GOP - Dem [1]

Harvey Milk
1978年1月8日 (1978-01-08)—1978年11月27日 (1978-11-27)
继任哈利·布里特英语Harry Britt
选区旧金山监督委员会第5选区(卡斯楚街海特-阿什伯理英语Haight-Ashbury杜伯賽三角英语Duboce Triangle諾伊谷
出生Harvey Bernard Milk

美国纽约州納蘇縣伍德米尔英语Woodmere, New York
死因枪击、暗杀英语Moscone–Milk assassinations
获奖 总统自由勋章(2009年追授)
效忠 美利坚合众国
服役 美國海軍
军衔 海军中尉
部队三趾鸥号潜艇救援舰英语USS Kittiwake (ASR-13)

哈维·伯纳德·米尔克(英語:Harvey Bernard Milk,1930年5月22日—1978年11月27日)是一位美国政治人物,是美国政坛中最早公开性取向同性恋者之一,被视为该国LGBT權利運動的先锋人物。他在早年未公开自己的同性恋身份,甚少参与政治事务和同性恋权益议题,但在1960年代反文化运动之后决定出柜并踏入政坛。1977年,米尔克当选旧金山监督委员会委员,成为加利福尼亚州历史上第一位经民选获得公职的公开同性恋者。

Milk moved from New York City to settle in San Francisco in 1972 amid a migration of gay men to the Castro District. He took advantage of the growing political and economic power of the neighborhood to promote his interests, and three times ran unsuccessfully for political office. His theatrical campaigns earned him increasing popularity, and Milk won a seat as a city supervisor in 1977, his election made possible by, and a key component of, a shift in San Francisco politics.

Milk served almost 11 months in office and was responsible for passing a stringent gay rights ordinance for the city. On November 27, 1978, Milk and Mayor George Moscone were assassinated by Dan White, another city supervisor, who had recently resigned to pursue a private business enterprise but who had sought to get his position back after that endeavor failed.

Despite his short career in politics, Milk became an icon in San Francisco and a martyr in the gay community.[note 1] In 2002, Milk was called "the most famous and most significantly open LGBT official ever elected in the United States".[2] Anne Kronenberg, his final campaign manager, wrote of him: "What set Harvey apart from you or me was that he was a visionary. He imagined a righteous world inside his head and then he set about to create it for real, for all of us."[3] Milk was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2009.





哈维·米尔克于1930年5月22日在美国纽约州納蘇縣伍德米尔英语Woodmere, New York出生,父亲威廉·米尔克(William Milk)和母亲密涅瓦·卡恩斯(Minerva Karns)都是立陶宛裔[4][5]米尔克家族是立陶宛犹太人英语Lithuanian Jews,原姓“米尔奇”(Milch)。哈维的祖父莫里斯(Morris)带家人自立陶宛移民美国,改姓“米尔克”,在伍德米尔经营长岛最大的百货商店,还协助在当地建立了第一座犹太会堂[6][7][8]哈维的父亲威廉出生在立陶宛,与莫里斯一同移民,曾在家族商店中工作一段时间,之后到西部成为牛仔,在第一次世界大战中加入了美国海军。哈维的母亲密涅瓦最初居住在布鲁克林,一战爆发后同样加入海军,成为海军文书军士,是美国海军最早一批女兵之一。[4][5]二人在战后回到纽约,威廉继续在父亲的商店中工作,密涅瓦则成为一名速记员。两人成婚后育有二子,长子罗伯特(Robert)于1926年出生,哈维·米尔克是他们的次子。[5]



米尔克很早就知道自己与众不同,青少年时期逐渐认识到自己的性取向。他靠自己独立摸索出各种经验,了解到如何结识其他同性恋者,如何躲避警察的抓捕,14岁时已经有了“活跃的同性性生活”。但他一直将性取向隐瞒起来,未向任何人吐露这一秘密。[9]1945年第二次世界大战欧战结束后,米尔克一家搬到纽约州蘇福克縣贝肖尔英语Bay Shore, New York居住,米尔克就在这里就读高中。他在青少年时期身材高大,长着大鼻子、大耳朵和一双大脚,同伴常常因此戏弄他。他为人风趣健谈,对此并不介意,总是和伙伴互相取笑,在同学中广受欢迎,但他没有十分亲密的朋友。米尔克在高中期间热爱体育运动,是学校篮球队的主力队员,在美式足球队中司职线卫英语Linebacker,亦曾参与田径摔跤。他还喜爱歌剧,每周都会到曼哈顿百老汇观看,但不曾告诉其他同学。[10]




米尔克毕业时,朝鲜战争已经爆发。他在毕业后三个月加入美国海军,在罗德岛州纽波特的海军候补军官学校接受训练,成为海军通讯员。[13]服役期间,米尔克曾在三趾鸥号潜艇救援舰英语USS Kittiwake (ASR-13)上任潜水军官,[14]随后调往圣迭戈海军基地任潜水指导员。[15]1955年8月,米尔克以海军中尉的军衔退役。[14]他在后来多次宣称自己是因同性恋身份曝光而遭开除,但这一说法与军队的资料不符。[16][14]美国记者、传记作家兰迪·希尔斯英语Randy Shilts在米尔克的传记中对此提出疑问。希尔斯指出,米尔克在当时尚未投身同性恋平权运动,对自己的性取向也十分谨慎。[17]修辞理论学者凯伦·弗斯(Karen Foss)也称米尔克在海军期间未曾暴露自己的性取向,认为他日后的这一说法仅仅是为拉拢选民而刻意夸张的说辞。[18]

退役之后,米尔克曾在洛杉矶迈阿密等地短暂居住,之后回到纽约。[19]他不能确定自己的事业方向,曾多次更换职业。他最初在伍德米尔英语Woodmere, New York的乔治·W·休莱特高中(George W. Hewlett High School)担任老师,但很快对此失去兴趣,只做了一年左右就离职。[20][21]1956年夏季,米尔克在纽约皇后区结识了19岁的乔·坎贝尔(Joe Campbell)。两人年龄相差7岁,但很快就互通情书,成为恋人并开始同居。[22][19]他们逐渐厌烦了纽约的生活,于1957年9月搬到德克萨斯州达拉斯居住,次年2月又搬回纽约。此后,米尔克开始在纽约的大美国保险公司(Great American Insurance Company)任统计师,坎贝尔则从事家具装饰的工作,两人过上了稳定的“中产阶级婚姻生活”。但到了1960年时,他们的感情却渐行渐远。这对情侣最终于1961年7月分手,在1962年正式分居。[19][23]这也是米尔克一生中最长的一段恋情。[24]

恋情结束后,米尔克再次对纽约生活感到厌倦,一度打算搬到迈阿密和一个女性友人形婚[19]但最终仍然选择留在纽约生活。他一直隐藏着自己的感情生活,从不向家人和同事透露。在1962年结识了比自己年轻十岁的克雷格·罗德维尔英语Craig Rodwell,开始了新的恋情。Milk tried to keep his early romantic life separate from his family and work. Once again bored and single in New York, he thought of moving to Miami to marry a lesbian friend to "have a front and each would not be in the way of the other".[25] However, he decided to remain in New York, where he secretly pursued gay relationships. In 1962 Milk became involved with Craig Rodwell, who was 10 years younger. Though Milk courted Rodwell ardently, waking him every morning with a call and sending him notes, Milk was uncomfortable with Rodwell's involvement with the New York Mattachine Society, a gay-rights organization. When Rodwell was arrested for walking in Riis Park, and charged with inciting a riot and with indecent exposure (the law required men's swimsuits to extend from above the navel to below the thigh), he spent three days in jail. The relationship soon ended as Milk became alarmed at Rodwell's tendency to agitate the police.[26][note 2]

Milk abruptly stopped working as an insurance actuary and became a researcher at the Wall Street firm Bache & Company. He was frequently promoted despite his tendency to offend the older members of the firm by ignoring their advice and flaunting his success. Although he was skilled at his job, co-workers sensed that Milk's heart was not in his work.[6] He started a romantic relationship with Jack Galen McKinley, and recruited him to work on conservative Republican Barry Goldwater's 1964 presidential campaign.[27] Their relationship was troubled. When McKinley first began his relationship with Milk in late 1964, he was 16 years old.[28] He was prone to depression and sometimes threatened to commit suicide if Milk did not show him enough attention.[29] To make a point to McKinley, Milk took him to the hospital where Milk's ex-lover, Joe Campbell, was himself recuperating from a suicide attempt, after his lover Billy Sipple left him. Milk had remained friendly with Campbell, who had entered the avant-garde art scene in Greenwich Village, but Milk did not understand why Campbell's despondency was sufficient cause to consider suicide as an option.[30]

Rise of Castro Street


The Eureka Valley of San Francisco, where Market and Castro Streets intersect, had for decades been a blue-collar Irish Catholic neighborhood synonymous with the Most Holy Redeemer Parish (a few Lutherans of Scandinavian ancestry also lived in the neighborhood). Beginning in the late 1960s, however, young families left the neighborhood and moved to Bay Area suburbs, and the city's economic base eroded as factories moved to cheaper locations nearby and blue-collar port jobs relocated to Oakland. Mayor Joseph Alioto, proud of his working-class background and supporters, based his political career on welcoming developers to provide construction jobs and attracting a Roman Catholic Cardinal to the city. Many blue-collar workers—often Alioto supporters—lost their jobs as large corporations with service industry positions replaced factory and dry dock jobs. San Francisco, which had been "a city of villages", a decentralized city with discrete ethnic enclaves surrounding a local high street, began a demographic change.[31]

As the downtown area developed, neighborhoods suffered, including Castro Street.[32] The Most Holy Redeemer Parish shops shut down, and houses were abandoned and shuttered.[33] In 1963, real estate prices plummeted when most of the working-class families tried to sell their houses quickly after a gay bar opened in the neighborhood. Hippies, attracted to the free love ideals of the Haight-Ashbury area but repulsed by its crime rate, bought some of the cheap Victorian houses. Beginning in the late 1960s, many San Francisco gays who were affluent began to move from the small apartments of the Polk Gulch area, San Francisco's primary gayborhood since the end of World War II, to the large cheap Victorians in the Castro neighborhood.

Since the end of World War II, the major port city of San Francisco had been home to a sizable number of gay men expelled from the military who had decided to stay rather than return to their hometowns and face ostracism.[34] By 1969 the Kinsey Institute believed San Francisco had more gay people per capita than any other American city; when the National Institute of Mental Health asked the Institute to survey homosexuals, the Institute chose San Francisco as its focus.[35] Milk and McKinley were among the thousands of gay men attracted to San Francisco. McKinley was a stage manager for Tom O'Horgan, a director who started his career in experimental theater, but soon graduated to much larger Broadway productions. They arrived in 1969 with the Broadway touring company of Hair. McKinley was offered a job in the New York City production of Jesus Christ Superstar, and their tempestuous relationship came to an end. The city appealed to Milk so much that he decided to stay, working at an investment firm. In 1970, increasingly frustrated with the political climate after the U.S. invasion of Cambodia, Milk let his hair grow long. When told to cut it, he refused and was fired.[36]

Milk drifted from California to Texas to New York, without a steady job or plan. In New York City he became involved with O'Horgan's theater company as a "general aide", signing on as associate producer for Lenny and for Eve Merriam's Inner City.[37][38] The time he had spent with the cast of flower children wore away much of Milk's conservatism. A contemporary New York Times story about O'Horgan described Milk as "a sad eyed man—another aging hippie with long, long hair, wearing faded jeans and pretty beads".[38] Craig Rodwell read the description of the formerly uptight man and wondered if it could be the same person.[39] One of Milk's Wall Street friends worried that he seemed to have no plan or future, but remembered Milk's attitude: "I think he was happier than at any time I had ever seen him in his entire life."[39]

Milk met Scott Smith, 18 years his junior, and began another relationship. Milk and Smith returned to San Francisco, where they lived on money they had saved.[39] In March 1973, after a roll of film Milk left at a local shop was ruined, he and Smith opened a camera store on Castro Street with their last $1,000.[40]

Changing politics


In the late 1960s, the Society for Individual Rights (SIR) and the Daughters of Bilitis (DOB) began to work against police persecution of gay bars and entrapment in San Francisco. Oral sex was still a felony, and in 1970, nearly 90 people in the city were arrested for having sex in public parks at night. Mayor Alioto asked the police to target the parks, hoping the decision would appeal to the Archdiocese and his Catholic supporters. In 1971, 2,800 gay men were arrested for public sex in San Francisco. By comparison, New York City recorded only 63 arrests for the same offense that year.[41] Any arrest for a morals charge required registration as a sex offender.[42]

Congressman Phillip Burton, Assemblyman Willie Brown, and other California politicians recognized the growing clout and organization of homosexuals in the city, and courted their votes by attending meetings of gay and lesbian organizations. Brown pushed for legalization of sex between consenting adults in 1969 but failed.[43] SIR was also pursued by popular moderate Supervisor Dianne Feinstein in her bid to become mayor, opposing Alioto. Ex-policeman Richard Hongisto worked for 10 years to change the conservative views of the San Francisco Police Department, and also actively appealed to the gay community, which responded by raising significant funds for his campaign for sheriff. Though Feinstein was unsuccessful, Hongisto's win in 1971 showed the political clout of the gay community.[44]

SIR had become powerful enough for political maneuvering. In 1971 SIR members Jim Foster, Rick Stokes, and Advocate publisher David Goodstein formed the Alice B. Toklas Memorial Democratic Club, known as simply "Alice". Alice befriended liberal politicians to persuade them to sponsor bills, proving successful in 1972 when Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon obtained Feinstein's support for an ordinance outlawing employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. Alice chose Stokes to run for a relatively unimportant seat on the community college board. Though Stokes received 45,000 votes, he was quiet, unassuming, and did not win.[45] Foster, however, shot to national prominence by being the first openly gay man to address a political convention. His speech at the 1972 Democratic National Convention ensured that his voice, according to San Francisco politicians, was the one to be heard when they wanted the opinions, and especially the votes, of the gay community.[46]

Milk became more interested in political and civic matters when he was faced with civic problems and policies he disliked. One day in 1973, a state bureaucrat entered Milk's shop Castro Camera and informed him that he owed $100 as a deposit against state sales tax. Milk was incredulous and traded shouts with the man about the rights of business owners; after he complained for weeks at state offices, the deposit was reduced to $30. Milk fumed about government priorities when a teacher came into his store to borrow a projector because the equipment in the schools did not function. Friends also remember around the same time having to restrain him from kicking the television while Attorney General John N. Mitchell gave consistent "I don't recall" replies during the Watergate hearings.[47] Milk decided that the time had come to run for city supervisor. He said later, "I finally reached the point where I knew I had to become involved or shut up".[48]


1973年,米尔克和嫂子奥德丽(Audrey)在卡斯特罗照相馆前的合影 Milk, here with his sister-in-law in front of Castro Camera in 1973, had been changed by his experience with the counterculture of the 1960s. Dianne Feinstein, who first met him in 1973, did not recognize him when she met him again in 1978.[49]




按照历史学者、记者弗朗西丝·菲兹杰拉德英语Frances FitzGerald (journalist)的说法,米尔克至此才发现自己的人生使命。她称米尔克是“天生的政治家”。[31]选举活动之初,米尔克暴露出自己经验不足的劣势。他起初缺乏资金、缺少支持,也没有为他工作的员工,但认为自己可以依靠全面合理的财政政策,把每个民众的利益放在大企业和政府利益之上,获得选民的支持。[31][53]他支持监督委员会的选举改革,由全市单一选区统一投票改为多个小选区各自投票选出相应的代表席位,认为改革后的新制度能减少金钱政治的影响,使社区能够更好地掌控代表自己的监督委员。他的选举政纲支持公民自由意志主義英语civil libertarian,反对政府干预个人性事等方面的自由,支持大麻合法化;财政方面则持財政保守主義观点,支持政府缩减开支。米尔克演讲时激情澎湃,又了解媒体的宣传手段,因此在1973年的选举中获得了不少支持。[54]米尔克在这届选举中获得16,900张选票,在卡斯特罗街和其他自由派社区大幅领先,在所有32位候选人中排名第十位。[55]当时旧金山监督委员会的选举仍然采用全市统一投票,米尔克没能当选。若这届选举采用分选区投票,米尔克已经足以获得监督委员的席位。[56]



米尔克在第一次参选时试图打造成“卡斯特罗街市长”的形象,选举结果虽不如人意,但他却逐渐开始成为卡斯特罗街的社区领导。[57]1960年代起,越来越多的同性恋者开始搬到卡斯特罗街居住。到了1973年时,当地的原有的天主教徒居民与新搬来的同性恋者已经逐渐产生矛盾。这一年中,两位同性恋男子计划在当地开一间古董店,但这里的尤里卡谷商会(Eureka Valley Merchants Association)拒绝为他们发放营业执照。在抗争之后,商店最终得以建立,但新老商人之间的矛盾已经难以调和。米尔克于是集合了卡斯特罗街的年轻同性恋商人,合作建立了新的卡斯特罗村商会(Castro Village Association),他本人当选为会长。他还提出同性恋者应当互相支持生意。1974年8月,米尔克举办了首届卡斯特罗街集市英语Castro Street Fair,吸引逾5,000人参与,大大提振了当地的经济。商会开始在全市获得名气,也吸引了越来越多的会员。此前反对他们的商人也在集市中收益颇丰,纷纷加入商会。1974年底,商会已经开始在政界产生影响。[57]卡斯特罗街集市也自此迅速发展成旧金山的年度文化和娱乐盛事,到1977年时参加人数已经达到约70,000人。[58][59]

1977年,美国劳工联合会-产业工会联合会领导罢工抵制庫爾斯釀酒公司英语Coors Brewing Company。库尔斯公司一直反对工会运动,无端解雇LGBTQ人士和工会支持者,拒绝雇佣少数族裔和女性,最终引爆了大规模的抗议。[60]工会将议题扩大至种族、性别和性取向平权,吸引了广泛关注。旧金山当地卡车司机工会领导人之一艾伦·贝尔德(Allan Baird)就出身于卡斯特罗街,与米尔克是好友。他认为罢工需要团结卡斯特罗街的同性恋人士,于是找到米尔克帮助。双方一拍即合,作为交换条件,米尔克请工会为同性恋群体提供更多职位。米尔克联合当地的同志酒吧公开抵制库尔斯啤酒,卡车司机工会也请到阿拉伯裔英语Arab Americans华裔商铺参与其中。[61][62][63]最终库尔斯在七年间市场份额下跌过半,与联合会达成和解,同意增加雇佣女性和少数群体,但直至2010年代仍有大量非裔拉丁裔女性主义者和LGBT群体不愿接受其产品。[64][60]贝尔德在日后了解到米尔克当时准备参选旧金山市监督委员,但他在同意合作时只要求为同性恋群体提供工作,没有像其他人一样要求工会为其选举背书。他因此更加钦佩米尔克的为人。[65]自此,米尔克与劳工组织建立了坚实的政治联盟,他也开始频繁向媒体自称为“卡斯特罗街市长”,这一形象随之深入人心。[66][67]随着卡斯特罗街逐渐发展壮大,米尔克在当地的名声也越发响亮。汤姆·欧霍根在多年之后对此评价道:“哈维的大半生都在寻找一个舞台,终于在卡斯特罗街找到了。”[68]美国记者、传记作家兰迪·希尔斯英语Randy Shilts在1982年创作的米尔克传记就以“卡斯特罗街市长”为标题。[69]





1968年起,时任旧金山市长約瑟夫·阿利奧托一直向该市引进大公司,但批评者认为他的政策“使旧金山变成曼哈顿”。[73][74]服务业兴起后,蓝领工人逐渐失业,阿利奧托的选票基本盘因此流失。乔治·莫斯科尼因此在1975年取代阿利奧托当选旧金山市长。莫斯科尼Moscone had been instrumental in repealing the sodomy law earlier that year in the California State Legislature. He acknowledged Milk's influence in his election by visiting Milk's election night headquarters, thanking Milk personally, and offering him a position as a city commissioner. Milk came in seventh place in the election, only one position away from earning a supervisor seat.[75]Liberal politicians held the offices of the mayor, district attorney, and sheriff.

Despite the new leadership in the city, there were still conservative strongholds. One of Moscone's first acts as mayor was appointing a police chief to the embattled San Francisco Police Department (SFPD). He chose Charles Gain, against the wishes of the SFPD. Most of the force disliked Gain for criticizing the police in the press for racial insensitivity and alcohol abuse on the job, instead of working within the command structure to change attitudes.[note 3] By request of the mayor, Gain made it clear that gay police officers would be welcomed in the department; this became national news. Police under Gain expressed their hatred of him, and of the mayor for betraying them.[76]



Keeping his promise to Milk, newly elected Mayor George Moscone appointed him to the Board of Permit Appeals in 1976, making him the first openly gay city commissioner in the United States. Milk, however, considered seeking a position in the California State Assembly. The district was weighted heavily in his favor, as much of it was based in neighborhoods surrounding Castro Street, where Milk's sympathizers voted. In the previous race for supervisor, Milk received more votes than the currently seated assemblyman. However, Moscone had made a deal with the assembly speaker that another candidate should run—Art Agnos.[77] Furthermore, by order of the mayor, neither appointed nor elected officials were allowed to run a campaign while performing their duties.[78]

By the time of Milk's 1975 campaign, he had decided to cut his hair and wear suits. Here, Milk (far right) is campaigning with longshoremen in San Francisco during his 1976 race for the California State Assembly.

Milk spent five weeks on the Board of Permit Appeals before Moscone was forced to fire him when he announced he would run for the California State Assembly. Rick Stokes replaced him. Milk's firing, and the backroom deal made between Moscone, the assembly speaker, and Agnos, fueled his campaign as he took on the identity of a political underdog.[79] He railed that high officers in the city and state governments were against him. He complained that the prevailing gay political establishment, particularly the Alice B. Toklas Memorial Democratic Club, were shutting him out; he referred to Jim Foster and Stokes as gay "Uncle Toms".[31] He enthusiastically embraced a local independent weekly magazine's headline: "Harvey Milk vs. The Machine".[7] The Alice B. Toklas Club made no endorsement in the primary — neither Milk nor Agnos — while other gay-aligned clubs and groups endorsed Agnos or did dual endorsements.[80]

Milk's role as a representative of San Francisco's gay community expanded during this period. On September 22, 1975, President Gerald Ford, while visiting San Francisco, walked from his hotel to his car. In the crowd, Sara Jane Moore raised a gun to shoot him. A former Marine who had been walking by grabbed her arm as the gun discharged toward the pavement.[81][82] The bystander was Oliver "Bill" Sipple, who had left Milk's ex-lover Joe Campbell years before, prompting Campbell's suicide attempt. The national spotlight was on him immediately. On psychiatric disability leave from the military, Sipple refused to call himself a hero and did not want his sexuality disclosed.[83] Milk, however, took advantage of the opportunity to illustrate his cause that public perception of gay people would be improved if they came out of the closet. He told a friend: "It's too good an opportunity. For once we can show that gays do heroic things, not just all that ca-ca about molesting children and hanging out in bathrooms."[84] Milk contacted a newspaper.[85]

Several days later Herb Caen, a columnist at The San Francisco Chronicle, exposed Sipple as gay and a friend of Milk's. The announcement was picked up by national newspapers, and Milk's name was included in many of the stories. Time magazine named Milk as a leader in San Francisco's gay community.[83] Sipple, however, was besieged by reporters, as was his family. His mother, a staunch Baptist in Detroit, now refused to speak to him. Although he had been involved with the gay community for years, even participating in Gay Pride events, Sipple sued the Chronicle for invasion of privacy.[86] President Ford sent Sipple a note of thanks for saving his life.[85] Milk said that Sipple's sexual orientation was the reason he received only a note, rather than an invitation to the White House.[85][note 4]

Milk's continuing campaign, run from the storefront of Castro Camera, was a study in disorganization. Although the older Irish grandmothers and gay men who volunteered were plentiful and happy to send out mass mailings, Milk's notes and volunteer lists were kept on scrap papers. Any time the campaign required funds, the money came from the cash register without any consideration for accounting.[79] The campaign manager's assistant was an 11-year-old neighborhood girl.[87] Milk himself was hyperactive and prone to fantastic outbursts of temper, only to recover quickly and shout excitedly about something else. Many of his rants were directed at his lover, Scott Smith, who was becoming disillusioned with the man who was no longer the laid-back hippie he had fallen in love with.[79]

If the candidate was manic, he was also dedicated and filled with good humor, and he had a particular genius for getting media attention.[88] He spent long hours registering voters and shaking hands at bus stops and movie theater lines. He took whatever opportunity came along to promote himself. He thoroughly enjoyed campaigning, and his success was evident.[31] With the large numbers of volunteers, he had dozens at a time stand along the busy thoroughfare of Market Street as human billboards, holding "Milk for Assembly" signs while commuters drove into the heart of the city to work.[89] He distributed his campaign literature anywhere he could, including among one of the most influential political groups in the city, the Peoples Temple, an organization that Milk attended regularly. Milk's volunteers even took thousands of brochures and because the Peoples Temple leader, Jim Jones, was a politically powerful individual in San Francisco, Milk encouraged Temple members to work his phones, spoke at the Temple and later wrote a letter to President Jimmy Carter defending Jones character. Milk's relationship with the Temple was not entirely similar to other politicians' in Northern California. According to The San Francisco Examiner, Jones and his parishioners were a "potent political force", helping to elect Moscone (who appointed him to the Housing Authority), District Attorney Joseph Freitas, and Sheriff Richard Hongisto. (Jacobs, John [November 20, 1978]. "S.F.'s Leaders Recall Jones the Politician", The San Francisco Examiner, p. C.) Milk spoke at the Temple ("Another Day of Death", Time, December 11, 1978.) and defended Jones in a letter to President Jimmy Carter in 1978. (In that letter he called Jones "a man of the highest character," and criticized outspoken Temple defectors for trying to "damage Rev. Jones' reputation" with "apparent bold-faced lies".)[1] (Coleman, Loren (2004), The Copycat Effect, Simon & Schuster, p. 68.). However, When Milk learned Jones was backing both him and Art Agnos in 1976, he told friend Michael Wong, "Well fuck him. I'll take his workers, but, that's the game Jim Jones plays."[90] But to his volunteers, he said: "Make sure you're always nice to the Peoples Temple. If they ask you to do something, do it, and then send them a note thanking them for asking you to do it."

The race was close, and Milk lost by fewer than 4,000 votes.[91] Agnos, however, taught Milk a valuable lesson when he criticized Milk's campaign speeches as "a downer ... You talk about how you're gonna throw the bums out, but how are you gonna fix things—other than beat me? You shouldn't leave your audience on a down."[92] In the wake of his loss, Milk, realizing that the Toklas Club would never support him politically, co-founded the San Francisco Gay Democratic Club.[93]

Broader historical forces


The fledgling gay rights movement had yet to meet organized opposition in the U.S. In 1977 a few well-connected gay activists in Miami, Florida were able to pass a civil rights ordinance that made discrimination based on sexual orientation illegal in Dade County. A well-organized group of conservative fundamentalist Christians responded, headed by singer Anita Bryant. Their campaign was titled Save Our Children, and Bryant claimed the ordinance infringed her right to teach her children Biblical morality.[94] Bryant and the campaign gathered 64,000 signatures to put the issue to a county-wide vote. With funds raised in part by the Florida Citrus Commission, for which Bryant was the spokeswoman, they ran television advertisements that contrasted the Orange Bowl Parade with San Francisco's Gay Freedom Day Parade, stating that Dade County would be turned into a "hotbed of homosexuality" where "men ... cavort with little boys".[95][note 5]

Jim Foster, then the most powerful political organizer in San Francisco, went to Miami to assist gay activists there as election day neared, and a nationwide boycott of orange juice was organized. The message of the Save Our Children campaign was influential, and the result was an overwhelming defeat for gay activists; in the largest turnout in any special election in the history of Dade County, 70% voted to repeal the law.[96]

Just politics


Christian conservatives were inspired by their victory, and saw an opportunity for a new, effective political cause. Gay activists were shocked to see how little support they received. An impromptu demonstration of over 3,000 Castro residents formed the night of the Dade County ordinance vote. Gay men and lesbians were simultaneously angry, chanting "Out of the bars and into the streets!", and elated at their passionate and powerful response. The San Francisco Examiner reported that members of the crowd pulled others out of bars along Castro and Polk Streets to "deafening" cheers.[97] Milk led marchers that night on a five-mile (8 km) course through the city, constantly moving, aware that if they stopped for too long there would be a riot. He declared, "This is the power of the gay community. Anita's going to create a national gay force."[97][98] Activists had little time to recover, however, as the scenario replayed itself when civil rights ordinances were overturned by voters in Saint Paul, Minnesota; Wichita, Kansas; and Eugene, Oregon, throughout 1977 and into 1978.

California State Senator John Briggs saw an opportunity in the Christian fundamentalists' campaign. He was hoping to be elected governor of California in 1978, and was impressed with the voter turnout he saw in Miami. When Briggs returned to Sacramento, he wrote a bill that would ban gays and lesbians from teaching in public schools throughout California. Briggs claimed in private that he had nothing against gays, telling gay journalist Randy Shilts, "It's politics. Just politics."[99] Random attacks on gays rose in the Castro. When the police response was considered inadequate, groups of gays patrolled the neighborhood themselves, on alert for attackers.[100] On June 21, 1977, a gay man named Robert Hillsborough died from 15 stab wounds while his attackers gathered around him and chanted "Faggot!" Both Mayor Moscone and Hillsborough's mother blamed Anita Bryant and John Briggs.[101][102] One week prior to the incident, Briggs had held a press conference at San Francisco City Hall where he called the city a "sexual garbage heap" because of homosexuals.[103] Weeks later, 250,000 people attended the 1977 San Francisco Gay Freedom Day Parade, the largest attendance at any Gay Pride event to that point.[104]

In November 1976, voters in San Francisco decided to reorganize supervisor elections to choose supervisors from neighborhoods instead of voting for them in citywide ballots. Harvey Milk quickly qualified as the leading candidate in District 5, surrounding Castro Street.[105]

Last campaign

"The nongay community has mostly accepted it. What San Francisco is today, and what it is becoming, reflects both the energy and organization of the gay community and its developing effort toward integration in the political processes of the American city best known for innovation in life styles."
The New York Times, November 6, 1977[106]

Anita Bryant's public campaign opposing homosexuality and the multiple challenges to gay rights ordinances across the United States fueled gay politics in San Francisco. Seventeen candidates from the Castro District entered the next race for supervisor; more than half of them were gay. The New York Times ran an exposé on the veritable invasion of gay people into San Francisco, estimating that the city's gay population was between 100,000 and 200,000 out of a total 750,000.[106] The Castro Village Association had grown to 90 businesses; the local bank, formerly the smallest branch in the city, had become the largest and was forced to build a wing to accommodate its new customers.[107] Milk biographer Randy Shilts noted that "broader historical forces" were fueling his campaign.[108]

Milk's most successful opponent was the quiet and thoughtful lawyer Rick Stokes, who was backed by the Alice B. Toklas Memorial Democratic Club. Stokes had been open about his homosexuality long before Milk had, and had experienced more severe treatment, once hospitalized and forced to endure electroshock therapy to 'cure' him.[109] Milk, however, was more expressive about the role of gay people and their issues in San Francisco politics. Stokes was quoted saying, "I'm just a businessman who happens to be gay," and expressed the view that any normal person could also be homosexual. Milk's contrasting populist philosophy was relayed to The New York Times: "We don't want sympathetic liberals, we want gays to represent gays ... I represent the gay street people—the 14-year-old runaway from San Antonio. We have to make up for hundreds of years of persecution. We have to give hope to that poor runaway kid from San Antonio. They go to the bars because churches are hostile. They need hope! They need a piece of the pie!"[106]

Other causes were also important to Milk: he promoted larger and less expensive child care facilities, free public transportation, and the development of a board of civilians to oversee the police.[6] He advanced important neighborhood issues at every opportunity. Milk used the same manic campaign tactics as in previous races: human billboards, hours of handshaking, and dozens of speeches calling on gay people to have hope. This time, even The San Francisco Chronicle endorsed him for supervisor.[110] On election day, November 8, 1977, he won by 30% against sixteen other candidates, and after his victory became apparent, he arrived on Castro Street on the back of his campaign manager's motorcycle—escorted by Sheriff Richard Hongisto—to what a newspaper story described as a "tumultuous and moving welcome".[111]

Milk had recently taken a new lover, a young man named Jack Lira, who was frequently drunk in public, and just as often escorted out of political events by Milk's aides.[112] Since the race for the California State Assembly, Milk had been receiving increasingly violent death threats.[113] Concerned that his raised profile marked him as a target for assassination, he recorded on tape his thoughts, and whom he wanted to succeed him if he were killed,[114] adding: "If a bullet should enter my brain, let that bullet destroy every closet door".[115]



Milk's swearing-in made national headlines, as he became the first non-incumbent openly gay man in the United States to win an election for public office.[116][note 6] He likened himself to pioneering African American baseball player Jackie Robinson[117] and walked to City Hall arm in arm with Jack Lira, stating "You can stand around and throw bricks at Silly Hall or you can take it over. Well, here we are."[118] The Castro District was not the only neighborhood to promote someone new to city politics. Sworn in with Milk were also a single mother (Carol Ruth Silver), a Chinese American (Gordon Lau), and an African American woman (Ella Hill Hutch)—all firsts for the city. Daniel White, a former police officer and firefighter, was also a first-time supervisor, and he spoke of how proud he was that his grandmother was able to see him sworn in.[116][119]

Milk's energy, affinity for pranking, and unpredictability at times exasperated Board of Supervisors President Dianne Feinstein. In his first meeting with Mayor Moscone, Milk called himself the "number one queen" and dictated to Moscone that he would have to go through Milk instead of the Alice B. Toklas Memorial Democratic Club if he wanted the city's gay votes—a quarter of San Francisco's voting population.[120] However, Milk also became Moscone's closest ally on the Board of Supervisors.[121] The biggest targets of Milk's ire were large corporations and real estate developers. He fumed when a parking garage was slated to take the place of homes near the downtown area, and tried to pass a commuter tax so office workers who lived outside the city and drove into work would have to pay for city services they used.[122] Milk was often willing to vote against Feinstein and other more tenured members of the board. In one controversy early in his term, Milk agreed with fellow Supervisor Dan White, whose district was located two miles south of the Castro, that a mental health facility for troubled adolescents should not be placed there. After Milk learned more about the facility, he decided to switch his vote, ensuring White's loss on the issue—a particularly poignant cause that White championed while campaigning. White did not forget it. He opposed every initiative and issue Milk supported.[123]

Milk began his tenure by sponsoring a civil rights bill that outlawed discrimination based on sexual orientation. The ordinance was called the "most stringent and encompassing in the nation", and its passing demonstrated "the growing political power of homosexuals", according to The New York Times.[124] Only Supervisor White voted against it; Mayor Moscone enthusiastically signed it into law with a light blue pen that Milk had given him for the occasion.[125]

Another bill Milk concentrated on was designed to solve the number one problem according to a recent citywide poll: dog excrement. Within a month of being sworn in, he began to work on a city ordinance to require dog owners to scoop their pets' feces. Dubbed the "pooper scooper law", its authorization by the Board of Supervisors was covered extensively by television and newspapers in San Francisco. Anne Kronenberg, Milk's campaign manager, called him "a master at figuring out what would get him covered in the newspaper".[126]He invited the press to Duboce Park to explain why it was necessary, and while cameras were rolling, stepped in the offending substance, seemingly by mistake. His staffers, however, knew he had been at the park for an hour before the press conference looking for the right place to walk in front of the cameras.[127] It earned him the most fan mail of his tenure in politics and went out on national news releases.

Milk had grown tired of Lira's drinking and considered breaking up with him when Lira called a few weeks later and demanded Milk come home. When Milk arrived, he found Lira had hanged himself. Already prone to severe depression, Lira had attempted suicide previously. One of the longest notes he left for Milk indicated he was upset about the Anita Bryant and John Briggs campaigns.[128]

Briggs Initiative


John Briggs was forced to drop out of the 1978 race for California governor, but received enthusiastic support for Proposition 6, dubbed the Briggs Initiative. The proposed law would have made firing gay teachers—and any public school employees who supported gay rights—mandatory. Briggs' messages supporting Proposition 6 were pervasive throughout California, and Harvey Milk attended every event Briggs hosted. Milk campaigned against the bill throughout the state as well,[129] and swore that even if Briggs won California, he would not win San Francisco.[130] In their numerous debates, which toward the end had been honed to quick back-and-forth banter, Briggs maintained that homosexual teachers wanted to abuse and recruit children. Milk responded with statistics compiled by law enforcement that provided evidence that pedophiles identified primarily as heterosexual, and dismissed Briggs' assertions with one-liner jokes: "If it were true that children mimicked their teachers, you'd sure have a helluva lot more nuns running around."[131]

Attendance at Gay Pride marches during the summer of 1978 in Los Angeles and San Francisco swelled. An estimated 250,000 to 375,000 attended San Francisco's Gay Freedom Day Parade; newspapers claimed the higher numbers were due to John Briggs.[132] Organizers asked participants to carry signs indicating their hometowns for the cameras, to show how far people came to live in the Castro District. Milk rode in an open car carrying a sign saying "I'm from Woodmere, N.Y."[133] He gave a version of what became his most famous speech, the "Hope Speech", that The San Francisco Examiner said "ignited the crowd":[132]

On this anniversary of Stonewall, I ask my gay sisters and brothers to make the commitment to fight. For themselves, for their freedom, for their country ... We will not win our rights by staying quietly in our closets ... We are coming out to fight the lies, the myths, the distortions. We are coming out to tell the truths about gays, for I am tired of the conspiracy of silence, so I'm going to talk about it. And I want you to talk about it. You must come out. Come out to your parents, your relatives.[134]

Despite the losses in battles for gay rights across the country that year, he remained optimistic, saying "Even if gays lose in these initiatives, people are still being educated. Because of Anita Bryant and Dade County, the entire country was educated about homosexuality to a greater extent than ever before. The first step is always hostility, and after that you can sit down and talk about it."[114]

Citing the potential infringements on individual rights, former governor of California Ronald Reagan voiced his opposition to the proposition, as did Governor Jerry Brown and President Jimmy Carter, the latter in an afterthought following a speech he gave in Sacramento.[126][135] On November 7, 1978, the proposition lost by more than a million votes, astounding gay activists on election night. In San Francisco, 75 percent voted against it.[135]



On November 10, 1978, 10 months after being sworn in, White resigned his position on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, saying that his annual salary of $9,600 was not enough to support his family.[136][note 7] Within days, White requested that his resignation be withdrawn and he be reinstated, and Mayor Moscone initially agreed.[137][138]However, further consideration—and intervention by other supervisors—convinced Moscone to appoint someone more in line with the growing ethnic diversity of White's district and the liberal leanings of the Board of Supervisors.[139]

On November 18 and 19, news broke of the murder of California Representative Leo Ryan, who was in Jonestown, Guyana, to check on the remote community built by members of the Peoples Temple who had relocated from San Francisco, and the mass suicide of 900 members of the Peoples Temple.[140][141] Dan White remarked to two aides who were working for his reinstatement, "You see that? One day I'm on the front page and the next I'm swept right off."[142]

Moscone planned to announce White's replacement on November 27, 1978.[143] A half hour before the press conference, White avoided metal detectors by entering City Hall through a basement window, and went to Moscone's office, where witnesses heard shouting followed by gunshots. White shot Moscone in the shoulder and chest, then twice in the head.[144] White then quickly walked to his former office, reloading his police-issue revolver with hollow-point bullets along the way, and intercepted Milk, asking him to step inside for a moment. Dianne Feinstein heard gunshots and called police, then found Milk face down on the floor, shot five times, including twice in the head.[note 8] Soon after, she announced to the press, "Today San Francisco has experienced a double tragedy of immense proportions. As President of the Board of Supervisors, it is my duty to inform you that both Mayor Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk have been shot and killed, and the suspect is Supervisor Dan White."[126][143] Milk was 48 years old. Moscone was 49.

Within an hour, White called his wife from a nearby diner; she met him at a church and was with him as he turned himself in. Many left flowers on the steps of City Hall, and that evening 25,000 to 40,000 formed a spontaneous candlelight march from Castro Street to City Hall. The next day, the bodies of Moscone and Milk were brought to the City Hall rotunda where mourners paid their respects.[138] Six thousand mourners attended a service for Mayor Moscone at St. Mary's Cathedral. Two memorials were held for Milk; a small one at Temple Emanu-El and a more boisterous one at the Opera House.[145]

"City in agony"

The headline of The San Francisco Examiner on November 28, 1978, announcedDan White was charged with first-degree murder, and eligible for the death penalty.

Moscone had recently increased security at City Hall in the wake of the Jonestown suicides. Survivors from Guyana recounted drills for suicide preparations that Jones called "White Nights".[146] Rumors about Moscone's and Milk's murders were fueled by the coincidence of Dan White's name and Jones' suicide preparations. A stunned District Attorney called the assassinations so close to the news about Jonestown "incomprehensible", but denied any connection.[138] Governor Jerry Brown ordered all flags in California to be flown at half staff, and called Milk a "hard-working and dedicated supervisor, a leader of San Francisco's gay community, who kept his promise to represent all his constituents".[147] President Jimmy Carter expressed his shock at both murders and sent his condolences. Speaker of the California Assembly Leo McCarthy called it "an insane tragedy".[147] "A City in Agony" topped the headlines in The San Francisco Examiner the day after the murders; inside the paper stories of the assassinations under the headline "Black Monday" were printed back to back with updates of bodies being shipped home from Guyana. An editorial describing "A city with more sadness and despair in its heart than any city should have to bear" went on to ask how such tragedies could occur, particularly to "men of such warmth and vision and great energies".[148] Dan White was charged with two counts of murder and held without bail, eligible for the death penalty owing to the recent passage of a statewide proposition that allowed death or life in prison for the murder of a public official.[149] One analysis of the months surrounding the murders called 1978 and 1979 "the most emotionally devastating years in San Francisco's fabulously spotted history".[150]

The 32-year-old White, who had been in the Army during the Vietnam War, had run on a tough anti-crime platform in his district. Colleagues declared him a high-achieving "all-American boy".[139] He was to have received an award the next week for rescuing a woman and child from a 17-story burning building when he was a firefighter in 1977. Though he was the only supervisor to vote against Milk's gay rights ordinance earlier that year, he had been quoted as saying, "I respect the rights of all people, including gays".[139] Milk and White at first got along well. One of White's political aides (who was gay) remembered, "Dan had more in common with Harvey than he did with anyone else on the board".[151] White had voted to support a center for gay seniors, and to honor Phyllis Lyon and Del Martin's 25th anniversary and pioneering work.[151]

The plaque covering Milk's ashes reads, in part: [Harvey Milk's] camera store and campaign headquarters at 575 Castro Street and his apartment upstairs were centers of community activism for a wide range of human rights, environmental, labor, and neighborhood issues. Harvey Milk's hard work and accomplishments on behalf of all San Franciscans earned him widespread respect and support. His life is an inspiration to all people committed to equal opportunity and an end to bigotry.[152]
The plaque covering Milk's ashes in front of 575 Castro Street

After Milk's vote for the mental health facility in White's district, however, White refused to speak with Milk and communicated with only one of Milk's aides. Other acquaintances remembered White as very intense. "He was impulsive ... He was an extremely competitive man, obsessively so ... I think he could not take defeat," San Francisco's assistant fire chief told reporters.[153] White's first campaign manager quit in the middle of the campaign, and told a reporter that White was an egotist and it was clear that he was antigay, though he denied it in the press.[154] White's associates and supporters described him "as a man with a pugilistic temper and an impressive capacity for nurturing a grudge".[154] The aide who had handled communications between White and Milk remembered, "Talking to him, I realized that he saw Harvey Milk and George Moscone as representing all that was wrong with the world".[155]

When Milk's friends looked in his closet for a suit for his casket, they learned how much he had been affected by the recent decrease in his income as a supervisor. All of his clothes were coming apart; all of his socks had holes.[156] He was cremated and his ashes were split, most of them scattered in San Francisco Bay by his closest friends. Some of them were encapsulated and buried beneath the sidewalk in front of 575 Castro Street, where Castro Camera had been located. There is a memorial to Milk also at Neptune Society Columbarium, ground floor, San Francisco, California.[157] Harry Britt, one of four people Milk listed on his tape as an acceptable replacement should he be assassinated, was chosen to fill that position by the city's acting mayor, Dianne Feinstein.[158]

Dan White's arrest and trial caused a sensation, and illustrated severe tensions between the liberal population and the city police. The San Francisco Police were mostly working-class Irish descendants who intensely disliked the growing gay immigration, as well as the liberal direction of the city government. After White turned himself in and confessed, he sat in his cell while his former colleagues on the police force told Harvey Milk jokes; police openly wore "Free Dan White" T-shirts in the days after the murder.[159] An undersheriff for San Francisco later stated: "The more I observed what went on at the jail, the more I began to stop seeing what Dan White did as the act of an individual and began to see it as a political act in a political movement."[160] White showed no remorse for his actions, and only exhibited vulnerability during an eight-minute call to his mother from jail.[161]

The seated jury for White's trial consisted of white middle-class San Franciscans who were mostly Catholic; gays and ethnic minorities were excused from the jury pool.[162] Some of the members of the jury cried when they heard White's tearful recorded confession, at the end of which the interrogator thanked White for his honesty.[163] White's defense attorney, Doug Schmidt, argued that he was not responsible for his actions, using the legal defense known as diminished capacity: "Good people, fine people, with fine backgrounds, simply don't kill people in cold blood."[164] Schmidt tried to prove that White's anguished mental state was a result of manipulation by the politicos in City Hall who had consistently disappointed and confounded him, finally promising to give his job back only to refuse him again. Schmidt said that White's mental deterioration was demonstrated and exacerbated by his junk food binge the night before the murders, since he was usually known to have been health-food conscious.[165] Area newspapers quickly dubbed it the Twinkie defense. White was acquitted of the first degree murder charge on May 21, 1979, but found guilty of voluntary manslaughter of both victims, and he was sentenced to serve seven and two-thirds years. With the sentence reduced for time served and good behavior, he would be released in five.[166] He cried when he heard the verdict.[167]

White Night riots

Rioters outside San Francisco City Hall, May 21, 1979, reacting to the voluntary manslaughter verdict for Dan White.

Acting Mayor Feinstein, Supervisor Carol Ruth Silver, and Milk's successor Harry Britt condemned the jury's decision. When it was announced over the police radio in the city, someone sang "Danny Boy" on the police band.[168] A surge of people from the Castro District walked again to City Hall, chanting "Avenge Harvey Milk" and "He got away with murder".[126][169] Pandemonium rapidly escalated as rocks were hurled at the front doors of the building. Milk's friends and aides tried to stop the destruction, but the mob of more than 3,000 ignored them and lit police cars on fire. They shoved a burning newspaper dispenser through the broken doors of City Hall, then cheered as the flames grew.[170] One of the rioters responded to a reporter's question about why they were destroying parts of the city: "Just tell people that we ate too many Twinkies. That's why this is happening."[100] The chief of police ordered the police not to retaliate, but to hold their ground.[171] The White Night riots, as they became known, lasted several hours.

Later that evening, several police cruisers filled with officers wearing riot gear arrived at the Elephant Walk Bar on Castro Street. Harvey Milk's protégéCleve Jones and a reporter for the San Francisco Chronicle, Warren Hinckle, watched as officers stormed into the bar and began to beat patrons at random. After a 15-minute melee, they left the bar and struck out at people walking along the street.[34][172] The chief of police finally ordered the officers out of the neighborhood. By morning, 61 police officers and 100 rioters and gay residents of the Castro had been hospitalized. City Hall, police cruisers, and the Elephant Walk Bar suffered damages in excess of $1,000,000.

After the verdict, the District Attorney Joseph Freitas faced a furious gay community to explain what had gone wrong. The prosecutor admitted to feeling sorry for White before the trial, and neglected to ask the interrogator who had recorded White's confession (and who was a childhood friend of White's and his police softball team coach) about his biases and the support White received from the police because, he said, he did not want to embarrass the detective in front of his family in court.[163][173] Nor did Freitas question White's frame of mind, lack of a history of mental illness, or bring into evidence city politics, suggesting that revenge may have been a motive. Supervisor Carol Ruth Silver testified on the last day of the trial that White and Milk were not friendly, yet she had contacted the prosecutor and insisted on testifying. It was the only testimony the jury heard about their strained relationship.[174] Freitas blamed the jury whom he claimed had been "taken in by the whole emotional aspect of [the] trial".[166]



Milk's and Moscone's murders and White's trial changed city politics and the California legal system. In 1980 San Francisco ended district supervisor elections, fearing that a Board of Supervisors so divisive would be harmful to the city, and that they had been a factor in the assassinations. A grassroots neighborhood effort to restore district elections in the mid-1990s proved successful, and the city returned to neighborhood representatives in 2000.[175] As a result of Dan White's trial, California voters changed the law to reduce the likelihood of acquittals of accused who knew what they were doing but claimed their capacity was impaired.[165]Diminished capacity was abolished as a defense to a charge, but courts allowed evidence of it when deciding whether to incarcerate, commit, or otherwise punish a convicted defendant.[176] The "Twinkie defense" has entered American mythology, popularly described as a case where a murderer escapes justice because he binged on junk food, simplifying White's lack of political savvy, his relationships with George Moscone and Harvey Milk, and what San Francisco Chronicle columnist Herb Caen described as pandemic police "dislike of homosexuals".[177]

Dan White served a little more than five years for the double murder of Moscone and Milk. On October 21, 1985, a year and a half after his release from prison, White was found dead in a running car in his ex-wife's garage. He was 39 years old. His defense attorney told reporters that he had been despondent over the loss of his family, and the situation he had caused, adding, "This was a sick man."[178]





Harvey Milk's political career centered on making government responsive to individuals, gay liberation, and the importance of neighborhoods to the city. At the onset of each campaign, an issue was added to Milk's public political philosophy.[179] His 1973 campaign focused on the first point, that as a small business owner in San Francisco—a city dominated by large corporations that had been courted by municipal government—his interests were being overlooked because he was not represented by a large financial institution. Although he did not hide the fact that he was gay, it did not become an issue until his race for the California State Assembly in 1976. It was brought to the fore in the supervisor race against Rick Stokes, as it was an extension of his ideas of individual freedom.[179]

Milk strongly believed that neighborhoods promoted unity and a small-town experience, and that the Castro should provide services to all its residents. He opposed the closing of an elementary school; even though most gay people in the Castro did not have children, Milk saw his neighborhood having the potential to welcome everyone. He told his aides to concentrate on fixing potholes and boasted that 50 new stop signs had been installed in District 5.[179] Responding to city residents' largest complaint about living in San Francisco—dog feces—Milk made it a priority to enact the ordinance requiring dog owners to take care of their pets' droppings. Randy Shilts noted, "some would claim Harvey was a socialist or various other sorts of ideologues, but, in reality, Harvey's political philosophy was never more complicated than the issue of dogshit; government should solve people's basic problems."[180]

Karen Foss, a communications professor at the University of New Mexico, attributes Milk's impact on San Francisco politics to the fact that he was unlike anyone else who had held public office in the city. She writes, "Milk happened to be a highly energetic, charismatic figure with a love of theatrics and nothing to lose ... Using laughter, reversal, transcendence, and his insider/outsider status, Milk helped create a climate in which dialogue on issues became possible. He also provided a means to integrate the disparate voices of his various constituencies."[181] Milk had been a rousing speaker since he began campaigning in 1973, and his oratory skills only improved after he became City Supervisor.[34] His most famous talking points became known as the "Hope Speech", which became a staple throughout his political career. It opened with a play on the accusation that gay people recruit impressionable youth into their numbers: "My name is Harvey Milk—and I want to recruit you." A version of the Hope Speech that he gave near the end of his life was considered by his friends and aides to be the best, and the closing the most effective:

And the young gay people in the Altoona, Pennsylvanias and the Richmond, Minnesotas who are coming out and hear Anita Bryant in television and her story. The only thing they have to look forward to is hope. And you have to give them hope. Hope for a better world, hope for a better tomorrow, hope for a better place to come to if the pressures at home are too great. Hope that all will be all right. Without hope, not only gays, but the blacks, the seniors, the handicapped, the us'es, the us'es will give up. And if you help elect to the central committee and other offices, more gay people, that gives a green light to all who feel disenfranchised, a green light to move forward. It means hope to a nation that has given up, because if a gay person makes it, the doors are open to everyone.[182]

In the last year of his life, Milk emphasized that gay people should be more visible to help to end the discrimination and violence against them. Although Milk had not come out to his mother before her death many years before, in his final statement during his taped prediction of his assassination, he urged others to do so:

I cannot prevent anyone from getting angry, or mad, or frustrated. I can only hope that they'll turn that anger and frustration and madness into something positive, so that two, three, four, five hundred will step forward, so the gay doctors will come out, the gay lawyers, the gay judges, gay bankers, gay architects ... I hope that every professional gay will say 'enough', come forward and tell everybody, wear a sign, let the world know. Maybe that will help.[114]

However, Milk's assassination has become entwined with his political efficacy, partly because he was killed at the zenith of his popularity. Historian Neil Miller writes, "No contemporary American gay leader has yet to achieve in life the stature Milk found in death."[158] His legacy has become ambiguous; Randy Shilts concludes his biography writing that Milk's success, murder, and the inevitable injustice of White's verdict represented the experience of all gays. Milk's life was "a metaphor for the homosexual experience in America".[183] According to Frances FitzGerald, Milk's legend has been unable to be sustained as no one appeared able to take his place in the years after his death: "The Castro saw him as a martyr but understood his martyrdom as an end rather than a beginning. He had died, and with him a great deal of the Castro's optimism, idealism, and ambition seemed to die as well. The Castro could find no one to take his place in its affections, and possibly wanted no one."[184] On the 20th anniversary of Milk's death, historian John D'Emilio said, "The legacy that I think he would want to be remembered for is the imperative to live one's life at all times with integrity."[185] For a political career so short, Cleve Jones attributes more to his assassination than his life: "His murder and the response to it made permanent and unquestionable the full participation of gay and lesbian people in the political process."[185]

Tributes and media

Gay Pride flag above Harvey Milk Plaza in The Castro neighborhood

The City of San Francisco has paid tribute to Milk by naming several locations after him.[note 9] Where Market and Castro streets intersect in San Francisco flies an enormous Gay Pride flag, situated in Harvey Milk Plaza.[186] The San Francisco Gay Democratic Club changed its name to the Harvey Milk Memorial Gay Democratic Club in 1978 (it is currently named the Harvey Milk Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Democratic Club) and boasts that it is the largest Democratic organization in San Francisco.[187] In New York City, Harvey Milk High School is a school program for at-risk youth that concentrates on the needs of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender students and operates out of the Hetrick Martin Institute.[188]

In July 2016, US Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus advised Congress that he intended to name the second ship of the Military Sealift Command's John Lewis-class oilers, USNS Harvey Milk.[14] All ships of the class are to be named after civil rights leaders. 哈维·米尔克号运油船英语USNS Harvey Milk (T-AO-206)

In 1982, freelance reporter Randy Shilts completed his first book: a biography of Milk, titled The Mayor of Castro Street. Shilts wrote the book while unable to find a steady job as an openly gay reporter.[189] The Times of Harvey Milk, a documentary film based on the book's material, won the 1984 Academy Award for Documentary Feature.[190] Director Rob Epstein spoke later about why he chose the subject of Milk's life: "At the time, for those of us who lived in San Francisco, it felt like it was life changing, that all the eyes of the world were upon us, but in fact most of the world outside of San Francisco had no idea. It was just a really brief, provincial, localized current events story that the mayor and a city council member in San Francisco were killed. It didn't have much reverberation."[191]

Milk's life has been the subject of a musical theater production;[192] an eponymous opera;[193] a cantata;[194] a children's picture book;[195] a French-language historical novel for young-adult readers;[196] and the biopic Milk, released in 2008 after 15 years in the making. The film was directed by Gus Van Sant and starred Sean Penn as Milk and Josh Brolin as Dan White, and won two Academy Awards for Best Original Screenplay and Best Actor.[197] It took eight weeks to film, and often used extras who had been present at the actual events for large crowd scenes, including a scene depicting Milk's "Hope Speech" at the 1978 Gay Freedom Day Parade.[198]

Stuart Milk accepts the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Barack Obama in August 2009 on behalf of his uncle

Milk was included in the "Time 100 Heroes and Icons of the 20th Century" as "a symbol of what gays can accomplish and the dangers they face in doing so". Despite his antics and publicity stunts, according to writer John Cloud, "none understood how his public role could affect private lives better than Milk ... [he] knew that the root cause of the gay predicament was invisibility".[199] The Advocate listed Milk third in their "40 Heroes" of the 20th century issue, quoting Dianne Feinstein: "His homosexuality gave him an insight into the scars which all oppressed people wear. He believed that no sacrifice was too great a price to pay for the cause of human rights."[200]

Personal belongings of Harvey Milk on display at the GLBT History Museum in San Francisco's Castro District

In August 2009, President Barack Obama posthumously awarded Milk the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his contribution to the gay rights movement stating "he fought discrimination with visionary courage and conviction". Milk's nephew Stuart accepted for his uncle.[201] Shortly after, Stuart co-founded the Harvey Milk Foundation with Anne Kronenberg with the support of Desmond Tutu, co-recipient of 2009 Presidential Medal of Freedom and now a member of the Foundation's Advisory Board.[202] Later in the year, California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger designated May 22 as "Harvey Milk Day", and inducted Milk in the California Hall of Fame.[203][204]

Since 2003, the story of Harvey Milk has been featured in three exhibitions created by the GLBT Historical Society, a San Francisco–based museum, archives, and research center, to which the estate of Scott Smith donated Milk's personal belongings that were preserved after his death.[205] On May 22, 2014, the United States Postal Service issued a postage stamp honoring Harvey Milk, the first openly LGBT political official to receive this honor.[206] The stamp features a photo taken in front of Milk's Castro Camera store and was unveiled on what would have been his 84th birthday.[207]

Harry Britt summarized Milk's impact the evening Milk was shot in 1978: "No matter what the world has taught us about ourselves, we can be beautiful and we can get our thing together ... Harvey was a prophet ... he lived by a vision ... Something very special is going to happen in this city and it will have Harvey Milk's name on it."[208]

In 2012, Milk was inducted into the Legacy Walk, an outdoor public display which celebrates LGBT history and people.[209]

See also

  1. ^ Milk was described as a martyr by news outlets as early as 1979, by biographer Randy Shilts in 1982, and University of San Francisco professor Peter Novak in 2003. United Press International [October 15, 1979]; printed in the Edmonton Journal, p. B10; Skelton, Nancy; Stein, Mark [October 22, 1985]. S.F. Assassin Dan White Kills Himself, Los Angeles Times, Retrieved on February 3, 2012.; Shilts, p. 348; Nolte, Carl [November 26, 2003]. "City Hall Slayings: 25 Years Later", The San Francisco Chronicle, p. A-1.
  2. ^ In addition to his concerns over Rodwell's activism, Milk believed that Rodwell had given him gonorrhea. (Carter, p. 31–32.)
  3. ^ Gain further alienated the SFPD by attending a raucous party in 1977 called the Hooker's Ball. The party grew out of control and Gain had to call in reinforcements to control the excesses, but a photograph ran in the papers of him holding a champagne bottle while standing beside prostitution rights activist Margo St. James and a drag queen named "Wonder Whore". (Weiss, p. 156–157.)
  4. ^ Sipple's case was eventually rejected in 1984 in a California court of appeals. Sipple, who was wounded in the head in Vietnam, was also diagnosed as having paranoid schizophrenia. He held no ill will toward Milk, however, and remained in contact with him. The incident brought him so much attention that, later in life while drinking, he would regret grabbing Moore's gun. Eventually Sipple regained contact with his mother and brother, but continued to be rejected by his father. He kept the letter written by Gerald Ford, framed, in his apartment, until he died of pneumonia in 1989. ("Sorrow Trailed a Veteran Who Saved a President's Life", The Los Angeles Times, [February 13, 1989], p. 1.)
  5. ^ Bryant agreed to an interview with Playboy magazine, in which she was quoted saying that the civil rights ordinance "would have made it mandatory that flaunting homosexuals be hired in both the public and parochial schools ... If they're a legitimate minority, then so are nail biters, dieters, fat people, short people, and murderers." ("Playboy Interview: Anita Bryant", Playboy, (May 1978), p. 73–96, 232–250.) Bryant would often break into her standard "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" while speaking during the campaign, called homosexuals "human garbage", and blamed the drought in California on their sins. (Clendinen, p. 306.) As the special election drew near, a Florida state senator read the Book of Leviticus aloud to the senate, and the governor went on record against the civil rights ordinance. (Duberman, p. 320.)
  6. ^ Two gay politicians were already in office: lesbian Massachusetts State Representative Elaine Noble and Minnesota State Senator Allan Spear, who had come out after he had been elected and won re-election.
  7. ^ Despite White's financial strain, he had recently voted against a pay raise for city supervisors that would have given him a $24,000 annual salary. (Cone, Russ [November 14, 1978]. "Increase in City Supervisors' Pay Is Proposed Again", The San Francisco Examiner, p. 4.) Feinstein pointed him toward commercial developers at Pier 39 near Fisherman's Wharf where he and his wife set up a walk-up restaurant called The Hot Potato. (Weiss, p. 143–146.) Gentrification in the Castro District was fully apparent in the late 1970s. In Milk's public rants about "bloodsucking" real estate developers, he used his landlord (who was gay) as an example. Not amused, his landlord tripled the rent for the storefront and the apartment above, where Milk lived. (Shilts, p. 227–228.)
  8. ^ Though Feinstein was known to carry a handgun in her purse, she afterwards became a proponent of gun control. In 1994, Feinstein exchanged words with National Rifle Association member and Idaho senator Larry Craig, who suggested during a debate on banning assault weapons that "the gentlelady from California" should be "a little bit more familiar with firearms and their deadly characteristics." She reminded Craig that she indeed had experience with the results of firearms when she put her finger in a bullet hole in Milk's neck while searching for a pulse. (Faye, Fiore [April 24, 1995]. "Rematch on Weapons Ban Takes Shape in Congress Arms: Feinstein prepares to defend the prohibition on assault guns as GOP musters forces to repeal it", The Los Angeles Times, p. 3.)
  9. ^ The Harvey Milk Recreational Arts Center is headquarters for the drama and performing arts programs for the city's youth. (Duboce Park and Harvey Milk Recreational Arts Center, San Francisco Neighborhood Parks Council, 2008. Retrieved on September 7, 2008.) Douglass Elementary in the Castro District was renamed the Harvey Milk Civil Rights Academy in 1996 (Harvey Milk Civil Rights Academy: Our History互联网档案馆存檔,存档日期December 18, 2008,., Harvey Milk Civil Rights Academy website. Retrieved September 8, 2008.) and the Eureka Valley Branch of the San Francisco Public Library was also renamed in his honor in 1981. It is located at 1 José Sarria Court, named for the first openly gay man to run for public office in the United States. (Eureka Valley Branch Closing for Renovation March 1, San Francisco Public Library website [February 8, 2008]. Retrieved September 25, 2008.) On what would have been Milk's 78th birthday, a bust of his likeness was unveiled in San Francisco City Hall at the top of the grand staircase. On June 2, 2008 a bust of Harvey Milk was accepted into the Civic Art Collection during a meeting of the Full Commission. Designed by theEugene Daub, Firmin, Hendrickson Sculpture Group with Eugene Daub the principal sculptor. The work was unveiled during a gala party at San Francisco's City Hall on May 22, 2008, what would have been Milk's 78th birthday Engraved in the pedestal is a quotation from one of the audiotapes Milk recorded in the event of his assassination, which he openly predicted several times before his death. "I ask for the movement to continue because my election gave young people out there hope. You gotta give 'em hope." (Buchanan, Wyatt (May 22, 2008). "S.F. prepares to unveil bust of Harvey Milk", San Francisco Chronicle. Retrieved on September 8, 2008.) On the 82nd anniversary of his birth, a street was renamed to "Harvey Milk Street" in San Diego, and a new park named "Harvey Milk Promenade Park" was opened in Long Beach, California. (Harvey Milk Honored With San Diego Street, Long Beach Park On His 82nd Birthday, The Huffington Post. Published May 22, 2012. Retrieved May 23, 2012.)


  1. ^
  2. ^ Smith and Haider-Markel, p. 204.
  3. ^ Leyland, p. 37.
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 The Official HARVEY MILK Biography. Milk Foundation. [2017-05-21]. 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 Shilts 1982,第4-5頁.
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 6.2 "Harvey Bernard Milk." Dictionary of American Biography, Supplement 10: 1976–1980. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1995.
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 引用错误:没有为名为ewb的参考文献提供内容
  8. ^ Shilts 1982,第3-4頁.
  9. ^ Shilts 1982,第6-7頁: "He learned all the tricks and, by his own account, was leading an active homosexual life by the age of fourteen."
  10. ^ Shilts 1982,第6-8頁.
  11. ^ Shilts 1982,第9, 12-13頁.
  12. ^ Shilts 1982,第13-15頁.
  13. ^ Shilts 1982,第16頁.
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 LaGrone, Sam. Navy to Name Ship After Gay Rights Activist Harvey Milk. USNI News. 2016-07-28 [2017-07-19]. 
  15. ^ Harvey Milk. [2017-07-19]. 
  16. ^ Harvey Milk | American politician and activist. Encyclopedia Britannica. [2017-07-19]. 
  17. ^ Shilts 1982,第16頁: "Harvey later told voters that despite all his accomplishments, the navy dishonorably discharged him after discovering his homosexuality. ... But the Harvey Milk of this era was no political activist, and according to available evidence, he played the more typical balancing act between discretion and his sex drive."
  18. ^ Foss 1994,第21頁: "In actuality, Milk served out his term of enlistment without the Navy discovering his homosexuality. While exaggeration is a frequent campaign tactic, in Milk's case such embellishments served to demonstrate his willingness to be part of the political system while also maintaining his distance from it."
  19. ^ 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 The HARVEY MILK PAPERS Susan Davis Alch Collection (PDF). San Francisco Public Library. [2017-07-19]. 
  20. ^ Chan, Sewell. Film Evokes Memories for Milk's Relatives. New York Times. 2009-02-20 [2017-07-19]. 
  21. ^ Shilts 1982,第20頁.
  22. ^ Shilts 2008,第20-21頁.
  23. ^ Shilts 1982,第20-23頁.
  24. ^ Shilts 1982,第23頁: "Joe moved out a few weeks later. That was how Harvey's longest relationship ended."
  25. ^ 引用错误:没有为名为alch的参考文献提供内容
  26. ^ Shilts, p. 24–29.
  27. ^ Shilts, p. 33
  28. ^ Shilts, p. 30-33
  29. ^ Shilts, p. 35–36.
  30. ^ Shilts, p. 36–37.
  31. ^ 31.0 31.1 31.2 31.3 31.4 FitzGerald, Frances (July 21, 1986). "A Reporter at Large: The Castro – I", The New Yorker, p. 34–70.
  32. ^ Weiss, p. 37–38.
  33. ^ Leyland, p. 19.
  34. ^ 34.0 34.1 34.2 D'Emilio, John. "Gay Politics and Community in San Francisco since World War II", in Hidden From History: Reclaiming the Gay and Lesbian Past, New American Library (1989). ISBN 0-453-00689-2
  35. ^ Clendinen, p. 151.
  36. ^ Shilts, p. 38–41.
  37. ^ Barnes, Clive (December 20, 1971). "Theater: The York of 'Inner City'", The New York Times, p. 48.
  38. ^ 38.0 38.1 Gruen, John (January 2, 1972). "Do You Mind Critics Calling You Cheap, Decadent, Sensationalistic, Gimmicky—", The New York Times, p. SM14.
  39. ^ 39.0 39.1 39.2 Shilts, p. 44.
  40. ^ Shilts, p. 65.
  41. ^ Shilts, p. 62.
  42. ^ Clendinen, p. 154.
  43. ^ Clendinen, p.  150–151.
  44. ^ Clendinen, p. 156–159.
  45. ^ Clendinen, p. 161–163.
  46. ^ Shilts, p. 61–65.
  47. ^ Shilts, p. 65–72.
  48. ^ "Milk Entered Politics Because 'I Knew I Had To Become Involved' ", The San Francisco Examiner (November 28, 1978), p. 2.
  49. ^ Shilts, p. 76.
  50. ^ Shilts 1982,第73-74頁: " "There's an old saying in the Democratic Party," Foster explained, "You don't get to dance unless you put up the chairs. I've never seen you put up the chairs." ... Harvey now thought Foster was patronizing him. "
  51. ^ Shilts 1982,第74-75頁: " Liberals held many of the trump cards and gays couldn't afford to alienate them. ... Foster told Harvey, "It's not time for a gay supervisor" ... Harvey began saying this to gay groups: Jim Foster and his allies ... were more concerned with ... securing their personal power than with changing society."
  52. ^ Shilts 1982,第74-75頁.
  53. ^ San Francisco Voter Pamphlet, November 6, 1973 (PDF). San Francisco Public Library. [2017-08-04]. 
  54. ^ Shilts 1998,第75-79頁: "He strongly backed a ballot proposition that would replace the city-wide, at-large board with district elections. ... his fiscal conservatism was inconsistent with his civil libertarian stands against the vice squad and marijuana prohibition ... Few candidates could match Milk's eloquent speeches. ... Harvey manipulated every obstacle into a press advantage."
  55. ^ S.F. Vote Tally: Supervisors. The San Francisco Chronicle. 1973-11-07: 3. 
  56. ^ Shilts 1982,第80頁.
  57. ^ 57.0 57.1 Shilts 2008,Part II. Chapter 6..
  58. ^ Jones, Carolyn. Castro Street fair a G-rated family reunion. SFGate. 2009-10-05 [2017-08-04]. 
  59. ^ Boyd, Nan Alamilla. San Francisco's Castro district: from gay liberation to tourist destination. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change. 2011-09, 9 (3): 237–248. doi:10.1080/14766825.2011.620122. ... the estimated 70,000 people the fair attracted in 1977... 
  60. ^ 60.0 60.1 The Coors Boycott: The LGBTQ movement and people's counter-offensive against the right. Liberation News. 2015-07-29 [2017-07-29]. 
  61. ^ Shilts 1982,第82-84頁.
  62. ^ Jones, Cleve. Chapter 15. Supervisor Harvey Bernard Milk. When We Rise: My Life in the Movement. Hachette Books. 2016. ISBN 9780316315449. 
  63. ^ Roberts, Michael. A Brewing Disagreement. Westword. 2002-06-27 [2017-07-29]. 
  64. ^ Cole, B. Erin; Brantley, Allyson. The Coors Boycott: When A Beer Can Signaled Your Politics. Colorado Public Radio. 2014-10-03 [2017-07-30]. 
  65. ^ Shilts 1982,第83頁.
  66. ^ "Harvey Bernard Milk". Biography Resource Center Online. Gale Group, 1999. Reproduced in Resource Center, Farmington Hills, Mich.: Gale, 2008. Subscription required.
  67. ^ Shilts 1982,第87頁.
  68. ^ Shilts 1982,第65頁: " "Harvey spent most of his life looking for a stage," observed Tom O'Horgan years later. "On Castro Street, he finally found it." "
  69. ^ Shilts 1982,第xv - xvii頁.
  70. ^ Shilts 1982,第80, 96頁.
  71. ^ Shilts 1982,第134-137頁.
  72. ^ Shilts 1982,第96-97頁.
  73. ^ Joseph Lawrence Alioto. The Scribner Encyclopedia of American Lives, Volume 5: 1997–1999. Charles Scribner's Sons. 2002. 
  74. ^ Oliver, Myrna. From the Archives: Former San Francisco Mayor Joseph Alioto Dies. Los Angeles Times. 1998-01-30 [2017-09-08]. 
  75. ^ Shilts 1982,第107-110頁.
  76. ^ Weiss, p. 149–157.
  77. ^ Shilts, p. 130–133.
  78. ^ "Milk Will Run—Loses Permit Board Seat", The San Francisco Chronicle, March 10, 1976.
  79. ^ 79.0 79.1 79.2 Shilts, p. 133–137.
  80. ^ The Gay Vote is Gay Power (PDF). Gay Crusader (29) (San Francisco: Ray Broshears). June 1976: 4 [2017-04-25]. 
  81. ^ Shabecoff, Philip (September 23, 1975). "Ford Escapes Harm as Shot is Deflected; Woman Seized with Gun in San Francisco", The New York Times, p. 77.
  82. ^ Melnick, Norman (September 23, 1975). "I was right behind her ... I saw a gun", The San Francisco Examiner, p. 2.
  83. ^ 83.0 83.1 "The Man Who Grabbed the Gun", Time (October 6, 1975). Retrieved September 6, 2008.
  84. ^ Shilts, p. 122.
  85. ^ 85.0 85.1 85.2 Morain, Dan (February 13, 1989). "Sorrow Trailed a Veteran Who Saved a President and Then Was Cast in an Unwanted Spotlight", The Los Angeles Times, p. 1.
  86. ^ Duke, Lynne (December 31, 2006). "Caught in Fate's Trajectory, Along With Gerald Ford", The Washington Post, p. D01.
  87. ^ Shilts, p. 135–136.
  88. ^ de Jim, p. 43.
  89. ^ de Jim, p. 44.
  90. ^ Shilts, p. 139.
  91. ^ Shilts, p. 149.
  92. ^ Shilts, p. 142–143.
  93. ^ Shilts, p. 150
  94. ^ Fetner, Tina (August 2001). "Working Anita Bryant: The Impact of Christian Anti-Gay Activism on Lesbian and Gay Movement Claims", Social Problems, 48 (3), p. 411–428. ISSN 0037-7791
  95. ^ Clendinen p. 303.
  96. ^ "Miami Anti-gays Win in Landslide", The San Francisco Examiner, (June 8, 1977), p. 1.
  97. ^ 97.0 97.1 Sharpe, Ivan (June 8, 1977). "Angry Gays March Through S.F.", The San Francisco Examiner, p. 1.
  98. ^ Weiss, p. 122.
  99. ^ Shilts, p. 158.
  100. ^ 100.0 100.1 Hinckle, p. 15.
  101. ^ "Police Press Hunt for Slayers of Gay", The San Francisco Examiner, (June 23, 1977), p. 3.
  102. ^ Clendinen, p. 319.
  103. ^ Hinckle, p. 28.
  104. ^ Miller, p. 403.
  105. ^ Shilts, p. 166.
  106. ^ 106.0 106.1 106.2 Gold, Herbert (November 6, 1977), "A Walk on San Francisco's Gay Side", The New York Times, p. SM17.
  107. ^ Shilts, p. 174.
  108. ^ Shilts, p. 173.
  109. ^ Shilts, p. 169–170.
  110. ^ Shilts, p. 182.
  111. ^ Pogash, Carol (November 9, 1977). "The Night Neighborhoods Came to City Hall", The San Francisco Examiner, p. 3.
  112. ^ Shilts, p. 180.
  113. ^ Shilts, pp. 184, 204, 223.
  114. ^ 114.0 114.1 114.2 Giteck, Lenny (November 28, 1978). "Milk Knew He Would Be Assassinated", The San Francisco Examiner, p. 2.
  115. ^ Hinckle, p. 13–14.
  116. ^ 116.0 116.1 Cone, Russ (January 8, 1978). "Feinstein Board President", The San Francisco Examiner, p. 1.
  117. ^ "Homosexual on Board Cites Role as Pioneer", New York Times, (November 10, 1977), p. 24.
  118. ^ Shilts, p. 190.
  119. ^ Ledbetter, Les (January 12, 1978). "San Francisco Legislators Meet in Diversity", The New York Times, p. A14.
  120. ^ Weiss, p. 124.
  121. ^ Shilts, p. 192–193.
  122. ^ Shilts, p. 194.
  123. ^ Hinckle, p. 48.
  124. ^ Ledbetter, Les (March 22, 1978). "Bill on Homosexual Rights Advances in San Francisco", The New York Times, p. A21.
  125. ^ Shilts, p. 199.
  126. ^ 126.0 126.1 126.2 126.3 The Times of Harvey Milk. Dir. Rob Epstein. DVD, Pacific Arts, 1984.
  127. ^ Shilts, p. 203–204.
  128. ^ Shilts, pp. 228, 233–235.
  129. ^ VanDeCarr, Paul (November 23, 2003). "Death of dreams: in November 1978, Harvey Milk's murder and the mass suicides at Jonestown nearly broke San Francisco's spirit.", The Advocate, p. 32.
  130. ^ Clendinen, p. 380–381.
  131. ^ Shilts, p. 230–231.
  132. ^ 132.0 132.1 Jacobs, John (June 26, 1978). "An Ecumenical Alliance on the Serious Side of 'Gay' ", The San Francisco Examiner, p. 3.
  133. ^ Shilts, p. 224.
  134. ^ Shilts, p. 224–225.
  135. ^ 135.0 135.1 Clendinen, p. 388–389.
  136. ^ "Mayor Hunts a Successor for White", The San Francisco Examiner, (November 11, 1978), p. 1.
  137. ^ Cone, Russ (November 16, 1978). "White Changes Mind—Wants Job Back", The San Francisco Examiner, p. 1.
  138. ^ 138.0 138.1 138.2 Ledbetter, Les (November 29, 1978). "2 Deaths Mourned by San Franciscans", The New York Times, p. 1.
  139. ^ 139.0 139.1 139.2 "Another Day of Death", Time, December 11, 1978. Retrieved on September 6, 2008.
  140. ^ Downie Jr., Leonard (November 22, 1978). "Bodies in Guyana Cause Confusion; Confusion Mounts Over Bodies at Guyana Cult Site; Many Missing in Jungle",The Washington Post, p. A1.
  141. ^ Barbash, Fred (November 25, 1978). "Tragedy Numbs Survivors' Emotions; 370 More Bodies found at Cult Camp in Guyana; A Week of Tragedy in Guyana Dulls Survivors' Emotions", The Washington Post, p. A1.
  142. ^ Weiss, p. 238–239.
  143. ^ 143.0 143.1 Flintwick, James (November 28, 1978). "Aide: White 'A Wild Man'", The San Francisco Examiner, p. 1.
  144. ^ Turner, Wallace (November 28, 1978). "Suspect Sought Job", The New York Times, p. 1.
  145. ^ Ledbetter, Les (December 1, 1978)."Thousands Attend Funeral Mass For Slain San Francisco Mayor; Former Supervisor Charged Looking to the Mayor's Job", The New York Times, p. A20.
  146. ^ Ulman, Richard, and Abse, D. Wilfred (December, 1983). "The Group Psychology of Mass Madness: Jonestown", Political Psychology, 4 (4), pp. 637–661.
  147. ^ 147.0 147.1 "Reaction: World Coming Apart", The San Francisco Examiner, (November 28, 1978), p. 2.
  148. ^ "A Mourning City Asks Why", The San Francisco Examiner, (November 28, 1978), p. 20.
  149. ^ "No Bail as D.A. Cites New Law", The San Francisco Examiner (November 28, 1978), p. 1.
  150. ^ Hinckle, p. 14.
  151. ^ 151.0 151.1 Geluardi, John (January 30, 2008). "Dan White's Motive More About Betrayal Than Homophobia", SF Weekly. Retrieved September 11, 2008.
  152. ^ Harvey Milk Memorial Plaque, 575 Castro Street, San Francisco, California. Viewed August 17, 2008.
  153. ^ Carlsen, William (November 29, 1978). "Ex-aide Held in Moscone Killing Ran as a Crusader Against Crime", The New York Times, p. A22.
  154. ^ 154.0 154.1 Hinckle, p. 30.
  155. ^ Hinckle, p. 40.
  156. ^ Shilts, p. 283.
  157. ^ Wilson, Scott. Resting Places: The Burial Sites of More Than 14,000 Famous Persons, 3d ed.: 2 (Kindle Location 32406). McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers. Kindle Edition.
  158. ^ 158.0 158.1 Miller, p. 408.
  159. ^ Hinckle, p. 17.
  160. ^ Hinckle, p. 27.
  161. ^ Weiss, p. 297.
  162. ^ Shilts, p. 308.
  163. ^ 163.0 163.1 Hinckle, p. 49.
  164. ^ Shilts, p. 310.
  165. ^ 165.0 165.1 Mounts, Suzanne (Spring 1999). "Malice Aforethought in California: A History of Legislative Abdication and Judicial Vacillation", University of San Francisco Law Review (33 U.S.F. L. Rev. 313).
  166. ^ 166.0 166.1 Weiss, p. 436.
  167. ^ Shilts, p. 324–325.
  168. ^ Weiss, p. 440.
  169. ^ Weiss, p. 441.
  170. ^ Turner, Wallace (May 22, 1979). "Ex-Official Guilty of Manslaughter In Slayings on Coast; 3,000 Protest; Protesters Beat on Doors Ex-Official Guilty of Manslaughter in Coast Slayings Lifelong San Franciscan", The New York Times, p. A1.
  171. ^ Weiss, p. 443–445.
  172. ^ Weiss, p. 450.
  173. ^ Hinckle, p. 80–81.
  174. ^ Weiss, p. 419–420.
  175. ^ Hubbard, Lee (November 7, 1999). "Real Elections Up Next for S.F.", The San Francisco Chronicle, p. SC1.
  176. ^ California Penal Code Section 25-29, FindLaw (2008). Retrieved on September 9, 2008.
  177. ^ Pogash, Carol (November 23, 2003). "Myth of the 'Twinkie defense'", The San Francisco Chronicle, p. D1.
  178. ^ Lindsey, Robert (October 22, 1985)."Dan White, Killer of San Francisco Mayor, a suicide", The New York Times, p. A18.
  179. ^ 179.0 179.1 179.2 Foss, Karen (1988). "You Have to Give Them Hope", Journal of the West, 27 p. 75–81. ISSN 0022-5169
  180. ^ Shilts, p. 203.
  181. ^ Foss, Karen. "The Logic of Folly in the Political Campaigns of Harvey Milk", in Queer Words, Queer Images, Jeffrey Ringer, ed. (1994), New York University Press. ISBN 0-8147-7441-5.
  182. ^ Shilts, p. 363.
  183. ^ Shilts, p. 348.
  184. ^ FitzGerald, Frances (July 28, 1986). "A Reporter at Large: The Castro—II", The New Yorker, p. 44–63.
  185. ^ 185.0 185.1 Cloud, John (November 10, 1998). "Why Milk is Still Fresh: Twenty Years After his Assassination, Harvey Milk Still Has a Lot to Offer the Gay Life", The Advocate, (772) p. 29.
  186. ^ Levy, Dan (September 6, 2000)."Harvey Milk Plaza Proposals Up for Judging", The San Francisco Chronicle, p. A-16.
  187. ^ The Harvey Milk Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Democratic Club (August 2008). The Harvey Milk Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Democratic Club website. Retrieved September 8, 2008. 互联网档案馆存檔,存档日期April 20, 2008,.
  188. ^ What People are Asking About HMHS互联网档案馆存檔,存档日期August 28, 2008,. Hetrick Martin Institute, 2008. Retrieved on September 7, 2008.
  189. ^ Marcus, p. 228–229.
  190. ^ The 57th Academy Awards (1985) Nominees and Winners, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Retrieved on December 3, 2011
  191. ^ Quartini, Joelle (June 20, 2008). "Harvey Milk Returns", The New York Blade, 12 (25), p. 18.
  192. ^ Winn, Steven (February 27, 1999). "'Milk' Too Wholesome For the Man", The San Francisco Chronicle, p. E1.
  193. ^ Swed, Mark (November 20, 1996). "Opera Review: A Revised Harvey Milk, Finds Heart in San Francisco", The Los Angeles Times, p. F3.
  194. ^ Serinus, Jason Victor. Harvey Milk: A Cantata's World Premiere. San Francisco Classical Voice. June 6, 2012 [November 27, 2016]. 
  195. ^ Kirkus Reviews, June 14, 2002
  196. ^ Amor, Safia (2011). Harvey Milk: Non à l'homphobie (Paris: Actes Sud), 95 pages.
  197. ^ 'Slumdog Millionaire' has seven Oscars (February 22, 2009), Retrieved February 22, 2009.
  198. ^ Stein, Ruthe (March 18, 2008)."It's a wrap – 'Milk' filming ends in S.F.", The San Francisco Chronicle, p. E1.
  199. ^ Cloud, John (June 14, 1999)."Harvey Milk", Time. Retrieved on October 8, 2008.
  200. ^ 40 Heroes 互联网档案馆存檔,存档日期January 25, 2009,., The Advocate (September 25, 2007), Issue 993. Retrieved on October 8, 2008.
  201. ^ 2009 Medal of Freedom Ceremony互联网档案馆存檔,存档日期August 12, 2009,., The White House (August 12, 2009). Retrieved August 12, 2009.
  202. ^ Harvey Milk Foundation – Advisory Board. Harvey Milk Foundation. [March 31, 2011]. 
  203. ^ Smith, Dan (October 12, 2009).Schwarzenegger signs gay rights bills互联网档案馆存檔,存档日期October 15, 2009,.,The Sacramento Bee. Retrieved October 12, 2009.
  204. ^ Lagos, Marisa. Milk, Lucas among 13 inducted in Hall of Fame. The San Francisco Chronicle. December 2, 2009 [March 22, 2015]. 
  205. ^ Delgado, Ray (June 6, 2006). Museum opens downtown with look at 'Saint Harvey'; exhibitions explore history of slain supervisor, rainbow flag, San Francisco Chronicle. Retrieved on July 9. 2011.
  206. ^ Post by Harvey Milk Foundation. Harvey Milk To Be Honored With U.S. Postage Stamp. 2013-10-10 [2013-11-01]. 
  207. ^ Banks, Alica; Rocha, Veronica. Harvey Milk stamp draws crowds, brisk sales in San Francisco. Los Angeles Times. May 23, 2014 [May 23, 2014]. 
  208. ^ Shilts, p. 281.
  209. ^


  • Carter, David (2004). Stonewall: The Riots that Sparked the Gay Revolution, St. Martin's Press. ISBN 0-312-34269-1
  • Clendinen, Dudley, and Nagourney, Adam (1999). Out for Good: The Struggle to Build a Gay Rights Movement in America, Simon & Schuster. ISBN 0-684-81091-3
  • de Jim, Strange (2003). San Francisco's Castro, Arcadia Publishing. ISBN 978-0-7385-2866-3
  • Duberman, Martin (1999). Left Out: the Politics of Exclusion: Essays, 1964–1999, Basic Books. ISBN 0-465-01744-4
  • Hinckle, Warren (1985). Gayslayer! The Story of How Dan White Killed Harvey Milk and George Moscone & Got Away With Murder, Silver Dollar Books. ISBN 0-933839-01-4
  • Leyland, Winston, ed (2002). Out In the Castro: Desire, Promise, Activism, Leyland Publications. ISBN 978-0-943595-87-0
  • Marcus, Eric (2002). Making Gay History, HarperCollins Publishers. ISBN 0-06-093391-7
  • Miller, Neil (1994) Out of the Past: Gay and Lesbian History from 1869 to the Present, Vintage Books. ISBN 0-679-74988-8
  • Shilts, Randy (1982). The Mayor of Castro Street: The Life and Times of Harvey Milk, St. Martin's Press. ISBN 0-312-52330-0
  • Smith, Raymond, Haider-Markel, Donald, eds., (2002). Gay and Lesbian Americans and Political Participation, ABC-CLIO. ISBN 1-57607-256-8
  • Weiss, Mike (2010). Double Play: The Hidden Passions Behind the Double Assassination of George Moscone and Harvey Milk, Vince Emery Productions. ISBN 978-0-9825650-5-6
  • Shilts, Randy. The mayor of Castro Street : the life & times of Harvey Milk First St. Martin's Griffin edition. New York: St. Martin's Press. 2008. ISBN 9781466829671. 

Further reading


Archival Resources

District Created
Member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors
District 5

January 8, 1978 – November 27, 1978
Harry Britt

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