諾維奇維列伊卡 俄羅斯建設漢薩維奇雷達站英語Hantsavichy Radar Station維列伊卡海軍通信中心英語Vileyka VLF transmitter和巴拉諾維奇空軍與防空聯合訓練中心。
  布基納法索 俄羅斯在非洲派駐軍隊。[44]
  中非 俄羅斯在非洲派駐軍隊。[45][46]
  格魯吉亞 俄羅斯在位於南奧塞梯阿布哈茲爭議地區,建設第四軍事基地英語4th Guards Military Base第七軍事基地英語7th Military Base
  哈薩克 薩雷·沙甘基地範圍、拜科努爾航天發射場 俄羅斯在哈薩克境內建設反彈道導彈試驗場,以及租借的民用設施。
  吉爾吉斯 康德空軍基地英語Kant Air Base 俄羅斯建設第338海軍通信中心、第954魚雷試驗場和一個地震台站。
  利比亞 圖卜魯格班加西 利比亞內戰期間部署的俄羅斯軍隊。[來源請求]
  馬里 俄羅斯在非洲派駐軍隊。[47]
  摩爾多瓦 科巴斯納英語Cobasna 俄羅斯在德涅斯特河沿岸留有一支作戰集群,防守科巴斯納彈藥庫英語Cobasna ammunition depot[48]
  尼日爾 俄羅斯在非洲派駐軍隊。
  敘利亞 塔爾圖斯海軍基地英語Russian naval facility in Tartus赫梅米姆空軍基地沙伊拉特空軍基地 俄羅斯在中東派駐軍隊。[49]
  塔吉克 杜尚別 俄羅斯建設第201軍事基地英語Russian 201st Military Base
  烏克蘭 塞瓦斯托波爾海軍基地[50] 俄羅斯在烏克蘭被佔領土的軍事設施。[51]


國家 地點 簡述
  巴林 2011年沙地武裝干涉巴林英語Saudi-led intervention in Bahrain以來,作為海灣阿拉伯國家合作委員會軍事部門——半島盾牌部隊英語Peninsula Shield Force的一部分,沙地阿拉伯軍隊派出1,000至1,200名士兵,[52] 以及150輛車輛,一直駐紮在巴林。沙地士兵顯然來自沙地阿拉伯國民警衛隊英語Saudi Arabian National Guard,由阿卜杜拉國王之子穆塔布英語Prince Miteb指揮。[53]
  吉布提 沙地阿拉伯在吉布提境內建設軍事基地。[54][55][56]
  也門 邁赫拉哈德拉毛馬里卜阿比揚荷台達塔伊茲 沙地阿拉伯在也門境內建設若干軍事設施。[來源請求]


國家 地點 簡述
  汶萊 惹蘭阿曼營英語Military forces based in Brunei 新加坡在汶萊設立的訓練基地。
  中華民國 恆春斗六湖口台中機場 星光部隊長期駐留在台灣本島進行軍事訓練。[57]
  泰國 北碧府 新加坡武裝部隊長期駐留在泰國的訓練部隊。[58]


國家 地點 簡述
  阿爾巴尼亞 Pasha Liman Base英語Pasha Liman Base 24 troops and 2 frigates.[59] An Albanian-Turkish military cooperation agreement was signed in 1992 that encompassed rebuilding Albania's Pasha Liman Base by Turkey alongside granted access for Turkish use.[60]
  阿塞拜疆 Nasosnaya Air Base英語Nasosnaya Air Base, Gizil Sherg, Joint Russian-Turkish Monitoring Centre英語Joint Russian-Turkish Monitoring Centre Buildings and structures in Gizil Sherg military town, and one terminal building located in the airfield in Hacı Zeynalabdin英語Hacı Zeynalabdin settlement called Nasosnaya Air Base.[61] An observation base was also built by Turkey in the Nagorno-Karabakh region after the 44-day 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war. The base was established under the name "Ceasefire Observation Center", and officially started to operate in January 2021 with 60 Turkish and Russian soldiers stationed at the base.[62]
  波黑 Fatih Sultan Mehmet Barracks英語Fatih Sultan Mehmet Barracks Under EUROFOR英語European Rapid Operational Force Operation Althea英語Operation Althea 242 troops, previously under Implementation Force英語Implementation Force and Stabilisation Force in Bosnia and Herzegovina英語Stabilisation Force in Bosnia and Herzegovina stationed at Mehmet The Conqueror Barracks英語Fatih Sultan Mehmet Barracks.[63][64]
  伊拉克 Disputed territories of northern Iraq英語Disputed territories of northern Iraq: Bashiqa英語Bashiqa and Bamarni Air Base英語Bamarni Air Base Turkey has signed agreement with Iraq which includes allowing the Turkish army to pursue elements of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) in northern Iraq, with the permission of, and in coordination with the Federal Government of Iraq. It also includes opening two liaison offices between Baghdad and Ankara to exchange intelligence and security information between the two countries.[65][66] As of 2020, Turkey has a military base with 2,000 personnel garrisoned with around 60 tanks, Armoured personnel carriers and one commando battalion.[67][68] Turkey has more than 40+ military and intelligence bases scattered all around Iraq, the most out of any country.[69] There are plans to build a new base in the Metina area of Duhok governorate in Iraqi Kurdistan Region as of April 2021.[70][71] In total, Turkey has stationed around 5,000 to 10,000 soldiers in Iraq.[72][73]
  科索沃 Prizren: Sultan Murat Kışlası, Mamusha An estimated 321 troops serve in the Kosovo Security Battalion command for UNMIK mission and KFOR peacekeeping force英語NATO peacekeeping's.[64][74][75][76]
  利比亞 Tripolitania英語Tripolitania (province of Libya): al-Watiya英語Al-Watiya Air Base, Mitiga,Misrata and Zwara[77] The number of Turkish soldiers stationed in Libya is unknown.[73]
  北塞浦路斯 Northern Cyprus A total of 35,000 to 40,000 armed forces of Turkey are currently in active duty Cyprus Turkish Peace Force Command英語Cyprus Turkish Peace Force Command in the de facto state Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.[73]
  卡塔爾 Doha: Katar TSK Kara Unsur Komutanlığı 5,000 personnel.[78][79][80][81]
  索馬里 Mogadishu: Camp TURKSOM英語Camp TURKSOM 2,000 personnels.[73]
  敘利亞 Turkish occupation of northern Syria英語Turkish occupation of northern Syria: Al-Bab, Al-Rai英語Al-Rai, Syria, Akhtarin英語Akhtarin, Afrin, Jindires英語Jindires, Rajo英語Rajo, Syria and Jarablus 5,000 personnel in Euphrates Shield and Olive Branch regions. New bases were followed at south of Afrin canton in Atme英語Atme and Darat Izza英語Darat Izza[82] There are 114 Turkish bases in Syria as of January 2022.[83] After operation Peace Spring, approximately 6,400 personnel are working around the Peace Spring region between Ras al-Ayn and Tell Abyad. 19 observation points are settled around Idlib and Aleppo Province.[84] Altogether, there are an estimated 10,500 Turkish soldiers and 250 tanks stationed in Turkish occupation of northern Syria. These numbers are constantly subject to modifications.[73]


國家 地點 簡述
  利比亞 Al-Khadim Airport near Marj A forward operating base英語forward operating base[85][86]
  也門 Socotra and Perim Partial military base and air base at.[87][88]


國家 地點 簡述
  伯利茲 Price Barracks英語Price Barracks, Ladyville英語Ladyville British Army Training and Support Unit Belize英語British Army Training and Support Unit Belize[89]
  汶萊 Seria British Forces Brunei英語British Forces Brunei[90]
  加拿大 CFB Suffield英語CFB Suffield British Army Training Unit Suffield英語British Army Training Unit Suffield
  塞浦路斯 Troodos Mountains in Cyprus British Forces Cyprus
  德國 Westfalen Garrison英語Westfalen Garrison British Army Germany英語British Army Germany[91]
  肯雅 Nanyuki British Army Training Unit Kenya英語British Army Training Unit Kenya[92]
  尼泊爾 Pokhara Camp, Dharan Station[93][94] British Gurkhas Nepal英語British Gurkhas Nepal
  挪威 Bardufoss Air Station英語Bardufoss Air Station[95] and Camp Viking英語Camp Viking (military base)[96] which opened in 2023.
  阿曼 Duqm英語Duqm Omani-British Joint Training Area英語Omani-British Joint Training Area and the UK Joint Logistics Support Base英語UK Joint Logistics Support Base
  卡塔爾 RAF Al Udeid[97]
  塞拉利昂 Leicester Peak英語Leicester Peak transmitting station IMATT HQ[98]
  新加坡 Sembawang Naval Base英語British Defence Singapore Support Unit British Defence Singapore Support Unit英語British Defence Singapore Support Unit[18][99]
  阿聯酋 Al Minhad Air Base英語Al Minhad Air Base Donnelly Lines英語Donnelly Lines




  1. ^ What are here termed "named bases" are the bases listed in section X: "Personnel Data from DMDC", i.e. excluding that table's rows labelled "Other", in the 2015 DoD Base Structure Report.
  2. ^ The 2015 U.S. Base Structure Report gives 587 overseas sites, but sites are merely real property at a distinct geographical location, and multiple sites may belong to one installation (page DoD-3). For example, the Garmisch, Germany "named base" with its 72 personnel has eight distinct sites large enough to be listed in the Army's Individual Service Inventory list: Artillery Kaserne, Breitenau Skeet Range, Garmisch Family Housing, Garmish Golf Course, General Abrams Hotel And Disp, Hausberg Ski Area, Oberammergau NATO School, and Sheridan Barracks (listed in Army-15 to Army-17). These range in size from Ramstein AB with 9,188 active, guard/reserve, and civilian personnel down to Worms, which has just one civilian.


  1. ^ Bouchrika, Imed. Major U.S. Military Bases and Installations in 2024 – Domestic & Overseas. Research.com. 2021-04-14 [2024-05-28]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-28). 
  2. ^ Department of Defense / Base Structure Report / FY 2015 Baseline (PDF). [October 10, 2016]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於October 11, 2016). 
  3. ^ RMAF Base Butterworth. Royal Australian Air Force. 13 November 2017 [26 March 2018]. (原始內容存檔於12 March 2018). 
  4. ^ Kuwaiti-Bangladeshi Military Ties Distinctive: Senior Officer. Bangladesh Embassy in Kuwait. [May 8, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於February 25, 2021). 
  5. ^ Number of Bangladesh Army men rises in Kuwait. [2022-03-14]. (原始內容存檔於2022-03-14). 
  6. ^ Kuwait praises Bangladesh army. 5 January 2018 [14 March 2022]. (原始內容存檔於7 June 2024). 
  7. ^ Bangladesh Army, Kuwait sign contingent pact. 27 October 2021 [14 March 2022]. (原始內容存檔於21 January 2022). 
  8. ^ America and China try to move past a new bump in relations . The Economist. June 9, 2023 [2023-06-16]. ISSN 0013-0613. (原始內容存檔於2024-06-07). 
  9. ^ Gámez Torres, Nora. In bold move challenging the United States, Cuba agrees to host a Chinese spy base. Miami Herald. June 8, 2023 [June 16, 2023]. (原始內容存檔於June 8, 2023). 
  10. ^ Secret Signals: Decoding China's Intelligence Activities in Cuba. Center for Strategic and International Studies. July 1, 2024 [2024-07-02]. (原始內容存檔於2024-07-02) (英語). 
  11. ^ china-establishes-military-base-abroad-where-it-showed-war-robots-months-ago. interestingengineering.com/. [2024-07-13]. (原始內容存檔於2017-07-12) (美國英語). 
  12. ^ https://www.livemint.com/news/world/chinas-new-military-base-in-cambodia-threatens-indias-maritime-security-heres-why-11691234289762.html
  13. ^ Reporter, Aadil Brar China News. Map shows countries where China seeks overseas military base. Newsweek. 2024-03-12 [2024-07-28] (英語). 
  14. ^ China Officially Sets Up Its First Overseas Base in Djibouti. thediplomat.com. [2021-11-22]. (原始內容存檔於2017-07-12) (美國英語). 
  15. ^ Shih, Gerry. In Central Asia's forbidding highlands, a quiet newcomer: Chinese troops. The Washington Post. 18 February 2019 [19 February 2019]. (原始內容存檔於7 June 2022).  參數|newspaper=與模板{{cite web}}不匹配(建議改用{{cite news}}|website=) (幫助)
  16. ^ Yan, Sophia. China constructing secret military base in Tajikistan to crush threat from Taliban. The Daily Telegraph. 2024-07-10 [2024-07-10]. ISSN 0307-1235 (英國英語). 
  17. ^ 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 Les forces françaises prépositionnées (PDF). defense.gouv.fr. [27 June 2016]. (原始內容存檔於15 January 2017). 
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 18.5 The Status and Location of the Military Installations of the Member States of the European Union (PDF). Policy Department External Policies. February 2009: 13–14 [21 October 2014]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於24 September 2015). 
  19. ^ ΕΚΤΑΚΤΟ: Οι PATRIOT αναχωρούν για τη Σαουδική Αραβία. Πτήση & Διάστημα. 2021-09-14 [2021-09-14]. (原始內容存檔於2021-09-14) (希臘語). 
  20. ^ Schottli, Jivanta; Mitra, Subrata K.; Wolf, Siegried. A Political and Economic Dictionary of South Asia. Routledge. 2015-05-08 [2020-10-06]. ISBN 9781135355753. (原始內容存檔於2024-06-07). 
  21. ^ Gordon, A. D. D.; Gordon, Sandy. India's Rise as an Asian Power: Nation, Neighborhood, and Region. Georgetown University Press. 2014-08-05 [2020-10-06]. ISBN 9781626160743. (原始內容存檔於2024-06-07). 
  22. ^ Jain, Ayush. India Rapidly Building Military Base In Mauritius To Counter China In The Indian Ocean Region. Latest Asian, Middle-East, EurAsian, Indian News. 2021-05-17 [2023-11-26]. (原始內容存檔於2023-11-26) (美國英語). 
  23. ^ Agalega: A glimpse of India's remote island military base. www.lowyinstitute.org. [2022-12-19]. (原始內容存檔於2022-12-25). 
  24. ^ Indian Listening Station In Oman Monitoring Pakistan's Naval Communications. CloseWar.com. 2013-03-01 [2019-12-03]. (原始內容存檔於2019-04-26). 
  25. ^ India, Seychelles agree to work on Assumption Island naval base project. Hindustan Times. 2018-06-25 [2022-10-16]. (原始內容存檔於2022-10-16) (英語). 
  26. ^ New coastal radar system means better safeguards for Seychelles, official says. www.seychellesnewsagency.com. [2022-12-19]. (原始內容存檔於2022-12-19). 
  27. ^ Defense, visas and the blue economy – no stone left unturned as Modi wraps up visit to Seychelles. www.seychellesnewsagency.com. [2022-12-19]. (原始內容存檔於2022-12-19). 
  28. ^ PM Modi to Ramp Up Surveillance in Indian Ocean Region With Eye on China's Growing Interest. NDTV.com. [2022-12-19]. (原始內容存檔於2022-12-19). 
  29. ^ Times, EurAsian. After Farkhor Air Base, India Tajikistan Set for More Security Pacts. EurAsian Times: Latest Asian, Middle-East, EurAsian, Indian News. 2018-05-03 [2019-12-08]. (原始內容存檔於2019-12-08). 
  30. ^ Philip, Snehesh Alex. Gissar Military Aerodrome -- India's first overseas base that came to the rescue in Afghan crisis. ThePrint. 2021-08-23 [2021-08-25]. (原始內容存檔於2021-08-24). 
  31. ^ Dutta, Sujan. India renews interest in running its first foreign military base in Tajikistan. ThePrint. 2018-10-11 [2019-12-08]. (原始內容存檔於2019-11-25). 
  32. ^ U.S. State Department: Iran's IRGC Has Set Up a Training Base in Lebanon. The Jerusalem Post. [17 May 2019]. 
  33. ^ Iran building missile factories in Syria and Lebanon - Netanyahu. BBC News. 28 August 2017 [17 August 2019]. (原始內容存檔於1 September 2022). 
  34. ^ هذه هي خريطة القواعد العسكرية الايرانية في سوريا. Akhbar Alaan. 10 May 2018 [17 August 2019]. (原始內容存檔於1 September 2022) (阿拉伯語). 
  35. ^ Iran's drone factory in Tajikistan. [2023-10-14]. (原始內容存檔於2023-09-29). 
  36. ^ כל מקום ואתר: מדריך שלם להכרת הארץ [Israel, sites and places]. Tel Aviv: משרד הביטחון - ההוצאה לאור. 1985: 199. ISBN 9789652200822. OCLC 457092747 (希伯來語). 
  37. ^ Djibouti Bases – Magnet for Military Effect. oceanuslive.org. [2014-09-12]. (原始內容存檔於2017-08-05). 
  38. ^ Italy cuts troops in Niger to free up military base space for civilians. reuters.com. [2024-04-27]. (原始內容存檔於2023-11-07). 
  39. ^ Djibouti: Changing Influence in the Horn's Strategic Hub 互聯網檔案館存檔,存檔日期2013-11-26., chathamhouse.org, David Styan, April 2013 ("Having temporarily used US facilities, a Japanese base, situated close to Camp Lemonnier英語Camp Lemonnier, opened in July 2011. Around 600 members of its Maritime Self-Defence Forces rotate between Japan's naval vessels operating from the port of Djibouti and the camp. Naval units protecting Japanese shipping in the region had operated out of the US base prior to 2011. Japan is reported to pay an annual rent of $30 million for the facilities, similar to the sums paid for either of the far larger US and French bases. This has led to an expansion of Japan's civilian aid programme to Djibouti, which has also become a hub for wider development activities in the Horn by the Japan International Cooperation Agency.")
  40. ^ Troops already in Saudi Arabia, says minister. Dawn. 11 April 2015 [8 June 2017]. (原始內容存檔於19 August 2017). Our troops are already present in Tabuk and some other cities of Saudi Arabia. 
  41. ^ Syed, Baqir Sajjad. Raheel leaves for Riyadh to command military alliance. Dawn. 22 April 2017 [8 June 2017]. (原始內容存檔於19 February 2018). Pakistan already has 2000 troops in Saudi Arabia under a 1982 bilateral agreement. The deployed troops are mostly serving there in training and advisory capacity. 
  42. ^ Shams, Shamil. Examining Saudi-Pakistani ties in changing geopolitics. Deutsche Welle. 30 August 2016 [8 June 2017]. (原始內容存檔於11 October 2017). However, security experts say that being an ally of Saudi Arabia, Pakistan is part of a security cooperation agreement under which about 1,000 Pakistani troops are performing an "advisory" role to Riyadh and are stationed in Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries. 
  43. ^ Haq, Riazul. Pakistan still clueless about role in Saudi coalition. The Express Tribune. 18 February 2016 [8 June 2017]. (原始內容存檔於20 August 2017). Aziz said military cooperation between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia was nearly four decades』 old, and around 1,000 Pakistani military officials were always present in the kingdom. 
  44. ^ Russian troops deploy to Burkina Faso. www.reuters.com. Reuters. [3 April 2024]. 
  45. ^ Russia negotiates establishment of military base with Central African Republic. [2024-03-14]. (原始內容存檔於2024-03-14). 
  46. ^ Central African Republic seeks to host Russian base — official. [2024-03-14]. (原始內容存檔於2024-03-14). 
  47. ^ Russian forces expand base in Mali after death of Wagner Group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin. news.sky.com. Sky News. [3 April 2024]. (原始內容存檔於3 April 2024). 
  48. ^ Russian task force held NVC defence competitions in the Transnistria. eng.mil.ru. 2014 [2016-06-27]. (原始內容存檔於2017-08-13). 
  49. ^ Balanche, Fabrice. Latakia Is Assad's Achilles Heel. Washington Institute. 23 September 2015 [25 October 2015]. (原始內容存檔於11 September 2016). 
  50. ^ Crimea and the Black Sea Fleet in Russian- Ukrainian Relations. [2023-03-27]. (原始內容存檔於2021-09-09). 
  51. ^ Ukraine war: New images show Russian army facility built in occupied Mariupol. BBC News. 2022-12-03 [2023-05-03]. (原始內容存檔於2023-03-26) (英國英語). 
  52. ^ Bronner, Ethan; Slackman, Michael. Saudi Troops Enter Bahrain to Help Put Down Unrest. The New York Times. 14 March 2011 [10 January 2021]. (原始內容存檔於17 March 2011). 
  53. ^ Bahrain's Crisis: Saudi Forces Intervene. The Washington Institute. [10 January 2021]. (原始內容存檔於1 September 2022). 
  54. ^ Djibouti agrees to a Saudi military base on its territory. Al Arabiya. [10 January 2021]. (原始內容存檔於11 January 2021). 
  55. ^ Djibouti: A Busy Hub of Foreign Military Bases on the Horn of Africa. Inside Arabia. [10 January 2021]. (原始內容存檔於1 September 2022). 
  56. ^ Djibouti finalising deal for Saudi Arabian military base. Financial Times. [10 January 2021]. (原始內容存檔於1 September 2022). 
  57. ^ Fighter crash kills crew, Singaporeans - Taipei Times. www.taipeitimes.com. May 12, 2007 [December 12, 2022]. (原始內容存檔於June 7, 2024). 
  58. ^ Singapore army wants bigger camp. Bangkok Post. [2022-12-12]. (原始內容存檔於2022-12-12). 
  59. ^ Türkiye'nin Yurt Dışındaki Üsleri ve Askeri Varlığı. 9 May 2021 [12 January 2022]. (原始內容存檔於17 November 2022). 
  60. ^ Larrabee, F. Stephen; Lesser, Ian O. Turkish foreign policy in an age of uncertainty . Santa Monica: Rand Corporation. 2003: 94. ISBN 9780833034045. albania. 
  61. ^ Turkey to establish military base in Azerbaijan. Hürriyet Daily News. 21 July 2016 [5 April 2017]. (原始內容存檔於30 August 2017). 
  62. ^ Russia and Turkey open monitoring centre for Nagorno-Karabakh. Reuters. 30 January 2021 [12 January 2022]. (原始內容存檔於18 October 2022). 
  63. ^ Türkiye'nin Libya ve Irak Dahil 9 Ülkede Askeri Varlığı Var. Amerika'nin Sesi | Voice of America – Turkish. 7 January 2020 [26 March 2021]. (原始內容存檔於27 June 2022) (土耳其語). 
  64. ^ 64.0 64.1 Gazetesi, Evrensel. Türkiye'nin hangi ülkede, kaç askeri var, hangi gerekçelerle bulunuyor?. Evrensel.net. [26 March 2021]. (原始內容存檔於17 November 2022) (tr-TR). 
  65. ^ Iraq says pact with Turkey best way to tackle PKK. Reuters. 2007-10-09 [2022-01-04]. (原始內容存檔於2022-01-04) (英語). 
  66. ^ اتفاق أمني عراقي تركي لملاحقة حزب العمال الكردستاني. www.aljazeera.net. [2022-01-04]. (原始內容存檔於2022-04-18) (阿拉伯語). 
  67. ^ FLAŞ - Türkiye'den Duhok'a tank ve silah takviyesi. www.rudaw.net. 16 March 2015 [13 February 2021]. (原始內容存檔於20 March 2015). 
  68. ^ What is Turkey doing in Iraq?. Hürriyet Daily News. 8 October 2016 [17 November 2020]. (原始內容存檔於19 October 2017). 
  69. ^ Ankara has built nearly 40 'military points' in Kurdistan Region: Turkish presidency. www.rudaw.net. [2023-07-06]. (原始內容存檔於2022-09-02). 
  70. ^ Turkey to establish new military base in Iraqi Kurdistan - Al-Monitor: The Pulse of the Middle East. 30 April 2021 [12 January 2022]. (原始內容存檔於29 June 2022). 
  71. ^ Ankara seeks to limit PKK movement with new Duhok military base: Minister. [2022-01-12]. (原始內容存檔於2022-11-17). 
  72. ^ Excursus: Turkey's Military Engagement Abroad. [2022-01-12]. (原始內容存檔於2022-08-19). 
  73. ^ 73.0 73.1 73.2 73.3 73.4 Her yedi askerden biri sınırların ötesinde: TSK'nın yurtdışındaki gücü 50 bini aştı. [2022-01-12]. (原始內容存檔於2022-11-17). 
  74. ^ Türkiye'nin Libya ve Irak Dahil 9 Ülkede Askeri Varlığı Var. Amerika'nin Sesi | Voice of America - Turkish. 7 January 2020 [26 March 2021]. (原始內容存檔於27 June 2022) (土耳其語). 
  75. ^ Türkiye'nin hangi ülkelerde askeri üssü var?. euronews. 17 January 2020 [26 March 2021]. (原始內容存檔於6 October 2022) (土耳其語). 
  76. ^ COM KFOR Meets Turkish Chief of the Army. jfcnaples.nato.int. [26 March 2021]. 
  77. ^ The fall of al-Watiya base ushers an era of permanent Turkish presence in western Libya. The Arab Weekly. [19 May 2020]. (原始內容存檔於17 November 2022). 
  78. ^ Turkey Opens First Mideast Military Base in Qatar. VOA. 10 May 2016 [27 January 2023]. (原始內容存檔於27 January 2023). 
  79. ^ Seeing shared threats, Turkey sets up military base in Qatar. Reuters. 28 April 2016 [2 July 2017]. (原始內容存檔於15 June 2022). 
  80. ^ Janes | Latest defence and security news. Janes.com. [2020-11-17]. (原始內容存檔於2020-09-12). 
  81. ^ Erdogan: Turkey-Qatar military base serves regional 'stability'. Al Jazeera. 25 November 2019 [30 August 2020]. (原始內容存檔於11 September 2020). 
  82. ^ Turkey tightens siege on Afrin. Al-Monitor. 30 October 2017 [2 January 2018]. (原始內容存檔於1 March 2021) (英語). 
  83. ^ Mapping the rise of Turkey's military reach. YouTube. 10 January 2022 [12 January 2022]. (原始內容存檔於7 June 2024). 
  84. ^ Dissecting Syria's military bases. INSAMER English. 23 March 2021 [26 March 2021]. (原始內容存檔於18 April 2021) (英語). 
  85. ^ Rogoway, Tyler. Shadowy UAE Base in Libya Hosts Attack Aircraft and Chinese Drones. The Drive. October 27, 2016 [July 2, 2019]. (原始內容存檔於September 1, 2022). Some of these nations even have their own forward operating bases in Libya, including a secretive remote airfield operated by the United Arab Emirates about 50英里 [80公里] southeast of Benghazi. Here, the UAE has deployed a pocket air force of heavily armed and armored agricultural planes developed into surveillance and light attack platforms–the AT-802U Border Patrol variant of the Air Tractor and the more capable IOMAX Archangel–in addition to S-70 Blackhawks, and Chinese Wing Loong unmanned aircraft 
  86. ^ UAE operating an airbase near Marj: report. Libya Herald英語Libya Herald. October 26, 2016 [July 2, 2019]. (原始內容存檔於July 27, 2021). IHS Jane's says that the UAE is operating propeller-driven AT-802U light aircraft, helicopters and surveillance drones from the Al-Khadim airport to the southeast of Marj and Jardas Al-Abid. 
  87. ^ Anger erupts on Yemen's Socotra as UAE deploys over 100 troops. Al-Jazeera. [3 May 2018]. (原始內容存檔於7 May 2018). 
  88. ^ UAE forces beef-up presence in Yemen's Socotra Island. Middle East Monitor. 3 May 2018 [3 May 2018]. (原始內容存檔於28 March 2019). 
  89. ^ National Security Strategy and Strategic Defence and Security Review 2015 (PDF). HM Government. November 2015 [23 November 2015]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於24 November 2015). 
  90. ^ The British Army in Brunei. army.mod.uk/. Ministry of Defence. [20 June 2016]. (原始內容存檔於9 June 2016). 
  91. ^ The British Army in Germany. army.mod.uk/. Ministry of Defence. [20 June 2016]. (原始內容存檔於5 June 2016). 
  92. ^ The British Army in Africa. army.mod.uk/. Ministry of Defence. [20 June 2016]. (原始內容存檔於30 June 2016). 
  93. ^ British Gurkhas and GCSPF recruiting. You tube. [26 October 2020]. (原始內容存檔於26 December 2015). 
  94. ^ British Gurkha Regional Selection Dharan 2014. You tube. 21 August 2013 [26 October 2020]. (原始內容存檔於10 October 2022). 
  95. ^ Cold Weather Training | Royal Navy. royalnavy.mod.uk. [2019-07-19]. (原始內容存檔於2019-07-19). 
  96. ^ New Arctic operations base for UK commandos. Royal Navy. 8 March 2023 [9 March 2023]. (原始內容存檔於8 March 2023). 
  97. ^ Jones, Sam. UK and Qatar sign pact to combat jihadis and cyber warfare . Financial Times. 3 November 2014 [23 March 2017]. (原始內容存檔於15 January 2024). 
  98. ^ Sierra Leonean army comes of age under British direction. Ministry of Defence. 6 April 2011 [30 November 2015]. (原始內容存檔於8 December 2015). 
  99. ^ Navy News (Magazine). United Kingdom: Royal Navy. June 2011: 11 Eastern Outpost [22 June 2016]. (原始內容存檔於25 March 2020).  ("The White Ensign is still flying above the operations of Naval Party 1022 (NP1022), based at Sembawang Wharves in Singapore.")

