< User:O-ring | 沙盒
- Alphabet Agency/Alphabet Soup – 字母機構/字母湯
- 美國通常以首字母指代聯邦執法機構,例如:FBI、ATF、DEA。這個術語來源於羅斯福新政,自由主義作家威廉·薩菲爾指出,這些縮略語「為過度官僚主義的指控增添色彩」;反對羅斯福總統的民主黨人艾爾·史密斯形容,他的政府「淹沒在一碗字母湯里」,表達一個單詞混入太多符號,變得令人難以記住它的含義,就像把許多字母混在一鍋湯。[1]
- Amcalar – 大叔
- 源自土耳其語的複數詞,意思是「大叔」。
- Anda – 蛋
- 源自烏爾都語的貶義詞,原義是「雞蛋」,指巴基斯坦卡拉奇等城市地區,交通警察穿着的純白色制服。
- Aynasız – 沒有鏡子
- 源自土耳其語「ayna」(鏡子)和「-sız」(不含…)的合成詞,指的是「沒有鏡子的人」,這是批評警察缺乏榮譽和過於無恥,其面目醜陋可憎,以至於無法照鏡子的貶義描述。土耳其和中東移民經常使用這個詞語,特別是用來形容警察在沒有證人的情況下使用暴力;此外,1970年代土耳其警察使用首批雷諾12 TS型號的警車,該車型並沒有裝置後視鏡,由於警察不像一般大多數車主會自掏腰包安裝鏡子,因此被稱為「無鏡」。[2]
- Babylon – 巴比倫
- 牙買加俚語,源自拉斯塔法里運動,對被視為墮落或壓迫的白人文化的輕蔑用語,尤其是指警察;[3] 與此同時,「巴比倫」一詞視為是放蕩、腐敗和邪惡行為的象徵,被用作2014年英國警察劇《巴比倫》的標題。
- 法語俚語,Brigade anti-criminalité(反罪案組)的縮寫。
- Bacon – 熏肉
- 貶義詞,參見「Pig」。[4]
- Bagieta – 法國麵包
- 波蘭語俚語,原義是指長條形狀的法式麵包,借喻指警察(警棍)。
- Baijiao – 白腳
- 馬來西亞華語俚語,借用自閩粵方言,指交通警察;然而這個詞語的用法,可以追溯到舊時中國衙門差役的未曾正式充役者。
- Baizha – 白鮓
- 香港俚語,指交通警察。源於舊時交警戴着白色頭盔,制服的手臂會套上白色衫袖,加上騎乘白色摩托車,就像馬路上的白色水母;司機被交警開罰單,尤如「被水母炸傷般肉痛」。[5]
- Barney – 巴尼
- 美國指稱城鎮警察的俚語,通常帶有貶義,源自情境喜劇《安迪格里菲斯秀》的虛構角色巴尼·法夫。
- Battenburg – 巴滕伯格
- 源於英國警車的黃-藍色反光方格圖案,原義是指一種英式甜點蛋糕。
- Bears – 熊
- 美國民用波段無線電台指稱警察的俚語,通常不含貶義,常用於長途卡車司機,源於「Smokey Bear」指代高速公路巡警的寬氈帽。
- The Beast – 野獸
- 美國俚語,單數詞形式可以指任何數量的警官、警察或警隊,隱含意思即任何個體都是整體的代表部分,是具有統一目標和態度的怪物。 在難民營樂隊專輯《The Score》和KRS-One專輯《Sound of da Police》中被大量引用。[6]
- Beat cop – 巡邏警察
- 「Beat」在警察術語是指巡邏區域,通常特指徒步巡邏或自行車巡邏。[7]
- Benga – 魔鬼
- 捷克俚語,源自羅姆語單詞「beng」,意思是魔鬼。
- Bill – 比爾
- 又作「老比爾」,源自英國警察劇《The Bill》。
- Bird – 鳥
- 美國俚語,指警用直升機,參見「貧民窟鳥」。
- Bizzies – 比茲
- 英國利物浦俚語,單詞「busy」的諧音。據說是在默西塞德郡創造的詞語,因為警察總是因為太「忙」,而無暇幫助舉報低級犯罪的市民;另外一種起源,是警察被視為「愛管閒事的人」,即他們忙於問太多問題,並干涉他人的事務。
- Black Maria – 黑色瑪麗亞
- 英國、愛爾蘭等地使用的俚語,指用於運送囚犯的警車,在19世紀也曾在美國和法國使用。這個詞語的起源眾說紛紜,普遍接受的說法是源於一個臭名昭著、高大而兇狠的利物浦黑人旅館老闆——Maria Lea。[8]
- Black Police – 黑警/克警
- 香港粵語俚語,「黑社會」和「警察」的合成詞,參見「黑社會」。2019-20年香港抗議活動期間,親民主支持者廣泛使用的貶義詞。
- Blackshirt – 黑衫
- 英國指稱警察的貶義詞,比喻如同貝尼托·墨索里尼領導下的意大利警察和法西斯武裝部隊。
- Blues and Twos – 藍二
- 英國俚語,警車閃爍的藍燈和雙頻警報器。[9]
- Blueband – 藍帶
- 英國俚語,源自社區服務警察(PCSOs)佩戴的藍色帽帶。
- Bluebottle – 藍瓶
- 倫敦俚語,適用於英國、澳大利亞、愛爾蘭等地,源自英國警察的的舊式制服。[10]
- Blue Canary – 藍色金絲雀
- 加拿大俚語,消防員用來取笑警察的詞語。因為沒有經過緊急援助培訓的警察,在處理涉及危險物質或火災事故時,經常會在沒有任何呼吸器或防護裝備的情況下,貿然地接近事故現場,將自己置於危險當中。這個俚語源於礦井工人使用金絲雀監測礦井的空氣質素,當金絲雀暈死時,表示空氣質素差得無法忍受;與之相反,警察會取笑消防員為「水管猴子」(Hose Monkey)。
- Blue Force – 藍色部隊
- 美國俚語,主要用於佛羅里達州。
- Blue Heeler – 澳洲牧牛犬
- 澳大利亞俚語,尤其使用在農村地區,指的是澳大利亞牧牛犬的工作犬特徵。除此之外,澳大利亞有一部長青警察劇叫做《藍牧犬》(Blue Heelers)。
- Blue Light Special – 藍燈特賣
- 美國俚語,指巡邏警車閃爍的藍色燈光,尤其是在逮捕或攔截目標的時候;借用Kmart折扣賣場閃爍的藍燈亮起,表示限定的特賣活動。
- Blue Meanies – 藍色小人
- 1960-70年代的嬉皮士俚語,「meanie」指的是「卑鄙的人」。
- Bobby – 鮑比
- 英語俚語,源自英國保守黨內政大臣羅伯特·皮爾爵士(「鮑比」是「羅伯特」的暱稱),倫敦警察廳的創始人,借用代指警察。[11]
- Bœuf – 公牛
- 魁北克俚語,原義是「公牛」,代指警察的貶義詞。[12]
- Bofia – 警察(非正式術語)
- 葡萄牙語俚語,通常用於指稱警察和執法部門。[13]
- Booked – 立案
- 嫌犯被捕後被帶到拘留室,並關押在牢房。
- Booze Bus – 豪飲巴士
- 澳大利亞俚語,指的是警察設在路邊的隨機酒測檢查點,通常是專門的巴士。
- Boy Dem – 那群男孩
- 源自加勒比皮欽語,指稱警察,等同於「boy」+「dem」(them),僅限複數詞。[14]
- The Boys – 男孩們
- 巴爾的摩非裔美國人社區使用指代警察的術語。「The Boys」也可以指一群擁有共同價值觀、目標或信仰的人。
- Boys in Blue – 藍色男孩
- 源於警察穿着的藍色制服。[15]
- Brady Cops – 布雷迪警察
- 不誠實的警察有時被稱為「布雷迪警察」。
- Bronze – 青銅
- 源自《瘋狂麥斯》(Mad Max)系列電影中使用的警察俚語,劇中是指主力巡警隊(Main Force Patrol,MFP)佩戴的青銅徽章,借代指巡邏警察。
- 英國交通警察(British Transport Police)的縮寫,是英國歷史最悠久,也是唯一在英國全境執法的警察部隊;有時戲謔地稱為「Sleepers」。
- Buck Rogers – 巴克·羅傑斯
- 英國倫敦和東南部對警察使用雷達槍的戲謔語。
- Bull – 公牛
- 美國指稱鐵路警察的俚語,在20世紀上半葉最為普遍使用。
- Bulle – 公牛
- 德國俚語,通常帶有貶義,「Bullerei」和複數形式「Bullen」指的是整個警隊。[16][17]
- The Buttons – 紐扣
- 美國俚語,指1940年代警察制服的大黃銅紐扣。
- Byling – 巡警(過時俚語)
- 古瑞典語俚語,指巡邏警察,現在已經很少使用。[18]
- Cana – 棍
- 阿根廷俚語,原義是警察使用的拐杖,源於19世紀末在布宜諾斯艾利斯、羅薩里奧和蒙得維的亞的周邊地區,下層階級中發展起來的一種黑話。2001年12月的阿根廷騷亂中,被廣泛用於指稱鎮壓警察,因為那時警察使用警棍對付抗議者。
- Candy Cars – 糖果車
- 英國俚語,指包括警車的緊急服務車輛,因為它們有五顏六色的車身塗裝。警車是黃-藍色、救護車是黃-綠色、消防車是黃-紅色、血液車是黃-橘色和高速公路運輸車是黃-黑色;此外,所有車輛的尾部都有紅-黃色的倒V形塗裝。
- Chairen – 差人
- 粵語俚語,指稱警察,適用於兩廣、香港、澳門等地區,源於舊時中國衙門差役。[5] 男性俗稱為「差佬」,女性俗稱為「差婆」。
- Cheese – 起司
- 新西蘭俚語,尤其是在奧克蘭地區,警察可能被稱為「The Cheese」。
- Cherry Toppers, Cherry Tops, or Cherries – 櫻桃禮帽
- 通常用於指代警車,某些國家的警車頂上裝置的圓筒形紅燈。
- Cherries and Berries – 櫻桃和漿果
- 指代警察,源於警車頂上裝置的紅-藍色閃光燈。
- Chimps – 黑猩猩
- 英國指社區服務警察的俚語,「在大多數警務情況下完全沒有希望」(Completely Hopeless in Most Policing Situations)的首字母縮寫詞。[19]
- 用於指代加州公路巡警(CHP),源於NBC電視劇《CHiPs》。
- Chlupatej – 毛茸茸
- 捷克俚語。起源於奧匈帝國時期,當時的警察官戴着裝飾有兔毛的頭盔。
- Chota – 警察(非正式術語)
- 中美洲用於指代警察的俚語。
- 英國和英聯邦警察部隊的分支機構,「刑事調查部」(Criminal Investigation Department)的縮寫,負責調查刑事犯罪案件。
- City Kitties – 城市貓
- 美國卡車司機稱呼城市警察的俚語。
- Civvies – 便衣
- 不穿制服的警察,通常是指刑事警察。
- Clear – 清場
- 警察、聯邦調查局或特警隊掃蕩地區時,現場的特定區域沒有犯罪活動。
- Cogne – 扣扣
- 法語俚語,大致意思是「敲擊」,形容憲兵或警察上門的敲門聲。例如:法國文豪維克多·雨果作品《悲慘世界》台詞「孩子!我們不說警察,而是敲門鬼。」(Môme! on ne dit pas les sergents de ville, on dit les cognes.)(Victor Hugo, Les Misérables Tome IV, Paris: Émile Testard, 1890, p.244)
- Cop Shop – 警店
- 美國、英國和澳大利亞俚語表示警察局。《Cop Shop》是一部澳大利亞播映的長青電視劇,另有一部美國驚悚電影《警局殺陣》(Copshop)。
- Cop, Coppa, or Copper – 警察(非正式術語)
- 「Copper」一詞在英國的原始意思,是用來表示「逮捕者」(someone who captures)。根據《簡編牛津英語詞典》的解釋,「cop」一詞有「捕獲」的意思,該詞收錄於1704年,詞源自拉丁語「capere」,衍生為古法語「caper」。[20] 《牛津英語詞典》指出「copper」一詞的涵義來自「cop」,但同時補充說明其詞源不確定,長久以來出現過許多富有想像力,但卻牽強附會的解釋,包括指稱是警察制服的銅紐扣、銅徽章,或者是「constable on patrol」、「constabulary of police」、「chief of police」的縮寫。[21]
- Cosmonaut – 太空人
- 參見「Kosmonavt」。
- County Mountie – 縣警(非正式術語)
- 加拿大俚語,指縣警或治安官。卡車司機在使用民用無線電台時,也用來指代美國縣警或治安官。
- Coxinha – 巴西炸肉丸
- 巴西聖保羅指稱警察的俚語,可能因為他們中的大多數人,都會在工作間隙吃零食。
- Crush, Crusher, or Crushman – 警察(非正式術語)
- 英國維多利亞時代指稱警察的俚語,源自俚語「beetle crushers」,指的是當時警察穿着的重型靴子。
- Cuntstable – 傻屄警察/婊子警察
- 有貶義的英國俚語,「constable」(警察)和「cunt」(屄)的混成詞。
- Ds
- 俚語,指稱警探(Detectives)。[22]
- Daijin/Dairin – 大人
- 日治時期對日本警察的稱謂,借用古時對地位高的人的尊稱。[23][24]
- Dann-a – 電仔
- 台灣俚語,原本是指「警車」,也用作稱「警察」。[25]
- Danthe
- Slang for police officer (constables of patrol officers) in Nepal. The term is usually used as the police officers are carrying a stick with them.
- Dekosuke – 凸助/デコ助
- 日本對警察的貶義俚語,本來是指前額高突或頭髮稀疏的人,由於警察戴着飾有徽章的大檐帽,因此適用於警察。
- Dibble
- The name of fictional police officer in the cartoon Top Cat. "Dibble" has been adopted as a British-English derogatory slang term for police officer, especially one with Greater Manchester Police[26]
- Dicks
- Slang for detectives. Apparently originally coined in Canada and brought south by rumrunners during Prohibition. The fictional comic strip character Dick Tracy was given the first name of "Dick" in token of its being a slang expression for "detective". Dickless Tracy is used in Australia as slang for female police officers.
- Dirty Police – 黑警/克警
- 參見「Black Police」。
- Discowägeli
- Derogatory Term for police car in the German-speaking part of Switzerland, loosely translated as "disco cart". Might stem from the fact that some Swiss police use two different sirens on the same car (loud for daytime, muffled for night, or one set for city and one for country corps).
- Divvy Van
- Australian slang for police van (divisional van). The term is confined mostly to Victoria and Western Australia.
- Dogs – 狗
- Georgian and Polish slang for police; comparable with "pigs". Also a common derogative term for Hong Kong police officers.
- Donut Patrol, or Donut Muncher
- Refers to unhealthy police officers in the United States. Comes from night-shift officers stopping at doughnut shops for coffee, as they often used to be the only catering establishments open all night long.
- Double Bubble
- Refers to Australian highway patrol vehicles with rotating twin blue lights.
- Fakabát
- An old Hungarian term meaning "wooden-coat". The name originates from WW2 Hungarian army slang, where a wooden coat meant a box-like small wooden shelter at guard posts, just enough for a guard to step in and be somewhat protected from weather. Later, in the Socialist era, the police was issued with brownish vinyl jackets which became rigid in cold weather, and cops started calling them wooden coats, for they felt like actually wearing a guard box, as the name implies. The term is still widely known today.
- Feds
- Usually used in the United States to refer to federal law enforcement agencies, especially the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the United States Marshals Service. Also used in Australia to refer to the Australian Federal Police, and in London as general slang for the Metropolitan Police Service, due to influence from U.S. media.
- Federales
- Spanish, the Mexican Federal Police. The term gained widespread usage by English-speakers due to its popularization in films. The term is a cognate and counterpart to the slang "Feds" in the United States.
- Feo
- A term which indicates a law-enforcement officer approaching the speaker's vicinity. Taken from the Spanish word for "ugly", this slang term is exclusively used by the Puerto Rican and Dominican communities of Philadelphia and (to a lesser extent) New York City, United States.
- Filth
- Normally "The Filth", UK, the police. Inspiration for the Irvine Welsh novel Filth.[27] Also common in Ireland, Australia and New Zealand.
- Five-O
- Derived from the name of the television series Hawaii Five-O, this term is used in the US. Non-derogatory, e.g.: "If you notice loose plastic cap over the card slot of ATM just call Five-O". It is sometimes shouted out as a warning by lookouts or others engaged in illegal activity when a police officer is spotted.
- Fízl
- Czech pejorative term for police officer.
- Flatfoot
- A term with uncertain origins. Possibly related to the large amount of walking that a police officer would do; at a time when the condition flat feet became common knowledge, it was assumed that excessive walking was a major cause. Another possible origin is the army's rejection of men with flat feet, who would often take jobs in law enforcement as a backup, particularly during war when established police officers would often join up (or be forced).[28] What is known is that by 1912, flat-footed was an insult among U.S. baseball players, used against players not "on their toes." This may have been applied to police officers sometime later, for similar reasons.[29]
- Flic
- A French word for police (singular "un flic", but more commonly used in the plural "les flics"), best translated as "cop". Much like "cop", this informal term is not derogatory. However, the extended version – "les flicailles" – adding the suffix -aille, is pejorative and corresponds to "pigs".
- Fucking Big Idiots
- Slang abbreviation for the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Derogatory
- Fuzz, the
- Slang term for the police, possibly deriving from a mispronunciation or corruption of the phrase "the police force" or "the force". It may also refer to police radio static. The term was used in the title Hot Fuzz, a 2007 police-comedy film and Peter Peachfuzz from The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle. The term is also referenced in the title of the Supergrass single "Caught by the Fuzz". CB radio lingo called the police "Bears"; fuzz was a spin-off from this (this is a dubious assertion, as the term fuzz is much older than the use of mobile CB radio and older than Smokey the Bear, whose hat type, worn by many highway patrols, is the source of the bears term for police) because bears are fuzzy.
- Gabor
- Romanian pejorative referring to police men
- Gaets
- Russian, slang, Гаец, pl Гайцы. Only slightly disparaging; in general use, to mean traffic police officers. From the historical abbreviation GAI (Russian: ГАИ – Государственная Автомобильная Инспекция for State Automobile Inspectorate).
- Gavver
- (UK, slang) A member of the police.
- Gammon
- UK, see Bacon
- Gestapo
- Non-police-related slang term for door security (Bouncers) in reference to their white armbands. Reference to the secret police of Nazi Germany, also called the Gestapo.
- Ghetto Bird
- US, derogatory, slang for a police helicopter patrolling over ghettos.
- Glina
- Polish, widespread and non-derogatory term used for all police officers but specifically for higher-ranking or criminal police personnel.
- Glowie
- Slang for an American federal agent, often used online. Originates from a quote by Terry A. Davis.
- Grass
- Cockney (English) rhyming slang for a police informant: Grasshopper = Copper.[31] Alternative suggestions are from "Narc in the Park", or the song "WhisperingGrass".
- Gris
- (Swedish for pig. Pronounced with a long i) A derogatory term in Sweden for the whole police force or for a single police officer.
- Grüne Minna
- (German for green Minna, short form of Wilhelmine), denomination for a prisoner transport in Germany and Austria, also "Grüner August" (German for green August) in some regions in Germany (like Hamburg, Swabia), or "Grüner Heinrich" (German for green Henry) in Austria as well
- Gorra
- Lower class Argentine slang, Spanish for "hat". Derogatory.
- Guards or Guard
- Ireland, slang for the Garda Síochána or one of its members. Shortened from English translation guardians of the peace.
- Gumshoe
- US, derogatory, slang for detectives, who allegedly wear soft-heeled shoes or Hush Puppy shoes so they can follow suspects without being noticed.
- Gura
- Latin American Spanish slang for police enforcement, derogatory.[32]
- Ḥakem
- Ḥakem (حاكم) is a Tunisian slang term for police, meaning "ruler" in Arabic.
- HNACH (حنش)
- Harness bull
- American term for a uniformed officer.[33] A reference to the Sam Browne belt that was formerly part of some police uniforms, also Harness cop, Harness man.[34]
- Havāladāra
- term meaning Constable in Marathi
- Heat or The Heat
- For police and law enforcement in general (due to some police vehicles featuring red lights).
- Heijiao – 黑腳
- 香港俚語,指軍裝警察。[5]
- Hendek
- French Slang for police officer. It comes from the Algerian dialect. It means "be careful".
- Hobby Bobby
- UK slang for special constables.
- Hong Tou Bing – 紅頭兵
- 馬來西亞華語俚語,指皇家警察聯邦後備隊(鎮壓警察),源於他們穿戴紅色頭盔。
- Hurry up van
- Slang term used on Merseyside to describe a police van.
- In the bag
- NYPD slang for being a uniformed patrol officer.
- Isilop
- Indonesian reversed words from Polisi (police)
- Invisible cop car
- Jack or Jacks
- English/Australian slang term short for jackboots. The term can be used to describe a police officer, informant or an unreliable person. "To go jack on a mate" is the act of betraying associates or implicating them in a crime. A "jack" is someone who is considered not be trusted. Also old slang for CID in Liverpool.[35]
- Jackboots
- Heavily armed police in riot gear
- Jake/Jake the Snake
- Slang term for the police originated in the Bronx (mildly derogatory).
- Jam sandwich, or Jam Butty
- UK, police traffic car, from the now largely obsolete historical colour-scheme – an overall white vehicle, with a longitudinal red, or red and yellow, stripe on each side. Still used for the metropolitan police in London. Silver cars with a red stripe down the side.
- Jjapsae
- South Korean term for the police. Derogatory.
- Johnny
- Sometimes used to refer to the police in Upstate South Carolina.
- Karao
- Used in Kenya to refer to police; seen as derogatory. Its source is the sheng language (mashup of English and Kiswahili).[36]
- Keuf
- French, used in the plural "les keufs", as slang for the police. This word is more derogatory than "les flics", even though it means the same thing. The word is derived from the pronunciation of "flic" as "FLEE-KUH". In verlan slang, words are reversed, thus making the word "kuhflee". In turn, "lee" was dropped from the word, leaving "keuf".
- Kiberer
- also "Kiwara" in Austrian German slang for a police officer, in Vienna denomination for a police detective, "Kiberei" or "Kiwarei" for the police. Slightly derogatory.
- King's / Queen's Cowboys
- Canadian slang term for members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
- Kollegen mat den Rallysträifen
- Luxembourgish, literally "colleagues / fellows with the rally stripes". A reference to police officers with their police cars, which in Luxembourg have three stripes on the bonnet and on each side, representing the national colours (red, white, light blue). Due to the fact that the police cars are white as well as the colour of the central stripe, it seems like they only have two stripes on it, like rally cars. It has a more or less humorous character.
- Kosmonavt
- Russian, referring to an OMON policeman equipped with riot gear (literally "cosmonaut").[37][38]
- Krasnopyoriye
- Russian, slang, Краснопёрые sg Краснопёрый ("red-feathered"), outdated. Refers to the USSR police uniform of 1975–1990 having red collar insignia of rhombic shape.
- Kerovi
- Serbian slang for police, used to disrespect the police officers, comes from word ker which in slang means dog .
- Kchulim
- Hebrew slang for police officers. Comes from the word Kachol, which means blue.
- Kaka
- Slang for police in Maharashtra, literally means paternal uncle.[39]
- Khatmal
- Slang for police in Hyderabad, India which means literally means bed bugs in Indian languages.[39]
- Maatia kukura
- Meaning khaki dog in English, is a derogatory word for police in Odisha due to their khaki uniforms and rowdy behaviour.
- Law, Laws, or The Law
- Probably an abbreviation of the phrase "The long arm of the law" (suggesting that no matter how far they run, all criminals are eventually caught and prosecuted successfully).
- Legawye (pl)
- Russian Легавые (sg. Легавый). Literally "gundog", "pointer". According to one of many theories, this was part of the logo of the Moscow Investigation Department in 1928, although the term existed in the 12th century.[40]
- Leizi – 雷子
- 北京俚語,流氓團伙對便衣警察的蔑稱。
- LEOs
- Law Enforcement Officers.
- Reference to uniform officers' headwear, often used as a putdown by the CID ex. 'Those bloody lids'; attempted derogatory CE.
- Local Yokel
- Reference to city or town police forces, almost solely used in conjunction with "County Mountie". Mildly derogatory.
- Lodówa
- a Polish slang term for a police van, literally "fridge"; refers to the large size and boxy shape of police vans.
- Lüyi – 綠衣
- Mabando
- Term used to imply the presence of law-enforcement officers in a particular area. Most commonly used by the Dominican and Puerto Rican communities of Philadelphia.
- Maama
- Hindi, मामा. literally meaning maternal uncle, commonly used in Hindi to describe a male police person, typically referring to traffic police.
- Mama/Mami
- Marathi, slang, मामा/मामी. literally meaning "maternal uncle/maternal aunt", it is one of the most common forms of addressing any strange male/female elder. Used frequently in Pune and Mumbai for traffic police personnel.
- Madama
- Italian term used when a police man is spotted on the site to advise someone during some sort of illegal action.
- Madero
- Slang, sometimes derogatory or vulgar. Spanish slang referring to a member of Cuerpo Nacional de Policia.[41]
- Man, The
- Derogatory. Police officer or other government agent who has control, either by force or circumstance. Widely used in the United States, especially among African Americans and prisoners. Popular during the 1960s and 1970s by anti-establishment groups.[42]
- Mata/Mata-Mata
- Common slang in both Singapore and Malaysia, "mata" means "eye" in Malay and connotes surveillance, thus becoming a metonym for the police.
- Meat Wagon
- Common UK term for a police van, typically a Transit van, used for transporting people from a crime scene to the police station. Not commonly used for police cars or riot vans.
- "John got arrested for being drunk and disorderly, the Police cuffed him and threw him in the back of the Meat Wagon"
- Not applicable in the United States, where the term is used to describe a coroner's van, nor in Germany, where a Mietwagen is a hired car.
- Memur Bey
- Common slang used in Turkey. Means "Mr. Officer".
- Ment
- Russian slang, Мент (pl. Менты). Only slightly disparaging, in general use (e.g. Ments is an alternative title for Streets of Broken Lights). The word dates back to the nineteenth century and is originally Hungarian, meaning "cloak" (because the Austro-Hungarian police uniform included a cloak).[43]
- Messingen
- Norwegian, literally "The Brass", referring to police badges traditionally being made of said material.[44]
- Městapo
- Czech term used for members of city police which is known for arrogant and harassing behaviour. Combination of term městská policie and secret police of Nazi Germany Gestapo.[45]
- Millicents
- Term originated from the novel A Clockwork Orange.
- Militia
- Slang in Romania and various post-Soviet countries with roots from the secret police.
- Mr. Plod
- See Plod.
- Moosor
- Russian, lit. "garbage" (but countable), offensive. Etymology uncertain, theories suggested include the acronym MUS for "Moscow Criminal Investigation [Office]" (Московский Уголовный Сыск) in Tzarist Russia and Hebrew for "informer." Also, in Belarus, acronym MUS stands for Ministry for Home Affairs (Belarusian: Міністэрства ўнутраных спраў, МУС), and is embroidered on policeman uniform.[40]
- Mountie(s)
- Canada, colloquial, Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Also used in Australia to refer to the mounted police sections of the various state police forces.
- Murija
- Serbo-Croatian, common colloquial term for "police"; from the Italian word muro, meaning "wall"
- Narc or Nark
- 1. A term used for an informant. 2. An undercover narcotics agent.
- Neighbour
- Partner (Possible only used in Scotland with Detectives).
- Nick
- Police station (British slang).
- Nicked
- To be arrested (British slang).
- Noddies
- New Jack
- A rookie police officer; used in the New York-New Jersey-Connecticut tri-state area.
- O-kha – 烏跤/黑腳
- 閩南俚語。
- Old Bill
- Term in use in London among other areas, inspiring the television series The Bill. This nickname's origin is obscure; according to the Metropolitan Police themselves, there are at least 13 different explanations.[46] However, the word is quite old fashioned and is used much less nowadays, especially by younger people.
- One Time
- Term used in many English speaking countries, used because one looks at the police one time, so not to attract attention.
- Onkel politi
- Norwegian, literally "Uncle Police", an obvious put-down referring to a guy who traveled around Norwegian schools in the sixties tutoring kids on traffic safety.
- Occifer/ossifer
- Slang term used to satirically reference the title of a police officer, while implying that the speaker is intoxicated. Popularized by the 1978 Cheech & Chong film Up in Smoke.
- Ōkami
- Derogatory Japanese term for police. The term is a pun: the word can mean "one who is above" (大上), a term often used "in reference to the emperor, one's lord, or the authorities";[47] "supreme deity" (大神); or "wolf" (狼). Commonly used by the protagonist of the dorama Gokusen.
- Ottowagen
- (German for "Otto car") colloquial for a police car in some regions of Lower Saxony, Germany
- Paco
- A derogatory Chilean term for Carabineros, the national military police force of Chile. In Costa Rica, a familiar term for police, loosely derogatory. The term comes from the nickname "Paco" given to Francisco Calderón, a Security Minister in the 1940s.[48]
- Paddy wagon
- A police van. So named in Liverpool, UK as most of the policemen and prisoners were of Irish extraction.
- Panda Car
- UK, a police car. Named because they were originally painted with large panels of black and white, or blue (usually light blue) and white. First started by the Lancashire Constabulary in the 1960s. Original Panda cars were the same model of car bought by two adjacent forces – the one in black and the other in white. The doors were then swapped between vehicles giving all the two-tone colour scheme one way round or the other. Bonnets (hoods) could also be swapped. Not clear if boot (trunk) lids were swapped. Not all fitted with a blue beacon. Some fitted with a large box shaped roof sign "police" with the blue beacon on top (or not). Many were Morris 1000, Austin Morris Minis or 1100s. Ford Anglias and later Escorts also used by some forces. Colour scheme later changed to blue (usually light blue) with white doors – or, again, the reverse – light blue with white doors.
- Pandu
- Marathi, derogatory, पांडू. Used chiefly in Mumbai.[49] This slang for policemen, especially hawaladars, ("Havāladāra", meaning constable in Marathi) came to be from the 1975 Dada Kondke film "Pandu Hawaldar".
- Panduri
- Serbo-Croatian, slang for a group of police officers. The meaning derived from the Latin word banderium, in which the word banderia also came from. They were military units created by Austro-Hungarian nobles in the 15th century, as well as light military border units composed of Croats, Hungarians, Romanians, and Serbs during the Ottoman Empire. Nowadays, it is used in Serbia (and parts of Bosnia, Croatia, and Montenegro) in a derogatory manner.Пандур
- Panier à salade
- French, lit. "salad basket", slang for a police van (cf. fourgon de police)
- Parak
- Slang term used for policemen in the Philippines.
- Paw Patrol
- Slang term for K-9 units or Dog Units in the UK.
- Party Van
- Russian, a police car or van, especially one housing an entire squad and sent out to perform a search-and-seizure and/or an arrest at a specific site. Hints at the party of police officers that it holds and/or the "party" it will "throw" at its destination.
- Pasma
- Derogatory term used in Spain to refer to the police in general.[50] The singular form is "Pasmuti".
- Peeler
- UK, commonly used in Ireland and considered archaic in Britain, from Sir Robert Peel (see "Bobby").
- Perp
- Perpetrator/criminal instigator.
- Peterwagen
- (German for "Peter car") colloquial for a Hamburg Police car[51]
- Pharaoh
- Russian, old-fashioned. Allegedly refers to Tsarist city policemen and passage guards standing still and emotionlessly on their posts, paying no attention to the bustling of the city around them. In older times, they were also armed with poleaxes or clubs that they were stereotypically holding like a sceptre.
- Picoleto
- In Spain it's a term used to refer to Guardia Civil. The term originates from "pico", meaning "spike" or "horn", referring to the tricorne worn by the members of Guardia Civil during most of its existence and still used nowadays in formal uniform.
- Piedipiatti
- Slang term used commonly in Italy to describe all kinds of police officers. Lit. flat feet.
- Pies
- Slang term used commonly in Poland to describe all kinds of police officers. 'Pies' means a dog in Polish and is understood to compare police activity to that of dogs i.e.sniffing around etc. Highly derogatory, not used in any official circumstances.
- Pig
- This derogatory term was frequently used during the 19th century, disappeared for a while, but reappeared during the 20th and 21st century. It became frequently used again during the 1960s and 1970s in the underground and anti-establishment culture. The adult cartoon Fritz The Cat (1972) portrayed the police as pigs, adding to the popularity of the term. Now prevalent in many English-speaking countries.[52] It is also used in anti-authority punk, goth, metalhead, biker, mobster and hip-hop circles. Oz magazine showed a picture of a pig dressed as a policeman on a front cover[53] and the term inspired "pig cops" in the video game Duke Nukem 3D.
- Pig Pen
- Cop shop, i.e., police station.
- Pinched
- To be arrested (American slang).
- Pikachu
- In Vietnam, this word refers to traffic police, who wear yellow suits and therefore resemble the Pokémon Pikachu.
- Plastic Policeman
- UK slang term for Police Community Support Officers.
- Placa
- Slang term for police officer or Police men. Origination Mexico
- Plod, PC Plod or Plodder
- Slang, UK and Australia. An allusion to Mr Plod the Policeman in Enid Blyton's Noddy stories for children, to plod meaning to walk doggedly and slowly with heavy steps.[54]
- Plot
- To Plot up, Abbreviation of the term 'Park up and Look Out for Target'.
- Polda
- Czech slang for police officer. Originated as short of word "policista" – Czech term for policeman.
- Po-lé
- Indonesian term for Indonesian Police, popular amongst young students and streetboys in Jakarta and used to warn their friends during illegal streetrace or under-age riding.
- Polente
- Slang for the police in German, slightly derogatory.
- Po Li Si – 波麗士
- 台灣俚語,「police」的音譯詞,源自電視劇《波麗士大人》。
- Polyp, Polypen (plural)
- Slang for Police officers in Germany.
- Polis
- Scottish slang for police (not to be confused with the exaggerated US pronunciation 'po-leece'). Once common in Ireland but rarely heard today except in a jocular sense.
- Ponda
- Slang for policemen in Kashmir region of Jammu & Kashmir, India. It is said to have derived from the British Pound sterling, insinuating that the police are susceptible to bribery.
- Pony Soldier
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
- Porkchop
- Variation on Pig.
- Po-po, Popo, Popos, PoPo
- A derogatory street term for police. Originally from Southern California, where bicycle police, beginning in the 1980s, wore T-shirts marked 'PO', for 'police officer', in block letters. As these officers rode in pairs, their shirts would read 'POPO' when side by side. Yelled out by children to warn a neighborhood that police are in the area.
- Poulet
- French derogatory slang for police (literally "chicken"), similar to American English "pig".
- Pretty Police
- obsolete term used to describe officers deployed in men's toilets to lure homosexual men into a honey trap (source Call the Midwife)
- Probinsyano
- Another slang term used for policemen in the Philippines due to the famous TV Show Ang Probinsyano.
- Puerco
- Hispanic derogatory slang for police (literally "pig").
- Purken
- Norwegian slang for the police (literally "the sow").
- Queen's / King's Cowboys
- Canadian slang term for members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
- Radio Car – 電台車
- 俚語,指警車。
- Rati
- Argentinean slang term for police officers derived from "rata" (rat). Also derived from vesre pronunciation of tira ("strap"), since older police uniforms featured a leather strap across the officer's chest.[55] See Tira.
- Also used in Chile as slang for a member of the PDI.
- Reggin
- Slang used for non-white police officers in Latvia.
- Rent-a-Cop
- Not actually used to refer to police officers, but instead a derogatory term applied to any privately-hired security guard not acting as a bouncer or bodyguard.
- Road Pirates
- US, Slang for law-enforcement who perform traffic enforcement such as writing citations for speeding and reckless driving.
- Rollers
- US, Black slang for police officers widely used on the East and West Coasts in the early 1970s.
- Roussin
- French.[56] In the 18th century undercover detectives in high society were dressed in a reddish (roussâtre) long jacket.
- Rozzers
- UK, slang for police officers, first recorded in the late 1800s.[57]
- Sanki
- A Polish term for detention, literally "sleigh", comes from "sankcje" – sanctions.
- Sbirro
- Italian slang term for a police officer.
- Schmier
- Derogatory slang term for policeman in Switzerland. Literally German for 'dirt'/'smear'/'grease', derived from 'schmiergeld' or 'schmieren' – 'bribe money' and 'to bribe' respectively. Referring to police as a whole as a totally corrupt organization. Plural forms: (schmiere[n]) for male and (schmierin) for feminine.
- Scuffer
- Term used in Liverpool for a policeman.
- Scum
- Commonly used in the U.K. Very similar in use to "The Filth"
- "The Scum are raiding John’s house. The Filth are never done harassing him!"
- Shades
- Term used to refer to An Garda Síochána, the police force of the Republic of Ireland.[58][59][60] Derived from Traveller Cant, it is said to refer either to the two shades of blue on the Garda uniform, or to the practice of wearing peaked uniform caps, casting a "shade" over their eyes. It is also perhaps thought to refer to the sunglasses (or shades) they once commonly wore.[61][62]
- Shickalon[e]y
- Garda Síochána, the police force of the Republic of Ireland. Based on a mispronunciation of Síochána.[63][64][65]
- Shtar
- French slang for police. It is also used when referring to a pimple.
- Si Kha-a – 四跤仔/四腳仔(過時俚語)
- 台灣日治時期指代日本警察的貶義詞,表示人有兩腳、狗有四腳,所以警察是狗不是人。
- Six-up
- slang term for police originating in San Francisco, California USA in the mid-to-late-1970s; used primarily by Grateful Dead followers, so use of the term seems to be dying out.
- Smeris
- Dutch slang for police.
- Slops
- "Back-slang" formation from "police" spelled backwards, "ecilop" = "slop". Common before World War II in the UK. Rare today.
- Smokey
- State police or troopers. Derived from over-the-road trucker CB radio calls, as popularized by the 1977 film Smokey and the Bandit. Though the portrayal of police in that movie was generally negative, the term itself is not always derogatory.
- Snut
- Norwegian/Swedish slang widely used for cops.
- Stater/Statie
- A state trooper, as opposed to a local county or federal police officer of the US.
- Stormtrooper(s)
- Mainly used to refer to riot police but can be used to refer to any group of police, referencing their paramilitary gear and blank uniform appearance alluding to both the German Stormtroopers of the World Wars (suggesting inherent authoritarian leanings) and the Imperial Stormtroopers of the Star Wars films (drawing connotations with being faceless henchmen).
- Suka
- Polish for "bitch", both in the sense of 'female dog' and as an offensive term, refers to a police van. Possibly a play on "pies".
- Svartemarja
- Norwegian (originally from English) referring to historic black police cars used to take people to jail.
- Sweeney, The
- UK slang term for the Flying Squad of London's Metropolitan Police Service. From Cockney rhyming slang: "Sweeney Todd" = "Flying Squad".
- The Thin Blue Line
- The role of the police as the barrier between civilized society and chaos, inspiring a UK sitcom and two documentaries of the same name.
- Three Letter Agency
- Used in the United States to denote the multiple federal agencies that are commonly referred to by their initials such as the FBI, ATF, and DEA.
- Thulla
- ठुल्ला. A North Indian slang for policemen. One theory is that it is derived from "thulla", a name used in Eastern India for the jute gunny sack, which resembles the khaki uniforms worn by many police forces in the country.
- Tiaozi – 條子
- Tira
- A Brazilian Portuguese slang word (colloquial) for police officers, its origin comes from tira [ˈt͡ʃi.ɾa], since older police uniforms had a strap across the chest.
- Toniwagen
- (German for "Toni car") historical denomination for a Volkspolizei car in East Berlin, East Germany
- Tombo
- A Peruvian, Colombian and other South American countries' slang term, comes from switching the syllabes of "Botón", which means button, an allusion to the ribbons or medals that police officers used to wear on their uniforms.
- Town Clown
- Town or city police officers, contrasted with county or state police. Usually considered derogatory.[66]:
- Twelve / "12"
- "12" is a slang name whose popularity is currently on the rise. This name is used mostly by criminals or people to warn those indulging in crime or illegal activity that police officers are on their way. Although the term 12 is a police radio call code, urban slang has changed it into a warning phrase. One possible etymologies include 1312, the numeric representation of the acronym "ACAB" which stands for "all cops are bastards", as well as an account of the phrase deriving from the 1970s television show Adam-12
- Triads
- 黑社會. A derogatory slang given by pro-democracy supporters, during the 2019–20 Hong Kong protests, to hurl insult at members of Hong Kong Police Force after their failure in protecting train passengers from attacks by allegedly gang members and their alleged collusion during the attack at a train station in Yuen Long .[67]
- Tua Kau – 大狗
- 新馬俚語,指警官。[68]
- Tyttebærpoliti
- Norwegian, literally "Lingonberry Police" (from the Securitas logo), referring to any privately hired security guard, excluding bouncers and bodyguards. Occasional plan B for Police Academy rejects.
- Txakurra
- Euskera word meaning dog. Slang for a police officer, especially a member of Spanish Nacional Police.
- Vics
- US slang term for the police in the 1990s and 2000s, referring to the Ford Crown Victoria, a car model commonly used by police departments.
- Slang term used in Victoria, Australia for the Victoria Police.
- Also used by the police to refer to crime victims in the US.
- Wachtelsepp
- "waving Sepp" ('wachtel' lit. quail, but colloquially used for waving; 'Sepp' is the diminutive form for Joseph). Austrian German slang term for a cardboard cutout police officer usually set up to deter speeding. Dubbed "Kollege Vinzenz" by the Austrian police force.
- Walloper
- Australian slang for a police officer. Commonly used in the 19th to 20th centuries for the policeman on the beat, carrying a truncheon.
- Wankers Association
- Scottish term for the police overall, coined by Frank Anthony, and further made popular by Peter Anderson.
- Wanne
- German for "tub", local denomination of Berlin Police personnel carriers equipped with mesh window shields, Germany
- Water Rat
- Derogatory Australian slang for Water Police. Water Rats was a long-running TV police procedural based on the Sydney Water Police.
- Weiße Maus
- German for "white mouse", for their white uniforms and peaked caps that are generally not in use except for special events. In Germany: colloquial denomination of traffic police units of the state police forces and in Austria: colloquial denomination of motorbikes police units in general, although white uniforms and motorbikes are no longer in use.
- Whiter-than-White, The
- Derisive term for a police force predominantly full of racist white officers; British-English in origin.
- Woodentop
- Uniformed police officer. Derisory term used by British plain-clothes detectives.
- Woody
- A plastic police officer. Derisory term used for British police.
- Wout
- Dutch slang for police, meaning authority.
- Yuta
- Derogatory term for police used in Argentina, Uruguay and some parts of Chile, possibly a corruption of yunta (yoke) since they usually ride in pairs.
- ^ William Safire. Safire's Political Dictionary. Oxford University Press. 2008: 15. ISBN 9780195343342.
- ^ Polislere neden aynasız denir? Aynasızlar tabirinin kökeni. KARAR. [2021-05-03] (土耳其語).
- ^ Babylon definition. Oxford Dictionaries. [14 November 2014]. (原始內容存檔於29 November 2014).
- ^ Eric Partridge, The Routledge Dictionary of Modern American Slang and Unconventional English (2009)
- ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 執法人員花名逐個捉 柳記、白鮓、雞仔餅是誰?. 香港01. 2016-12-01 [2023-03-14].
- ^ KRS-One – Woop! Woop!, [2021-04-22] (英語)
- ^ Beat Officers. Chicago Police Department. [2023-03-14].
- ^ Black Maria. Liverpool City Police. [2023-03-14].
- ^ blues and twos. Cambridge Dictionary. [2023-03-14].
- ^ bluebottle, n.. OED Online. Oxford University Press. December 2019 [10 February 2020].
- ^ 'bobby' – Oxford Dictionaries. Oxford University Press. April 2010 [25 January 2011]. (原始內容存檔於4 July 2012).
- ^ Boeuf. Je parle Québécois. [2023-03-14].
- ^ bofia –透過The Free Dictionary.
- ^ The Dictionary of Slang. The Dictionary of Slang. [27 December 2016]. (原始內容存檔於26 November 2016).
- ^ the boys in blue. The Free Dictionary. Farlex. [2 February 2016].
- ^ Duden Dictionary of German language. (原始內容存檔於8 May 2015).
- ^ Duden Entry for Bullerei. (原始內容存檔於5 July 2017).
- ^ Svenska Akademiens ordbok. G3.spraakdata.gu.se. [24 April 2012]. (原始內容存檔於8 March 2012).
- ^ ex DS Roddy Llewelyn. (原始內容存檔於2 January 2012).
- ^ Partridge, Eric. A Dictionary of Historical Slang. Penguin Books Ltd. 1972. ISBN 014051046X.
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Noun, British slang, a policeman
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- ^ Ayto, John. Oxford Dictionary of Modern Slang. Oxford University Press. 2003. ISBN 0198607636.
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- 維基詞典中的詞條「Thesaurus:police officer」
- Don't be a pilchard, China! Learn the A-Z of criminal slang, as revealed by an expert (who's had 33 years in jail to learn it)
- Some Slang Words for Police
- Metropolitan Police – origins of the name "Old Bill"
- Law Enforcement Terms & Abbreviations (US)
- Law Enforcement Submitted Cop Slang – POLICE Magazine (US)
編輯In use from 1929 and of unknown American origin.[30]
編輯is a Tunisian slang term for police, meaning "snake" in Arabic, Also used in Morocco for Inspectors since they don't work in uniforms.