编辑- 英国女王伊丽莎白二世及 爱丁堡公爵菲利普亲王[2]—新郎祖父母
- (已故斯诺登伯爵夫人玛格丽特公主之家庭成员:)
- 林利子爵大卫·阿姆斯特朗-琼斯及其夫人林利子爵夫人塞雷娜·阿姆斯特朗(Serena Armstrong-Jones, Viscountess Linley)[注 2][8]—新郎表伯(英语:first cousin, once removed)及表伯娘
- 莎拉·查托夫人(Lady Sarah Chatto)及其丈夫丹尼尔·查托(Daniel Chatto)[8]—新郎表妹及表妹夫
- 格洛斯特公爵理查德王子及其夫人格洛斯特公爵夫人比哲特(Birgitte, Duchess of Gloucester)[9]
- 肯特公爵爱德华亲王及其夫人肯特公爵夫人凯瑟琳[9]
- 圣安德鲁斯伯爵乔治·温莎(George Windsor, Earl of St Andrews)及其夫人圣安德鲁斯伯爵夫人希瓦娜·温莎(Sylvana Windsor, Countess of St Andrews)[8]
- 唐帕特里克勋爵爱德华·温莎(Edward Windsor, Lord Downpatrick)[8]
- 玛莲娜-夏洛特·温莎女勋爵(Lady Marina-Charlotte Windsor)[8]
- 亚美莉亚·温莎女勋爵[8]
- 凯伦·泰勒女勋爵(Lady Helen Taylor)及其丈夫提摩太·泰勒(Timothy Taylor)[8]
- 尼古拉斯·温莎勋爵(Lord Nicholas Windsor)及其夫人尼古拉斯·温莎勋爵夫人(Lady Nicholas Windsor)[8]
- 圣安德鲁斯伯爵乔治·温莎(George Windsor, Earl of St Andrews)及其夫人圣安德鲁斯伯爵夫人希瓦娜·温莎(Sylvana Windsor, Countess of St Andrews)[8]
- 欧志伟爵士夫人雅丽珊郡主[8]
- 肯特的迈克尔王子及其夫人肯特的迈克尔王妃[9]
- 丹麦女王玛格丽塔二世[11]
- 瑞典王储维多利亚及其夫西约特兰公爵丹尼尔亲王[12][13]
- 挪威国王哈拉尔五世及宋雅王后[12][13]
- 西班牙王后索菲亚[14]
- 巴登藩侯(Markgraf von Baden)马克西米利安·安德烈阿斯*及其夫人奥地利的瓦莱丽大公妃(Archduchess Valerie of Austria)*[15]
- 巴登的玛格丽特公主(Princess Margarita of Baden)[16]
- 希腊国王康斯坦丁二世*及王后安妮-玛丽王后*[17]
- 罗马尼亚国王米哈伊一世*[18]
- 南斯拉夫王储亚历山大(Alexander, Crown Prince of Yugoslavia)*及其夫人南斯拉夫的王储妃凯瑟琳(Katherine, Crown Princess of Yugoslavia)*[17]
- 黑森领地伯爵莫里茨*[19]
- 黑森的卡尔阿道夫王子(Prince Karl Adolf of Hesse)及其夫人黑森的伊冯娜王妃(Princess Yvonne of Hesse)
- 霍恩洛厄-兰根堡的菲利浦王子(Philipp, Prince of Hohenlohe-Langenburg)*及其夫人霍恩洛厄-兰根堡的王妃萨斯姬亚(Princess Saskia of Hohenlohe-Langenburg)*[15][20]
- 佐尔特曼夫人齐妮亚公主(Princess Xenia, Mrs Soltmann)*及其丈夫麦斯·佐尔特曼先生(Max Soltmann)
- 费舍家族第二十一代索尔顿女士弗洛拉·费舍(Flora Fraser, 21st Lady Saltoun)[8]
- 第二代缅甸的蒙巴顿女伯爵帕特里夏·纳奇布尔(Patricia Knatchbull, 2nd Countess Mountbatten of Burma)[21]
- 帕梅拉·希克斯女士(Lady Pamela Hicks)[22]
- 玛格丽特·罗德斯(Margaret Rhodes),LVO—伊丽莎白王太后的表亲和卧房女侍(英语:Woman of the Bedchamber),也是伊丽莎白二世的儿时玩伴
- 莎拉·麦科库代尔女士(Lady Sarah McCorquodale)及其丈夫尼尔·麦科库代尔[23]—新郎姨母(威尔士王妃戴安娜的大姐)及姨丈
- 艾美莉·麦科库代尔(Emily McCorquodale)—新郎表姐
- 乔治·麦科库代尔(George McCorquodale)—新郎表弟
- 西莉亚·麦科库代尔(Celia McCorquodale)—新郎表妹
- 珍·费洛斯男爵夫人(Jane Fellowes, Baroness Fellowes)及其丈夫罗伯特·费洛斯男爵(Robert Fellowes, Baron Fellowes)[23]—新郎姨母(威尔士王妃戴安娜的二姊)及姨丈
- 劳拉·佩特曼(Laura Pettman)—新郎表姐
- 亚历山大·费洛斯(Alexander Fellowes)—新郎表弟
- 艾莉诺·费洛斯(Eleanor Fellowes)—新郎表妹
- 第九代斯宾塞伯爵查尔斯·斯宾塞(Charles Spencer, 9th Earl Spencer)及其未婚妻凯伦·戈登(Karen Gordon)[23] [注 3]
- 凯蒂·斯宾塞女士(Lady Kitty Spencer)—新郎表妹
- 伊莱扎·斯宾塞女士(The Lady Eliza Spencer)—新郎表妹
- 艾美莉亚·斯宾塞女士(The Lady Amelia Spencer)—新郎表妹
- 奥尔索普子爵刘易斯·斯宾塞(Louis Spencer, Viscount Althorp)—新郎表弟
- 安·韦克-沃克女士(The Lady Anne Wake-Walker)[23]—新郎外姑婆(外公的姐姐)
- 第六代费尔莫伊男爵莫里斯·罗奇(Maurice Roche, 6th Baron Fermoy)及其夫人费尔莫伊男爵夫人—新郎表兄及表嫂
编辑- 米高·密道顿(Michael Middleton)及卡露·密道顿(Carole Middleton[2]—新娘父母
- 加里·戈德史密斯(Gary Goldsmith)及卢安·戈德史密斯(Luan Goldsmith)[25]—新娘舅父及舅母(二人已离婚)
- 塔鲁拉·戈德史密斯(Tallulah Goldsmith)[25]—新娘表妹
- 理查德·密道顿(Richard Middleton)[25]—新娘叔父
- 阿当·密道顿(Adam Middleton)[25]—新娘堂兄
- 西蒙·密道顿(Simon Middleton)[25]—新娘叔父
- 尼古拉斯·密道顿(Nicholas Middleton)[25]—新娘叔父
- 马蒂塔·格拉斯波罗(Matita Glassborow)[25]
- 彭尼·巴顿博士(Dr Penny Barton)[26]
- 大卫·密道顿(David Middleton)[25]
- 伊利莎伯·密道顿(Elizabeth Middleton)[25]
- 提摩太·密道顿(Timothy Middleton)[25]
- 约翰·密道顿(John Middleton)[25]
- 真·哈里森(Jean Harrison)[25]
- 斯蒂芬·拉普顿(Stephen Lupton)[25]
编辑- 比利时国王菲利普及王后玛蒂尔德[17]—威廉王子与菲利普国王二人因同宗克里斯蒂安九世而有远亲关系[注 4]
- 不丹国王吉格梅·凯萨尔·纳姆耶尔·旺楚克[27]
- 文莱苏丹哈桑纳尔·博尔基亚[12]及王后彭吉兰·阿纳克·萨莉哈(Pengiran Anak Saleha)[8]
- 科威特埃米尔萨巴赫·艾哈迈德·贾比尔·萨巴赫[8]
- 莱索托王子塞伊索·贝伦·塞伊索(Prince Seeiso of Lesotho)及王妃玛贝伦(Princess Mabereng Seeiso of Lesotho)[8]
- 卢森堡大公亨利及大公夫人玛丽亚·特丽莎[28]—威廉王子与亨利大公二人因同宗克里斯蒂安九世而有远亲关系[注 5]
- 马来西亚最高元首端姑·米詹·扎因·阿比丁及元首夫人苏丹娜诺查希拉(Sultanah Nur Zahirah)[8]
- 摩纳哥亲王阿尔贝二世及其未婚妻夏琳·维德士托 [12][注 6]
- 摩洛哥王妃拉拉·萨尔玛 [8]
- 荷兰王子[注 7]威廉-亚历山大及王后麦西玛[12]—威廉王子与威廉-亚历山大王子二人因同宗保罗一世而有远亲关系[注 8]
- 安曼王子海萨姆·本·塔里克·赛义德(Haitham bin Tariq Al Said)[8]
- 卡塔尔埃米尔哈迈德·本·哈利法·阿勒萨尼及其夫人穆扎·宾特·纳赛尔[29]
- 沙地阿拉伯王子穆罕默德·本·纳瓦夫·本·阿卜杜阿齐兹(Mohammed bin Nawwaf bin Abdulaziz)及其夫人法德娃王妃(Princess Fadwa of Saudi Arabia)[8]—穆罕默德王子时任沙地阿拉伯驻英国领事
- 斯威士兰国王姆斯瓦蒂三世[8]
- 泰国公主摩诃·扎克里·诗琳通[30]
- 汤加国王乔治·图普五世[31]
- 迪拜酋长国王储哈姆丹·本·穆罕默德·本·拉希德·阿勒马克图姆
- 阿布扎比酋长国储君穆罕默德·本·扎耶德·阿勒纳哈扬[32]
编辑- 牙买加总督帕特里克·艾伦爵士,国家勋章,GCMG,卓越勋章[20]
- 圣文森特和格林纳丁斯总督弗雷德里克·巴兰坦爵士,GCMG及总督夫人[34]
- 澳大利亚总督昆廷·布赖斯女爵士,AC及夫婿米高·布赖斯,AM,空军效率奖章(Air Efficiency Award)[35][36]
- 巴哈马总督阿瑟·福尔克斯(Arthur Foulkes)爵士,GCMG及总督夫人[37]
- 巴巴多斯总督克利福德·赫斯本斯(Clifford Husbands)爵士,GCMG,巴巴多斯勋章(Order of Barbados),QC[38]
- 加拿大总督大卫·劳埃德·约翰斯顿 CC CMM COM CD FRSC(hon)及总督夫人莎朗·约翰斯顿(Sharon Johnston)CC PhD[36]
- 所罗门群岛总督法兰·卡布伊(Frank Kabui)爵士 ,GCMG,所罗门群岛十字(Cross of Solomon Islands),OBE及总督夫人[39]
- 圣卢西亚总督皮尔莱特·刘易斯女爵士,GCMG[36]
- 巴布亚新几内亚总督米高·奥治奥(Michael Ogio)爵士,GCMG,CBE及总督夫人[36]
- 纽西兰总督阿南德·萨蒂亚南德爵士,纽西兰功绩勋章(New Zealand Order of Merit),女王服务勋章(Queen's Service Order)及总督夫人[35]
- 圣基茨和尼维斯总督卡思伯特·塞巴斯蒂安爵士,GCMG,OBE[36]
- 安提瓜和巴布达总督路易丝·莱克-塔克女爵士,GCMG,DStJ[36]
- 伯利兹总督杨可为爵士,GCMG,MBE及总督夫人[36]
编辑- 德国大使乔治·博伽登(Georg Boomgaarden)[20]
- 日本大使林景一[20]
- 法国大使伯纳德·艾米(Bernard Émié)
- 朝鲜大使慈成男[42]
- 印度高级外交专员苏理宁(Nalin Surie)[43]
- 以色列高级外交专员罗恩·普罗索尔(Ron Prosor)[20]
- 荷兰大使皮姆·沃戴克(Pim Waldeck)[44]
- 巴基斯坦大使瓦吉德·山姆苏尔·哈桑(Wajid Shamsul Hasan)[45]
- 美国大使刘易斯·萨斯曼(Louis Susman)[20]
- 波兰大使芭芭拉·图格-艾瑞辛斯卡(Barbara Tuge-Erecińska)[20]
- 开曼群岛总理麦基瓦·布什(McKeeva Bush),OBE及总理夫人[36]
- 直布罗陀首席大臣彼得·卡鲁阿纳 ,QC及其夫人[36]
- 百慕大总理宝拉·考克斯(Paula Cox)及其夫婿[36]
- 圣赫勒拿、阿森松和特里斯坦-达库尼亚代表约翰·克兰菲尔德(John Cranfield)及其夫人[36]
- 福克兰群岛立法议会成员莎朗·哈尔福德(Sharon Halford)及其夫婿[36]
- 蒙塞拉特首席部长鲁本·米德(Reuben Meade)及其夫人[36]
- 英属维尔京群岛总理拉夫·T·奥尼尔(Ralph T. O'Neal),OBE[20]及总理夫人[36]
编辑- 伦敦市市长白尔雅爵士(Michael Bear)及其夫人[36]
- 下议院保守党议员(纽伯里选区)理查·贝尼昂[42]及其夫人[25]
- 下议院议长约翰·伯考及其夫人[36]
- 大法官及司法大臣肯尼思·克拉克 ,PC,QC及其夫人[36]
- 枢密院议长及英国副首相尼克·克莱格[20]及其夫人[36]
- 威尔士国民议会主席埃利斯-汤玛斯男爵达菲·埃利斯-汤玛斯(Dafydd Elis-Thomas)及埃利斯-汤玛斯男爵夫人[36]
- 苏格兰议会主席艾历·费格逊(Alex Fergusson)及其夫人[36]
- 英国外交及联邦事务部常务次官西蒙·费舍(Simon Fraser),CMG及其夫人[36]
- 外交及联邦事务大臣及首席大臣威廉·黑格及其夫人[36]
- 北爱尔兰议会发言人、市议长(Alderman)威廉·希尔(William Hay)及其夫人[36]
- 上议院议长凯伦·希曼女男爵(Helene Hayman, Baroness Hayman),GBE,PC及其夫婿[36]
- 文化、奥林匹克、传媒和体育大臣杰里米·亨特 ,PC及其夫人[36]
- 前外交及联邦事务大臣及内政大臣道格拉斯·赫德,韦斯特维尔的道格拉斯·赫德男爵CH CBE PC
- 伦敦城长鲍里斯·约翰逊及其夫人[36]
- 威尔士首席部长卡因·琼斯及其夫人[36]
- 前首相约翰·梅杰爵士,KG,CH,PC及其夫人诺尔玛·梅杰女爵士(Norma Major),DBE
- 内政大臣及女性和平等大臣特雷莎·梅及其夫婿菲利浦·梅[36]
- 反对党及工党领袖爱德华·米利班德[20]及其夫人[36]
- 内阁秘书格斯·奥唐奈爵士(Sir Gus O'Donnell)KCB及其夫人[36]
- 财政大臣乔治·奥斯本及其夫人[36]
- 北爱尔兰首席部长和副首席部长彼德·罗宾逊[36]
- 苏格兰首席部长亚历克斯·萨尔蒙德及其夫人[36]
- 西敏市市长大人茱迪丝·华纳(Judith Warner)及其夫婿保罗·费洛·德拉·托雷伯爵(Paolo Filo della Torre)[36]
- 皇家近卫骑兵准下士马丁·康普顿(Martyn Compton)—2006年在阿富汗服役时军车遭遇伏击,身体严重烧伤[8]
- 皇家海军潜舰部队(Royal Navy Submarine Service)皇家海军少将伊恩·科德(Ian Corder)—威廉王子曾任潜舰准将[8]
- 伦敦军区司令兼英国御林军指挥官威廉·库比特(William Cubitt)少将及其夫人[8]
- 皇家空军上将斯蒂芬·道尔顿爵士(Sir Stephen Dalton)及其夫人[8]
- 荷莉·戴尔(Holly Dyer—乔安娜·戴尔(Joanna Dyer)少尉的胞妹,乔安娜·戴尔于2007在伊拉克执勤时遭遇炸弹袭击阵亡,她与威廉王子是好友,二人在桑德赫斯特皇家军事学院同窗受训[8]
- 上尉马克·海伊赫斯特(Mark Hayhurst)—威廉王子的朋友,及其未婚妻
- General (United Kingdom) Nick Houghton (Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff (United Kingdom)) and Lady Houghton[8]
- Captain Harry Legge-Bourke, Welsh Guards officer (brother of Tiggy Legge-Bourke) and Iona Legge-Bourke, as well as his mother, Shân Legge-Bourke
- Air Vice Marshal David Murray (RAF officer) (Defence Services Secretary) with his wife[8]
- General Sir David Richards (British Army officer) (Chief of the Defence Staff) and Lady Richards[8]
- Susie Roberts (widow of Major Alexis Roberts, who was Operation Nasrat. Alexis Roberts was Prince William's Platoon Commander at Sandhurst)[8]
- Brigadier (United Kingdom) Edward Smyth-Osbourne (Prince William's Commanding Officer in the Household Cavalry Regiment and military mentor)[8]
- Admiral Sir Mark Stanhope (First Sea Lord and Chief of the Naval Staff) and Lady Stanhope[8]
- General (United Kingdom) Sir Peter Wall (British Army officer) (Chief of the General Staff (United Kingdom)) and Lady Wall[8]
- Bryn and Emma Parry (founders of Help for Heroes)[8]
- Wing Commander (rank) Kevin Marsh (met Prince William through his service in the RAF)[8]
- Squadron Leader Craig Finch (Principal instructor to Prince William during his time with the Defence Helicopter Flying School at RAF Shawbury)
- Members of C Flight, No. 22 Squadron RAF (at RAF Valley in Anglesey), including Wing Commander (rank) Steven Bentley, Wing Commander (rank) Iain Wright, Squadron Leader Paul Bolton, Squadron Leader David Taylor, Flight Lieutenant Thomas Bunn, Flight Lieutenant Al Conner, Sergeant Keith Best, with wives.[8][48]
编辑- Aga Khan IV[36][49]
- Style (manner of address) Tony Bayfield (President of the Movement for Reform Judaism)[36][50]
- Anil Bhanot (General Secretary of the Hindu Council UK)[36]
- Seán Cardinal Brady (Irish Roman Catholic Archbishop of Armagh)[51]
- Avinash Patra (Indology Writer of the University of Oxford)[36]
- David Chillingworth (Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church and Bishop of St Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane)[36]
- John Christie (moderator) (Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland)[36]
- Malcolm Deboo (President of the Zoroastrian Trust Funds of Europe)[36]
- Archbishop Gregorios (Eastern Orthodox Archbishop of Thyateira and Great Britain)[36]
- Norman Hamilton (Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland)[36]
- Alan Harper (archbishop) (Church of Ireland's Archbishop of Armagh (Church of Ireland) and Primate of All Ireland)[36]
- Gareth Morgan Jones (President of the Free Church Council of Wales)[36]
- Monsignor Philip Kerr (Convener of Action of Churches Together in Scotland)[36]
- Commissioner Betty Matear (Salvation Army)[36]
- Barry Morgan (Church in Wales' Archbishop of Wales)[36]
- Cormac Cardinal Murphy-O'Connor (Roman Catholic Archbishop Emeritus of Westminster)[36]
- Vincent Nichols (Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster)[36]
- Keith Cardinal O'Brien (Roman Catholic Archbishop of St. Andrews and Edinburgh)[36]
- Rabbi Alan Plancey[36] [谁?]
- Imam Mohammad Raza[36][谁?]
- Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks (Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth)[52]
- Bogoda Seelawimala Nayaka Thera (Head Priest of the London Buddhist Vihara)[52]
- John Sentamu (Church of England's Archbishop of York) and Margaret Sentamu[36]
- Maulana Syed Raza Shabbarm (Muhammadi Trust)[36]
- Natubhai Shah (President of the Jain Academy)[36]
- Indarjit Singh (Director of the Network of Sikh Organisations (UK))[36]
- Canon Christopher Tuckwell[36][谁?]
- Rev. Geoffrey Turner (bishop)[36] [谁?]
- Rowan Williams (Church of England's Archbishop of Canterbury)[36]
Friends of Prince William and Catherine Middleton
编辑- Isabella Calthorpe (friend of Prince William)[24]
- Helen Asprey (the couple's personal private secretary)[53]
- Oliver Baker (friend of Prince William's from university)[24]
- Emily Bevan (friend of Middleton's from university)
- Tim Billington (horse breeder)[53]
- Olivia Bleasdale (friend of Prince William's from university; former flatmate at university)[24]
- Fergus Boyd (friend of Prince William's from university)[24] and wife, Rosie
- Tom Bradby (ITN political editor) and Claudia Bradby (a jewellery designer who worked with Middleton at Jigsaw (clothing retailer))[7]
- Sir Richard Branson (who offered his Caribbean retreat, Necker Island (British Virgin Islands), as a venue for the royal honeymoon) and Lady Branson, and their daughter, Dr Holly Branson.[54]
- Sam Branson (a former friend of Middleton's) was not invited,[55] although his parents and sister did attend.
- Amanda Bush (friend of Prince William's)
- Sir Henry Cheape (owner of the Strathtyrum estate in St. Andrews where the couple shared a farmhouse)[24]
- Alasdair Coutts-Wood (friend of Prince William's from St. Andrews)
- Jessica 'Jecca' Craig (with Captain Philip Kaye; friends of Prince William's)[53]
- Edward and Lady Tamara van Cutsem (family friends since the Prince's childhood; her mother, the Natalia Grosvenor, Duchess of Westminster, is the Prince's godmother)[4]
- Hugh and Rose van Cutsem (parents of bridesmaid Grace van Cutsem; Hugh van Cutsem has been a family friend since the Prince's childhood)[4]
- Major Nicholas van Cutsem (family friend since the Prince's childhood) and wife, Alice[56]
- William van Cutsem (friend of Prince William's)[24]
- Bryony Daniels (friend of Prince William's from St. Andrews)
- Chelsy Davy (friend of Prince Harry's)[24]
- Davina Duckworth-Chad (friend of Prince William's)[24] with her husband, Tom Barber
- David Dugmore and Roger Dugmore (safari park owners from Botswana)[57]
- Rupert Finch (friend of Middleton's)[24] and Lady Natasha Rufus Isaacs
- Ben Fogle (TV presenter) and his wife, Marina Fogle[7]
- Alicia Fox-Pitt (sister of William Fox-Pitt; Middleton's friend)[4]
- Virginia Fraser (neighbour of the couple's while at St Andrews)[24]
- Astrid Harbord (friend of Prince Harry's)[4]
- Oliver Hicks (friend of Prince William's), and his parents, Charles and Virginia Hicks
- Olivia Hunt (friend of Prince William's),[24] and her parents
- David Jardine-Paterson and Emilia d'Erlanger (banking heir, Prince William's friend; the couple attended their wedding last year)[4]
- James Jardine-Paterson (banking heir; Prince William's friend)[24]
- Arthur Landon (friend of Prince William's), with his mother, Katalina Landon[24]
- Tiggy Legge-Bourke (former nanny to Prince William) and Charles Pettifer[24]
- Captain Jack Mann (polo player; friend of Prince William's)[24]
- Lady Laura Marsham, daughter of the Julian Marsham, 8th Earl of Romney, with her brother, Hon. Michael Marsham
- Willem Marx (friend of Middleton's)[24]
- Harry Meade (Old Etonian; friend of the couple's)[4] and Rosie Meade, along with his brother James, sister Lucy and their parents, Olympic gold medallist Richard Meade and Angela Meade[24]
- Natalie Milbank (friend of the couple's) and Edward Milbank
- Drummond Money-Coutts (Magic Circle member)[来源请求]
- Torquil Montague-Johnstone and Irena Montague-Johnstone (friends of the Middleton family)[4]
- Jake Mulley (friend of Prince William's)[24]
- James Murray Wells (entrepreneur; Old Harrovian)[4]
- Arabella Musgrave (friend of Prince William's)[24]
- Hinesh Parmar (friend of the bride and groom)[24]
- Guy Pelly (friend of Prince William's),[4] with his parents, John Pelly and Vanda Pelly (born Vanda J. Allfrey)
- George Percy, Earl Percy, Lord Max Percy, Lady Melissa Percy, and Lady Catherine Valentine (the children of Ralph Percy, 12th Duke of Northumberland)[4]
- Shriman Maharaj Sahib Shri Raghav Raj Singh Shisodia, 8th Maharaj Sahib of Shivrati (friend of Prince William's) and his wife Shailja[58]
- Dan Snow (historian/television presenter) and Lady Edwina Snow (her mother, Natalia Grosvenor, Duchess of Westminster, is the Prince's godmother)[59]
- Thomas van Straubenzee (friend of Prince William's since prep school)[4]
- Luke Tomlinson and Mark Tomlinson (friends of Prince William's)[4] with fiancée, 劳拉·贝希托尔斯海默 [60]
- Ben Vestey (polo player), his wife Chloe and his sister Tamara (friends of Prince William's)[24]
- Sam Waley-Cohen (English jockey, and childhood friend of Prince William's)[61] with his fiancée, Annabel Ballin, and his parents, Robert and Felicity Waley-Cohen
- John and Lady Carolyn Warren (the Queen's racing manager and his wife, daughter of the Queen's former racing manager, the Earl of Carnarvon)
- Susanna and Jake Warren (children of John and Lady Carolyn Warren)[24]
- Eric Anderson (educator) and Lady Anderson, Former Provost of Eton and Charles's teacher at Gordonstoun; Sir Eric advised Prince William on his gap year.
Celebrities and other notable guests
编辑- Gregory Allen (yoga teacher)[42]
- Brian Alexander (Managing Director of The Mustique Company)[42]
- Joe Allbritton (former owner of Riggs Bank)
- Rowan Atkinson[42] and wife, Sunetra
- David and Victoria Beckham[42]
- Sir Trevor Brooking[8]
- Alexander Hood, 4th Viscount Bridport[25]
- Sir Yogendra Pasupalati (Mustique-based physician)[42]
- Butrint R Gashi (Executive, The Mustique Company)[42]
- Basil Charles (owner of Basil's Bar, Mustique)[42]
- Manuel Colonques (Chairman of Porcelanosa)
- Deborah Cavendish, Duchess of Devonshire
- Peregrine Cavendish, 12th Duke of Devonshire and Duchess of Devonshire, friends of the Royal Family[62]
- Marquess Vittorio Frescobaldi (wine industrialist and head of the Italian Frescobaldi noble family)
- Andrew Gailey (Vice-Provost of Eton College, who was Prince William's Housemaster)[8]
- Rear admiral (Royal Navy) Sir Donald Gosling (co-founder National Car Parks) with Gabriella Di Nora (Diana, Princess of Wales' former personal shopper)
- Edward Gould (Master of Marlborough College between 1993–2003)[8]
- Amy Huberman (Irish actress)[63]
- Sir Elton John and David Furnish[64]
- Count Tibor Kálnoky (Hungarian nobleman and landlord who manages Prince Charles's properties in Transylvania)
- Timur Kuanyshev (Kazakh industrialist) and Alfiya Kuanysheva
- Sir John Madejski (Chairman of Reading Football Club)[42]
- Hugh Morrison (horse trainer), and Mary Morrison[25]
- Philippa Naylor (designer)[25]
- Ralph Percy, 12th Duke of Northumberland and Jane Percy, Duchess of Northumberland, old family friends[65]
- Lady Catherine Valentine
- George Percy, Earl Percy and his siblings, as old family friends
- Lady Melissa Percy
- Lord Max Percy
- Tara Palmer-Tomkinson (television presenter and socialite)
- Pedro Pesudo (Director of Porcelanosa)
- Juergen Pierburg (art collector and philanthropist)
- John Petre, 18th Baron Petre (Lord Lieutenant of Essex)
- Roger Pritchard (Managing Director of The Mustique Company)[42]
- Guy Ritchie with Jacqui Ainsley[42]
- Lily Safra (Brazilian-Monegasque philanthropist)[66]
- Richard Schaffer (tennis coach at Mustique)[42]
- Lucia Santa Cruz (daughter of former Chilean ambassador; friend of Prince Charles's)
- Joss Stone[8]
- Mario Testino (fashion photographer who took the engagement photos)
- Ian Thorpe (Australian Olympic gold medalist swimmer)[61]
- Matthew Vaughn[67]
- Martyn Williams (Welsh rugby player)[61]
- Sir Clive Woodward and Lady Woodward[25][42][61]
- Jon Zammett (Head of public relations of the German car manufacturer Audi)
Maid of Honour and Bridesmaids, Best Man and Page Boys
编辑The groom's father, Charles, Prince of Wales, released the official cadre of bridesmaids, pages and the overall makeup of the wedding party:[68]
Maid of Honour and Best man
编辑- Philippa "Pippa" Middleton, the Maid of Honour
- Prince Harry, the Best man
Bridesmaids and Page Boys
编辑- Lady Louise Windsor, aged 7 – daughter of Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex, and Sophie, Countess of Wessex
- Lady Margarita Armstrong-Jones, aged 8 – daughter of Viscount and Viscountess Linley
- Grace van Cutsem, aged 3 – goddaughter of Prince William and daughter of Hugh van Cutsem and his wife, Rose van Cutsem (born Rose Nancy Langhorne Astor)
- Eliza Lopes, aged 3 – daughter of Harry Lopes and Laura Lopes (born Laura Rose Parker Bowles), and granddaughter of Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall
- William Lowther-Pinkerton, aged 10 – son of Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton and his wife, Susannah Lowther-Pinkerton (born Susannah Lucy Richards)
- Thomas Pettifer, aged 8 – godson of Prince William and son of Charles Pettifer and Tiggy Legge-Bourke
- 加拿大总理斯蒂芬·哈珀及其夫人劳琳·哈珀,因婚礼三日后即为加拿大联邦大选日。[69]
- 巴布亚新几内亚总理麦可·索马雷爵士及其夫人索马雷爵士夫人[36] ,因麦可·索马雷处于术后恢复期。[70]
- 英国前首相撒切尔女男爵,因健康状况不佳。[71]
- 约旦国王阿卜杜拉二世及拉尼娅王后,因国内反政府示威。
- 荷兰女王贝娅特丽克丝,因婚礼一日后即为荷兰女王日。[72]
- 比利时国王阿尔贝二世及保拉王后,因教宗若望·保禄二世真福礼。
- 西班牙国王胡安·卡洛斯一世,因术后康复,索菲亚王后代表国王参加了婚礼。[14]
- 瑞典国王卡尔十六世·古斯塔夫,因婚礼次日其本人诞辰庆典。
- 柬埔寨国王诺罗敦·西哈莫尼。[73]
- 列支敦士登阿洛伊斯王储 ,因教宗若望·保禄二世真福礼。
- 巴林王储萨勒曼,因国内反政府示威。[74]
- 日本皇太子德仁亲王及皇太子妃雅子,因东日本大震灾。[75]
- Dean Barrow (Prime Minister of Belize)[76] [为何?]
- Richie McCaw (New Zealand national rugby union captain) – declined due to commitments to his Super Rugby club, the Crusaders (rugby).[61]
- Brian O'Driscoll (Ireland national rugby union captain and husband of invitee, actress Amy Huberman) – declined due to commitments to his club team, Leinster Rugby, who were to play a 2010–11 Heineken Cup against Stade Toulousain the day after the wedding.[61][63]
- Edward Fitzalan-Howard, 18th Duke of Norfolk and Georgina Fitzalan-Howard, Duchess of Norfolk – declined due to the announcement of their separation.[77]
Invitation withdrawn
编辑- Sami Khiyami (Syrian ambassador to the United Kingdom)[78]
编辑- ^ 扎拉·菲利普斯和麦克·汀达尔于同年7月30日完婚。
- ^ 2017年后两人分别改称为第二代斯诺登伯爵(2nd Earl of Snowdon)和斯诺登伯爵夫人(Countess of Snowdon)。
- ^ 二人于2011年完婚,凯伦·戈登改称斯宾塞伯爵夫人凯伦·斯宾塞(Karen Spencer, Countess Spencer)。
- ^ 克里斯蒂安九世的女儿亚历山德拉是英王爱德华七世(伊丽莎白二世的太祖父)的夫人;他的孙女英格公主则是比利时国王菲利普的曾外祖母。
- ^ 克里斯蒂安九世的女儿亚历山德拉是英王爱德华七世(伊丽莎白二世的太祖父)的夫人;他的孙女英格公主则是卢森堡大公亨利的曾外祖母。
- ^ 阿尔贝二世和夏琳·维德士托于2011年7月1日完婚。
- ^ 威廉-亚历山大后来于2013年4月30日登基为荷兰国王。
- ^ 保罗一世的女儿安娜·帕夫洛芙娜是尼德兰国王威廉二世的王后,而威廉-亚历山大是他们的五世孙;保罗一世的曾外孙女、希腊王后奥尔嘉·康斯坦丁诺芙娜是爱丁堡公爵菲利普亲王的祖母,亦即威廉王子的四世祖。
- ^ 二人为为非婚姻伴侣。
编辑- List of wedding guests of Charles, Prince of Wales, and Lady Diana Spencer (1981)
- Wedding of Victoria, Crown Princess of Sweden, and Daniel Westling (2010)
- List of wedding guests of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle (2018)
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- ^ 7.0 7.1 7.2 The Royal Wedding Invitations Issued. [2018-11-08]. (原始内容存档于2011-04-13).
- ^ 8.00 8.01 8.02 8.03 8.04 8.05 8.06 8.07 8.08 8.09 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 8.14 8.15 8.16 8.17 8.18 8.19 8.20 8.21 8.22 8.23 8.24 8.25 8.26 8.27 8.28 8.29 8.30 8.31 8.32 8.33 8.34 8.35 8.36 8.37 8.38 8.39 8.40 8.41 8.42 8.43 8.44 8.45 8.46 8.47 8.48 8.49 8.50 Royal wedding guest list. BBC News Online (BBC). 23 April 2011 [23 April 2011]. (原始内容存档于2018-09-18).
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- ^ Erickson, Alanah. 'Denny and Gazza' on guest list for royal wedding. The New Zealand Herald (APN News & Media). 21 April 2011 [2018-11-08]. (原始内容存档于2018-07-25).
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- ^ 14.0 14.1 Queen Sofia, Letizia and Felipe to attend the British Royal Wedding (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) - website typicallyspanish.com
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- ^ Royalty Obituaries:HRH Princess Margarita of Baden. 《每日电讯报》 (London: Telegraph Media Group Limited). 20 Jan 2013 [3 March 2013]. (原始内容存档于2013-01-21).
- ^ 17.0 17.1 17.2 Another Royal Couple to Attend the British Royal Wedding (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) - website The Royal Correspondent
- ^ 18.0 18.1 Yvonne Yorke Award-Winning Travel Journalist, Royal Expert and Commentator. Find Out Which Royals Will Attend The Royal Wedding. 25 February 2011 [12 July 2016]. (原始内容存档于2017-01-10).
- ^ Wer mit William und Kate feiert (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) 《莱茵邮报》(Rheinische Post) (德文)
- ^ 20.00 20.01 20.02 20.03 20.04 20.05 20.06 20.07 20.08 20.09 20.10 International News: Latest Headlines, Video and Photographs from Around the World -- People, Places, Crisis, Conflict, Culture, Change, Analysis and Trends. ABC News. [12 July 2016]. (原始内容存档于2018-02-09).
- ^ 21.0 21.1 Glittering Royal Events Message Board wedding coverage including mention of the Countess Mountbatten of Burma. [2018-11-08]. (原始内容存档于2011-05-12).
- ^ India Hicks featured in royal wedding coverage. [2018-11-08]. (原始内容存档于2011-05-09).
- ^ 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 Seating plan for Westminster Abbey confirmed. 23 April 2011 [30 April 2011]. (原始内容存档于2011-04-27).
- ^ 24.00 24.01 24.02 24.03 24.04 24.05 24.06 24.07 24.08 24.09 24.10 24.11 24.12 24.13 24.14 24.15 24.16 24.17 24.18 24.19 24.20 24.21 24.22 Taylor, Cait. Royal Wedding Guest List Revealed. ABC News (美国广播公司). 2011-04-10 [2018-11-08]. (原始内容存档于2018-11-06).
- ^ 25.00 25.01 25.02 25.03 25.04 25.05 25.06 25.07 25.08 25.09 25.10 25.11 25.12 25.13 25.14 25.15 25.16 25.17 25.18 25.19 The Royal Wedding guest list. Emirates 24/7 (Dubai Media Incorporated). 10 April 2011 [2018-11-08]. (原始内容存档于2018-07-25).
- ^ Kate Middleton And Prince William 'Humbled' By Visit To Cambridge University. Huffington Post. 2012-11-28 [2016-10-25]. (原始内容存档于2018-11-22).
Kate met a relative during the reception - Dr Penny Barton, a graduate tutor at Homerton College, who is her father Michael Middleton's first cousin and attended the royal wedding.
- ^ Guest list for royal wedding varied. [12 July 2016]. (原始内容存档于2019-03-07).
- ^ Großherzogliches Paar bei Londoner Traumhochzeit. [2018-11-08]. (原始内容存档于2012-03-24).
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- ^ Newly Appointed British Ambassador to Thailand Ready Move Thai-British Relations Forward and Closer. News Centre (Royal Thai Government). 29 March 2011 [2018-11-08]. (原始内容存档于2011-07-20).
- ^ Carne, Lucy. Inside the wedding of the year: Prince William and Kate Middleton. Herald Sun (News Limited). 23 April 2011.
- ^ "Wedding of the century: Royal invitation on the cards" (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) website Gulf News
- ^ 33.0 33.1 引用错误:没有为名为
的参考文献提供内容 - ^ Sir Frederick Ballantyne and wife to attend the Royal wedding (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) - website Star FM
- ^ 35.0 35.1 35.2 35.3 "John Key invited to wedding John Key invited to royal wedding" (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) - website MSN News
- ^ 36.00 36.01 36.02 36.03 36.04 36.05 36.06 36.07 36.08 36.09 36.10 36.11 36.12 36.13 36.14 36.15 36.16 36.17 36.18 36.19 36.20 36.21 36.22 36.23 36.24 36.25 36.26 36.27 36.28 36.29 36.30 36.31 36.32 36.33 36.34 36.35 36.36 36.37 36.38 36.39 36.40 36.41 36.42 36.43 36.44 36.45 36.46 36.47 36.48 36.49 36.50 36.51 36.52 36.53 36.54 36.55 36.56 36.57 36.58 36.59 36.60 36.61 36.62 The Wedding of HRH Prince William of Wales and Miss Catherine Middleton 29 April 2011, a Summary of Information as of 23 April 2011 英国政府互联网档案馆的存档,存档日期2011-11-09-威尔士亲王查尔斯官方网页[失效链接]
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- ^ 42.00 42.01 42.02 42.03 42.04 42.05 42.06 42.07 42.08 42.09 42.10 42.11 42.12 42.13 Royal wedding guestlist: who will be attending on the big day. The Daily Telegraph (London). 12 April 2011 [12 April 2011]. (原始内容存档于2019-04-02).
- ^ Royal wedding: William ensures his mother's friends invited. Spice.zeenews.com. [2011-05-05]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-03).
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- ^ 53.0 53.1 53.2 Nollywood gossip guest list. Nollywoodgossip.net. 2011-04-22 [2011-05-05]. (原始内容存档于2011-04-30).
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- ^ Cambodia says king to miss British royal wedding. Bangkok Post. 25 April 2011 [25 April 2011].
- ^ Bahrain crown prince declines royal wedding invite. Reuters News. 24 April 2011 [25 April 2011]. (原始内容存档于2015-09-24).
- ^ Japan earthquake: Japanese royals to miss Prince William's wedding. The Daily Telegraph (London). 18 March 2011 [30 April 2011]. (原始内容存档于2018-11-08).
- ^ Belize Head Of State To Royal Wedding. Tropical Vision Limited. 27 April 2011 [29 April 2011]. (原始内容存档于2011-04-30).
- ^ Press Association. Duke of Norfolk and wife separate. Bearsden Herald. 15 April 2011 [17 April 2011]. (原始内容存档于2011-04-20).
- ^ Kirkup, James. Royal wedding: Syrian ambassador embarrassed at being disinvited. The Telegraph (London: Telegraph Media Group Limited). 28 April 2011 [29 April 2011]. (原始内容存档于2018-11-06).