


  • [1](簡式)
  • [2] (詳式)

(2S)-2-amino-3-[4-(4-hydroxy-3,5-diiodophenoxy)-3,5-diiodophenyl]propanoic acid
CAS號 7488-70-2
PubChem 853
  • NC(Cc1cc(I)c(Oc2cc(I)c(O)
MeSH Thyroxine
化學式 C15H11I4NO4
摩爾質量 776.87 g·mol⁻¹
若非註明,所有數據均出自標準狀態(25 ℃,100 kPa)下。















- 甲狀腺球蛋白粗糙內質網中合成,並經由胞吐作用進入到甲狀腺濾泡腔的膠質中。
-碘離子(I-)在膠質中被甲狀腺過氧化酶(thyroid peroxidase)氧化為碘元素(I0)
- 複合體經由胞吐作用進入到了濾泡腔
- 蛋白酶將複合體進行切割,釋出T4和T3

甲狀腺素(T4 and T3)是甲狀腺濾泡細胞(thyroid epithelial cell|follicular cell)所製造,受腦下腺前葉所釋放的TSH調控。


  1. 鈉-碘幫浦唧出兩個鈉離子,同時唧入一個碘離子,並且碘離子以促進性擴散進入濾泡腔,為一次級主動運輸
  2. 甲狀腺氧化酶(Thyroperoxidase)將碘離子( I-)氧化為碘元素( I2),以增加化學活性。
  3. 甲狀腺氧化酶中碘化了甲狀腺球蛋白的酪胺醯殘基,並且在甲狀腺濾泡細胞的內質網中兩兩結合,並且釋出到膠質中。
  4. 腦下腺前葉釋出促甲狀腺素(TSH),結合於細胞膜的TSH受器上(一種G蛋白偶聯受體),刺激甲狀腺濾泡細胞對於甲狀腺球蛋白的胞飲作用
  5. 攝入的囊泡與甲狀腺濾泡細胞的溶酶體結合,蛋白酶將碘化的球蛋白切割出T4
  6. 最後,這些囊泡以胞吐作用釋出甲狀腺素。


  • DIT + MIT → r-T3 (無生物活性)
  • MIT + DIT → T3
  • DIT + DIT → T4






Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) is released from hypothalamus by 6 - 8 weeks, and thyroid-stimulating hormone(TSH) secretion from fetal pitutary is evident by 12 weeks of gestation, and fetal production of thyroxine(T4) reaches a clinically significant level at 18–20 weeks.[6] Fetal triiodothyronine (T3) remains low (less than 15 ng/dL) until 30 weeks of gestation, and increases to 50 ng/dL at term.[6] Fetal self-sufficiency of thyroid hormones protects the fetus against e.g. brain development abnormalities caused by maternal hypothyroidism.[7]



If there is a deficiency of dietary iodine, the thyroid will not be able to make thyroid hormone. The lack of thyroid hormone will lead to decreased negative feedback on the pituitary, leading to increased production ofthyroid-stimulating hormone, which causes the thyroid to enlarge (the resulting medical condition is called endemic colloid goiter; see goiter). This has the effect of increasing the thyroid's ability to trap more iodide, compensating for the iodine deficiency and allowing it to produce adequate amounts of thyroid hormone.



Plasma transport


Most of the thyroid hormone circulating in the blood is bound to transport proteins. Only a very small fraction of the circulating hormone is free (unbound) and biologically active, hence measuring concentrations of free thyroid hormones is of great diagnostic value.

When thyroid hormone is bound, it is not active, so the amount of free T3/T4 is what is important. For this reason, measuring total thyroxine in the blood can be misleading.

Type Percent
bound to thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG) 70%
bound to transthyretin or "thyroxine-binding prealbumin" (TTR or TBPA) 10-15%
albumin 15-20%
unbound T4 (fT4) 0.03%
unbound T3 (fT3) 0.3%

Despite being lipophilic, T3 and T4 cross the cell membrane via carrier-mediated transport, which is ATP-dependent.[8] The thyroid hormones function via a well-studied set of nuclear receptors in the nucleus of the cell, the thyroid hormone receptors.

T1a and T0a are positively charged and do not cross the membrane; they are believed to function via thetrace amine-associated receptor TAAR1 (TAR1, TA1), a G-protein-coupled receptor located in the cell membrane.

Another critical diagnostic tool is measurement of the amount of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) that is present.



Contrary to common belief, thyroid hormones can not traverse cell membranes in a passive manner like other lipophilicsubstances. The iodine in o-position makes the phenolic OH-group more acidic, resulting in a negative charge at physiological pH. However, at least 10 different active, energy-dependent and genetic-regulated iodothyronine transporters have been identified in humans. They guarantee that intracellular levels of thyroid hormones are higher than in blood plasma or interstitial fluids.[9]



Little is known about intracellular kinetics of thyroid hormones. However, recently it could be demonstrated that thecrystallin CRYM binds 3,5,3′-triiodothyronine in vivo.[10]



Thyroxine and triiodothyronine can be measured as free thyroxine and free triiodothyronine, which are indicators of thyroxine and triiodothyronine activities in the body. They can also be measured as total thyroxine and total triiodothyronine, which also depend on the thyroxine and triiodothyronine that is bound to thyroxine-binding globulin. A related parameter is the free thyroxine index, which is total thyroxine multiplied by thyroid hormone uptake, which, in turn, is a measure of the unbound thyroxine-binding globulins.[11]


  • Increases cardiac output
  • Increases heart rate
  • Increases ventilation rate
  • Increases basal metabolic rate
  • Potentiates the effects of catecholamines (i.e. increases sympathetic activity)
  • Potentiates brain development
  • Thickens endometrium in females
  • increase metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates (i.e. they have a catabolic action[12])



Both T3 and T4 are used to treat thyroid hormone deficiency (hypothyroidism). They are both absorbed well by the gut, so can be given orally. Levothyroxine is the pharmaceutical name (INN) of levothyroxine sodium (T4), which is metabolised more slowly than T3 and hence usually only needs once-daily administration. Natural desiccated thyroid hormones are derived from pig thyroid glands, and are a "natural" hypothyroid treatment containing 20% T3 and traces of T2, T1and calcitonin. Also available are synthetic combinations of T3/T4 in different ratios (such as liotrix) and pure-T3 medications (INN: liothyronine). Levothyroxine Sodium is usually the first course of treatment tried. Some patients feel they do better on desiccated thyroid hormones; however, this is based on anecdotal evidence and clinical trials have not shown any benefit over the biosynthetic forms.[13]

Thyronamines have no medical usages yet, though their use has been proposed for controlled induction of hypothermia, which causes the brain to enter a protective cycle, useful in preventing damage during ischemic shock.

Synthetic thyroxine was first successfully produced by Charles Robert Harington and George Barger in 1926.



Today most patients are treated with levothyroxine, or a similar synthetic thyroid hormone.[14][15][16] However, natural thyroid hormone supplements from the dried thyroids of animals are still available.[16] Natural thyroid hormones have become less popular, due to evidence that varying hormone concentrations in the thyroids of animals before they are slaughtered leads to inconsistent potency and stability.[17][18] Levothyroxine contains T4 only and is therefore largely ineffective for patients unable to convert T4 to T3.[19] These patients may choose to take natural thyroid hormone as it contains a mixture of T4 and T3,[16][20][21][22][23] or alternatively supplement with a synthetic T3 treatment.[24] In these cases, synthetic liothyronine is preferred due to the potential differences between drug lots of natural thyroid products. It would be counterintuitive to supplement with T4-only if the patient cannot convert T4 to T3. Some natural thyroid hormone brands are F.D.A. approved, but some are not.[25][26][27] Thyroid hormones are generally well tolerated.[15] Thyroid hormones are usually not dangerous for pregnant women or nursing mothers, but should be given under a doctor's supervision. In fact, if a woman who is hypothyroid is left untreated, her baby is at a higher risk for birth defects. When pregnant, a woman with a low functioning thyroid will also need to increase her dosage of thyroid hormone.[15] One exception is that thyroid hormones may aggravate heart conditions, especially in older patients; therefore, doctors may start these patients on a lower dose & work up to avoid risk of heart attack.[16]



Iodine uptake against a concentration gradient is mediated by a sodium-iodine symporter and is linked to a sodium-potassium ATPase. Perchlorate and thiocyanate are drugs that can compete with iodine at this point. Compounds such as goitrin can reduce thyroid hormone production by interfering with iodine oxidation.[28]




  • 甲狀腺機能亢進(Hyperthyroidism):(如凸眼性甲狀腺腫或稱格雷夫斯症Graves Disease),甲狀腺素釋放過多所造成,大約2%的女性及0.2%的男性罹患此病。甲狀腺毒症(Thyrotoxicosis)甲狀腺毒症通常會被甲狀腺機能亢進這個名詞替換,但是彼此之間還是有些許的差異性存在,雖然甲狀腺毒症也與甲狀腺素分泌過多有關,主要原因是攝取過多甲狀腺素的藥片或者是甲狀腺分泌過量,而甲狀腺機能亢進則單指甲狀腺分泌過量而已。

Preterm births can suffer neurodevelopmental disorders due to lack of maternal thyroid hormones, at a time when their own thyroid is unable to meet their postnatal needs.[31]








  • Thyroid Disease Manager Collection of elaborate medical articles on thyroid disease, including information on thyroid hormones


  1. ^ 參考
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  3. ^ References used in image are found in image article in Commons:Commons:File:Thyroid_systbcvhxcxcfffgem.png#References.
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  5. ^ How Iodide Reaches its Site of Utilisation in the Thyroid Gland – Involvement of Solute Carrier 26A4 (Pendrin) and Solute Carrier 5A8 (Apical Iodide Transporter) - a report by Bernard A Rousset. Touch Brieflings 2007
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  12. ^ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2884552
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  14. ^ Robert Lloyd Segal, MD Endocrinologist
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