美國歷史 | 美國歷史年表 | |
世紀: | 20世紀美國 | 21世紀美國 | 22世紀美國 |
年代: | 1990年代美國 | 2000年代美國 | 2010年代美國 | 2020年代美國 | 2030年代美國 | 2040年代美國 | 2050年代美國 |
年份: | 2020年美國 | 2021年美國 | 2022年美國 | 2023年美國 | 2024年美國 | 2025年美國 | 2026年美國 | 2027年美國 | 2028年美國 |
紀年: | 美國獨立248周年 |
編輯- 1月1日,
- 1月2日,因在反猶太情緒聽證會上發言不當,加上早年學術研究被揭發有抄襲跡象,哈佛大學校長克洛戴娜·蓋伊宣布辭職[3]。
- 1月3日,傑弗里·愛潑斯坦案的法庭文件陸續公開,當中包括涉案人員名單。有被點名的人士大多數否認自己涉事[4]。
- 1月4日,
- 1月5日,由阿拉斯加航空運營的一架波音737 MAX 9航班在飛行過程中出現緊急逃生艙門飛脫事故,需要在波特蘭國際機場緊急迫降。事發後美國聯邦航空總署停飛所有737 MAX 9航班[7]。
- 1月7日,全美最大的電台廣播商Audacy援引美國破產法第十一章申請破產[8]。
- 1月10日,前紐澤西州州長克里斯·克里斯蒂暫停2024年總統選舉競選活動[9]。
- 1月11日,
- 1月12日,由美國率領的多國軍隊對葉門的胡塞武裝組織據點發動空襲,以報復胡塞組織頻繁襲擊在紅海地區航行的商城[12]。
- 1月15日,俄亥俄州商人維韋克·拉馬斯瓦米在2024年愛荷華州共和黨總統候選人預選中以7.7%的得票率落敗後,宣布退出共和黨總統候選人初選[13]。次日,前阿肯色州州長阿薩·賀勤森因在州內初選中以0.2%的得票率落敗,同樣宣布退出選舉[14]。
- 1月16日,理療師凱莉·克勞馥(Kellye Croft)對麥迪遜廣場花園娛樂公司主席詹姆士·勞倫斯·多蘭提出起訴,指控詹姆士在2014年強行與她發生性關係。此前身陷嚴重性侵醜聞的電影製片人哈維·溫斯坦也被凱莉起訴,指控對其實施性侵犯[15]。
- 1月19日,在電影《魯斯特》片場中意外開槍打死攝影指導哈瑞娜·哈欽斯,打傷導演喬爾·蘇扎的演員亞歷·鮑德溫被以誤殺罪起訴[16]。
- 1月20日,美國多地遭遇長達兩周的冬季風暴侵襲,至少60人身亡。風暴還造成道路及供電嚴重癱瘓,預計需要數周時間恢復[17]。
- 1月21日,
- 1月24日,美國最高法院裁定德克薩斯州政府在美墨邊境設置鐵絲網的行為違憲。然而德克薩斯州州長格雷格·阿博特不會遵守法庭命令,另外至少23個州表示對德州的支持,其中佛羅里達州派出該州國民警衛隊支援德克薩斯州國民警衛隊及德克薩斯州騎警司[20]。
- 1月25日,被判死刑的殺人犯肯尼斯·尤金·史密斯在阿拉巴馬州霍爾曼懲教所接受惰性氣體窒息死刑,成為全美首位採用該法的死刑犯[21]。
- 1月26日,
- 1月27日,美國暫停對聯合國近東巴勒斯坦難民救濟和工程處撥款,認為該組織有12名員工參與了阿克薩洪水行動。多名美國公民在該行動中遇害[24]。
- 1月28日,伊拉克伊斯蘭抵抗組織對約旦的一處美軍基地發動無人機襲擊,造成3死47傷。四天後,美方對伊拉克及敘利亞發動 飛彈襲擊。
編輯- 2月1日,
- 2月4日,2026年美加墨世界盃賽程發布,其中78場比賽在美國舉行,包括決賽[28]。
- 2月6日,
- 2月7日,
- 2月8日,
- 2月9日,一架直升機在加州貝克墜機,6名乘客死亡,包括Access Bank執行長赫伯特·維格維、奈及利亞交易所集團前主席阿賓博拉·奧貢班喬[38]。
- 2月10日,在南卡羅來納州的競選集會上,川普「鼓勵」俄羅斯攻擊沒有繳納會費的北約國家。白宮方面批判其言論「令人震驚」,指責他「精神錯亂」[39]。
- 2月11日,第五十八屆超級碗在拉斯維加斯忠實體育場舉行,堪薩斯城酋長在加時階段以25比22擊敗新英格蘭愛國者[40]。
- 2月12日,紐約地鐵4號線伊甸山大道車站發生槍擊案,1死5傷[41][42] 。
- 2月13日,
- 國土安全局局長亞歷杭德羅·馬約爾卡斯被眾議院彈劾[43]。
- 民主黨人托馬斯·蘇奧齊在2024年紐約州第三國會選區補選中擊敗共和黨人馬齊·梅萊莎·皮利普,遞補去年因詐騙指控被驅逐出國會的喬治·桑托斯的空缺席位[44]。
- 2月14日,密蘇里州堪薩斯城一場慶祝堪薩斯城酋長獲得第五十八屆超級碗冠軍的遊行活動發生槍擊案,1人死亡,至少9人受傷。兩名槍手到場被捕[45]。
- 2月15日,美國發射六枚用於偵測飛彈的人造衛星,以應對俄羅斯計劃向外太空部署核武器所帶來的嚴重國安威脅[46]。
- 2月16日,
- 2月17日,前美國眾議員喬治·桑托斯指控深夜脫口秀主持人吉米·坎摩爾侵權、欺詐、違約、不得當利,稱其買下他的Cameo視頻,在旗下脫口秀節目《吉米·金摩直播秀》以假名播出,入秉索償75萬美元[51]。
- 2月18日,明尼蘇達州伯恩斯維爾發生槍擊案,當地警方與醫護人員在處置一起家庭暴力事件時被開槍,造成2名警察及1名消防人員死亡,1名警察受傷,槍手吞槍自殺[52][53]。
- 2月21日,
- 2月22日,
- 2月23日,
- 2月25日,美國空軍飛行員亞倫·布希內爾在華盛頓哥倫比亞特區的以色列駐美國大使館門前自焚,抗議美國支持以色列襲擊加薩走廊。亞倫隨後因傷勢過重身亡[63]。
- 2月27日,德克薩斯州狹長地帶發生大火,波及近20萬英畝土地,州長格雷格·阿博特宣布進入緊急狀態[64]。
- 2月28日,美國參議員密契·麥康諾全部在11月份辭任參議院政黨領袖。自2007年第110屆美國國會會期開始,麥康諾便是參議院共和黨黨團成員[65]。
編輯- 3月2日,美軍宣布為加薩走廊空投人道主義物資。[66]
- 3月4日,
- 3月5日,
- 3月6日
- 3月7日,總統拜登發表任內第三份國情咨文演說[75]。
- 3月8日,
- 3月9日,猶他州改用新版新版州旗,廢除了已沿用113年的舊版本[80]。
- 3月10日,
- 3月13日,美國眾議院通過《保護美國人免受外國對手控制應用程式的侵害法案》,要求中國網際網路公司字節跳動在六個月內將旗下的社交媒體平台抖音出售給美國企業,否則會被禁[83]。
- 3月14日,
- 3月15日,俄亥俄州遭受龍捲風侵襲,至少3人死亡[86]。
- 3月16日,賓夕法尼亞州巴克斯縣瀑布鎮發生槍擊案,槍手在殺害三人後偷車遁逃,隨後來到紐澤西州翠登挾持人質對峙[87]。
- 3月18日,累計債務超10億美元的布匹連鎖品牌Jo-Ann Stores依照《美國破產法第十一章》申請破產[88]。
- 3月19日,
- 3月20日,拜登政府公布2027年至2032年的機動車排放標準,進一步推動混合動力及電動載具的使用[92][93]。
- 3月21日,波士頓麻薩諸塞州總醫院將一支基因工程豬身上的腎移植到一名男子身上,其後男子完成透析治療[94]。
- 3月25日,
- 3月26日,
- 3月27日,伊利諾州羅克福德發生群體持刀傷人案,4人死亡、7人受傷[103]。
- 3月28日,
- 3月31日,AT&T數據在暗網洩露,波及數百萬用戶[106]。
編輯- 4月1日,持美國及加拿大雙重國籍的雅各布·弗利金格(Jacob Flickinger)與另外六名世界中央廚房救援人員在向加薩走廊提供救援物資的時候,被以色列無人機殺害[107]。
- 4月2日,
- 4月3日,美國陸軍工兵部隊啟動波多黎各聖胡安灣疏浚工程,為新建液化天然氣接收站開闢空間。項目落成後,預計能為波多黎各增加4億美元的經濟收入[110]。
- 4月4日,
- 4月5日,
- 4月6日,佛羅里達州多拉發生群體槍擊案,2人死亡、7人受傷[116]。
- 4月7日,從丹佛國際機場飛往喬治·布希洲際機場的西南航空3695號班機在丹佛起飛時引擎失控,隨後緊急迴轉,在丹佛降落,機上150人平安[117]。
- 4月8日,美國中部及東北部出現日全食[118]。
- 4月9日,
- 4月10日,美國南部遭遇風暴襲擊,造成密西西比州出現洪水,至少一人死亡[121]。
- 4月12日,一名男子駕駛半掛式卡車衝撞德克薩斯州公共安全局大樓,造成1人死亡,13人受傷[122]。
- 4月17日,
- 4月19日,
- 4月20日,眾議院通過一項為烏克蘭、以色列及台灣提供9500萬美元軍事援助的法案[128]。
- 4月23日,
- 4月24日,拜登正式簽署《保護美國人免受外國對手控制應用程式侵害法案》,要求字節跳動在9個月內將TikTok出售給美國公司,否則無法繼續在美國運營。[133]
- 4月25日,
- 4月26日,
- 4月29日,
- 4月30日,法官胡安·梅爾尚以藐視法庭罪向唐納·川普罰款9000美元[147]。
編輯- 5月1日,
- 5月2日,
- 5月3日,
- 5月6日,
- 5月8日,
- 5月9日,夏威夷州洛亞山天文台發布大氣二氧化碳年度報告,顯示其含量與去年同期相比躍升了4.7ppm[174]。
- 5月10日至13日,第25太陽週期的一場太陽風暴襲擊地球,強度達到G4並引發大範圍的極光。美國國家海洋暨大氣總署太空天氣預報中心發布了2005年以來的首個G4級別風暴警戒[175]。
- 5月10日,
- 5月11日,明尼蘇達州建州166周年,新州旗正式啟用[179]。
- 5月13日,
- 5月14日,
- 美國陸軍少校哈里遜·曼恩(Harrison Mann)不滿美國在加薩走廊支持以色列,從美國國防情報局辭職[184]。
- 18個共和黨執政州起訴公平就業機會委員會,尋求撤銷對跨性別工作者的法律保護[185]。
- 拜登宣布對從中華人民共和國進口的電動車電池、計算機晶片及醫療用品提升關稅[186]。
- 佛羅里達州馬里昂郡的一輛搭載農場工人的大巴與一輛卡車相撞後側翻,造成8人死亡,40人受傷[187]。
- 喬治亞—美國關係:美國向喬治亞政府發出警告,如果喬治亞將美國定位為「敵對國家」而非戰略夥伴,3.9億美元的經濟援助會受到審查[188]。
- 田納西州州長比爾·李簽署一項批准兒童強姦犯死刑的法案[189][190]。
- 海鮮連鎖餐廳紅龍蝦餐館宣布關閉全美99家門店,次周根據《美國破產法第十一章》申請破產[191][192]。
- 5月15日,
- 沃爾格林宣布出售抗過量吸毒藥物納洛酮的仿製藥,價格比在其貨架上銷售的正規納洛酮Narcan便宜10美元[193]。
- 一輛駁船撞上德克薩斯州加爾維斯敦鵜鶘島堤道(Pelican Island Causeway),船上的汽油洩露到海灣內陸航道,還造成橋梁受損[194]。
- 曼哈頓聯邦檢察官指控海梅·佩雷爾的兒子安東·佩雷爾-布埃諾(Anton Peraire-Bueno)和詹姆士·佩雷爾-布埃諾(James Peraire-Bueno)兄弟串謀電匯詐騙及洗錢。此前兩人因濫用以太坊區塊鏈,盜走價值2500萬美元的加密貨幣被捕[195]。
- 美國對250多名尼加拉瓜政府官員發出入境禁令,並對三個實體採取制裁措施,以制裁他們實施「鎮壓行動」、未能控制通過尼加拉瓜偷運到美國移民[196]。
- 總統拜登與預定的共和黨總統候選人唐納·川普同意在6月27日進行首場電視辯論。該場電視辯論由有線電視新聞網主辦,是美國歷史上時間最早的一場電視辯論。第二場辯論預計在9月舉行[197]。
- 美國最高法院允許路易斯安那州在2024年美國眾議院選舉使用新國會地圖,新地圖包括兩個黑人占多數的國會選區[198]。
- 5月16日
- 5月17日,休士頓遭遇強烈風暴襲擊,4人死亡。德州與路易斯安那州有將近100萬棟建築物斷電[203][204]。
- 5月20日,
- 5月21日,美國司法部起訴奧克拉荷馬州,挑戰其眾議院第4156號法案 (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館),該法案將任何沒有合法移民身份的人定為罪犯[207]。
- 5月22日,
- 5月23日,
- 5月24日,
- 5月25日,奧克拉荷馬州、德克薩斯州、阿肯色州和肯塔基州遭遇龍捲風襲擊,21人遇難[216]。
- 5月28日,
- 5月30日,
- 三名非裔美國人向聯邦法院起訴美國航空,指控其對他們進行「公然且惡劣的種族歧視」。之前三人乘坐美航航班的時候,向機組人員投訴八名非裔美國人的體味太大,結果被請下飛機[219]。
- 美國勞工部向現代汽車發起訴訟,指控現代汽車阿拉巴馬州製造廠非法使用童工[220]。
- 2024年大學校園支持巴勒斯坦抗議活動:底特律警察局進入韋恩州立大學,拆除校內的親巴勒斯坦學生營地[221]。
- 紐約州人民訴唐納·川普案:前總統川普34項偽造商業記錄的罪名成立[222]。
- 俄烏戰爭:美國批准烏克蘭使用美援武器襲擊毗鄰哈爾科夫州的俄羅斯領土,包括長距離飛彈[223]。
- OpenAI刪除俄羅斯、中華人民共和國、伊朗、以色列製造的影響行動數據,避免旗下人工智慧產品生成政治宣傳與虛假內容[224]。
- 2020–2024年H5N1疫情:密西根州一位牧場工人成為第三宗人類感染甲型流感病毒H5N1亞型病例[225][226]。
- 瓦洛–戴貝爾末日謀殺案:愛達荷州波夕陪審團裁定被告查德·戴貝爾(Chad Daybell)謀殺及串謀殺害前妻及現任妻子的兩個孩子,檢方尋求死刑[227][228]。
- 美國海軍和英國皇家海軍襲擊了葉門境內的13個胡塞武裝組織基地,破壞地下設施及船隻,至少12人死亡,10人受傷[229]。
- 5月31日,
編輯- 6月1日,票務大師及母公司理想國演藝向美國證券交易委員會提交文件,承認消費者個人信息遭到洩露,預計影響5.6億用戶。桑坦德銀行與雲服務提供商雪花公司在這次事件中也受到波及[233]。
- 6月4日,總統拜登簽署行政令,暫時停止美墨邊界的庇護申請流程,此前該流程7天內的日均處理量超過2500個。國際特赦組織批評該決定,指責拜登「開創危險的國際先例」[234][235]。
- 6月5日,
- 6月6日,
- 6月7日,
- 6月10日,
- 6月11日,
- 6月12日,
- Megabus等大巴客運服務的控股公司美國長途客車依美國破產法第十一章申請破產,計劃出售資產,以擺脫1.978億美元的債務[253]。
- 俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭期間的國際制裁:莫斯科證券交易所暫停美元及歐元交易,以回應歐盟及美國日益增加的制裁措施[254]。
- 美國國家氣象局對佛羅里達州發布罕有的洪水暴漲警報,稱當地出現500至1000年一遇的嚴重洪水[255]。
- 美國宣布制裁親俄羅斯的摩爾多瓦加告茲行政長官葉夫根尼婭·古蘇爾[256]。
- 4500家與被美國制裁的俄羅斯實體有業務往來的境外金融機構被美國擴大二級制裁[257]。
- 美國公民自由聯盟向聯邦法院起訴拜登政府,反對拜登限制移民在美墨邊境尋求庇護的總統指示[258]。
- 司法部長梅域·加蘭被美國眾議院裁定犯有藐視國會罪[259]。
- 奧克拉荷馬州最高法院駁回了1921年土爾沙種族屠殺最後一名倖存者的索賠官司[260]。
- 6月13日,
- 6月14日,
- 6月15日,
- 6月16日,加州洛杉磯飢餓谷地區發生山火,大火在5號州際公路加利福尼亞州段附近的乾燥山區蔓延,約1200人需要疏散[268]。
- 6月17日,
- 6月18日,
- 6月19日,
- 6月20日,研究人員在蒙大拿州朱迪思河組發現全新的恐龍物種洛基角龍,其名字出自北歐神祇洛基[281]。
- 6月21日,
- 6月22日,伊利諾大學厄巴納-香檳分校大氣科學家約書亞·沃曼、凱倫·科西巴(Karen Kosiba)通過都卜勒雷達測量數據,確認5月21日侵襲愛荷華州格林菲爾德的風速在309 mph(497 km/h)到318 mph(512 km/h)之間,是氣象雷達首次測到風速達300 mph(480 km/h)的龍捲風[284]。
- 6月24日,
- 6月26日,
- 拜登赦免了數千名前軍人,他們曾因一項現已廢除的禁止同性性行為的軍事禁令而被定罪[287]。
- 現任紐約州眾議員賈馬爾·鮑曼在2024年紐約州聯邦眾議員選舉初選中挑戰喬治·拉蒂默失敗。褒曼的競選活動創下了競選開支的歷史新高,活動資金主要由美國以色列公共事務委員會捐贈[288]。
- 6月27日,
- 6月28日,最高法院以6比3的投票下達洛珀·布萊特企業訴雷蒙多案的裁決,推翻了1984年雪佛龍美國公司訴自然資源保護委員會公司案中列明的削弱美國聯邦機構權力的判決[294]。
- 6月29日,拜登政府將30.9萬名海地人的臨時保護狀態計劃延長到2026年,對他們豁免驅逐出境,並發放工作許可[295]。
編輯- 7月1日,最高法院以6比3的投票裁定,前總統對任內的官方行為享有絕對的免於起訴權,而非官方行為則不享有免於起訴權[296][297]。
- 7月2日,
- 7月3日,
- 7月4日,
- 7月6日,亞利桑那州、加利福尼亞州和奧勒岡州出現極端高溫天氣,其中馬里科帕縣出現160個因熱射病死亡的病例[307]。
- 7月7日,
- 天空之舞傳媒與派拉蒙全球共同宣布一項最終合併協議,交易價值80億美元[308]。
- 美國國家航空暨太空總署的四名志願者在休士頓詹森航天中心完成長達378天的組員健康與表現探索模擬任務[309]。
- 7月8日,波音承認為逃避737 MAX墜機事故的審判,犯下了串謀欺詐的刑事罪行[310]。
- 7月9日,
- 7月10日,
- 7月11日,
- 7月12日,
- 7月15日,唐納·川普在共和黨全國代表大會上宣佈J·D·范斯為副總統候選人[324]。
- 7月19日,CrowdStrike對缺陷軟體的更新造成全球多地的IT系統出現故障,其中航空公司受到的影響最為嚴重。[325]
- 7月21日,喬·拜登正式宣布退出2024年美國總統選舉,其競選活動亦宣告結束。[326]
- 7月23日,因處置唐納·川普遇刺案不當,美國特勤局局長金伯莉·奇特爾引咎辭職[327]。
- 7月24日,以色列總理班傑明·納坦雅胡訪問美國,並在美國國會發布演講。訪問期間,美國民眾舉行反對以色列—哈馬斯戰爭的抗議及抵制行動[328][329][330]。
- 7月25日,墨西哥錫納羅亞販毒集團頭目伊斯梅爾·贊巴達在德克薩斯州艾爾帕索被美國聯邦調查局探員逮捕[331][332]。
- 7月26日,2024年美國遊戲產業大罷工啟動[333]。
- 7月30日,謀殺丈夫的黑天鵝謀殺案主犯阿什莉·貝尼菲爾德被佛羅里達州馬納提縣陪審團裁定過失殺人罪成立[334][335]。
編輯- 8月1日,美國與俄羅斯在埃森博阿國際機場進行冷戰以來最大規模的換俘行動,雙方共交換26人。[336]
- 猶他州最高法院裁定2022年6月起中斷的墮胎禁令繼續中斷[337]。
- 美國宣布承認在2024年委內瑞拉總統選舉中落敗的反對派領袖埃德蒙多·岡薩雷斯·烏魯蒂亞為合法勝選者[338]。
- 8月2日,
- 副總統賀錦麗當選2024年美國總統選舉民主黨總統候選人。[339]
- 美國訴凱利德·謝赫·穆罕默德等人案,美國國防部長勞埃德·奧斯丁撤銷了三名被控策劃九一一襲擊事件男子的認罪協議,將案件恢復為死刑案件[340]。
- 8月6日,副總統賀錦麗宣布明尼蘇達州州長提姆·華茲為競選副手。[341]
- 8月8日,猶他州對殺人強姦犯塔伯倫·霍尼執行死刑,為2010年的首次死刑。[344][345]
- 8月19日,
編輯- 9月2日,
- 9月4日,
- 9月5日,
- 9月6日,國際團結運動成員、土耳其裔美國人艾森努爾·艾吉在約旦河西岸地區納布盧斯省抗議以色列國防軍時遇害[355]。
- 9月7日,肯塔基州倫敦附近的75號州際公路發生槍擊案,一名男子朝路過車輛開槍,造成5人受傷[356]。
- 9月10日,搭載北極星黎明任務乘組四名成員的獵鷹9號Block 5火箭在佛羅里達州甘迺迪航天中心發射升空,展開人類史上首次商業太空行走[357]。
- 9月14日:亞利桑那州州長凱蒂·霍布斯簽署法案,正式廢除該州於1864年通過的墮胎禁令[358]。
- 9月15日,川普在佛羅里達州的高爾夫球場遭遇槍擊,涉案槍手後來落網,安全部門循暗殺未遂調查此事[359]。
- 9月16日,說唱歌手肖恩·庫姆斯涉嫌有組織非法盈利、性販賣、為性交易提供交通服務,在曼哈頓被捕[360]。
- 9月17日,
- 美國聯邦第二巡迴上訴法院維持格希萊恩·麥克斯韋爾性販賣未成年女性給傑弗里·愛潑斯坦罪名的原判[361]。
- 加州州長葛文·紐森簽署法案,禁止用人工智慧取代演員[362]。
- 9月18日,
- 9月20日,南卡來羅納州對謀殺犯弗雷迪·尤金·歐文斯執行死刑,為2011年來的第一次死刑[365][366]。
- 9月21日,阿拉巴馬州伯明罕發生群體槍擊案,4人死亡,17人受傷[367]。
- 9月24日,
- 加密貨幣交易所阿拉美達研究前CEO卡羅琳·埃里森犯欺詐罪,獲刑2年[368]。
- 1998年費莉西亞·蓋爾謀殺案主犯馬塞勒斯·威廉士(Marcellus Williams)在密蘇里州接受死刑[369]。
- 9月25日,紐約市長埃里克·亞當斯因涉嫌收受土耳其方面賄賂等被起訴。[370]
- 9月26日,內華達州最高法院駁回內森·李追逐他的馬的性犯罪案件[371]。
- 9月27日,颶風海倫妮在美國西南部登陸,造成215人死亡、685人失蹤。[372]
編輯- 10月1日,
- 10月2日,特別法律顧問傑克·史密斯向法庭提交新訴狀,指控川普參與推翻2020年大選結果的「私人犯罪行動」,主張其不受最高法院關於公職任內「官方」行為不予起訴裁決的保護[377]。
- 10月3日,科羅拉多州梅薩縣縣書記員蒂娜·彼得斯被法庭裁定散播2020年大選「選舉舞弊」陰謀論罪名成立,獲刑9年[378]。
- 10月8日,
- 10月9日,颶風米爾頓佛羅里達州西岸登陸,造成14人死亡,至少50萬戶居民斷電。[381]
- 10月10日,金融犯罪執法局對長期違反反洗錢法律的TD銀行罰款30億美元[382]。
- 10月13日,SpaceX進行了SpaceX第五次星艦軌道試飛任務,成功完成助推器捕捉回收。[383]
- 10月20日,5名聲稱被說唱歌手肖恩·庫姆斯性侵犯及強姦的受害者在紐約聯邦法院發起民事訴訟[384]。
- 10月21日,在紐約中央公園慢跑者案中被法院錯判的五人就川普在9月總統辯論中的不當言論,向美國賓夕法尼亞東區聯邦地區法院發起訴訟[385]。
- 10月22日,美國疾病管制與預防中心報告大量民眾在麥當勞食用盎司牛肉堡後感染大腸桿菌,有75人中毒,1人死亡[386]。至10月31日,再有15人中毒[387]。
- 10月23日,美國運輸部向違反身障人士法律的美國航空罰款5000萬美元[388]。
- 10月27日,川普在紐約麥迪遜廣場花園舉行造勢晚會,在講話中使用種族歧視及厭女語言,引發輿論批評[389][390]。
- 10月28日,參與國會山騷亂的演員傑伊·約翰斯頓被判監禁1年又1天[391]。
- 10月30日,2024年美國職棒大聯盟球季落下帷幕,洛杉磯道奇在世界大賽決賽中擊敗紐約洋基,奪得隊史第8個世界大賽冠軍[392]。
編輯- 11月1日,南卡羅來納對殺人犯理察·伯納德·摩爾執行死刑[393]。
- 11月2日,休閒餐飲品牌星期五美式餐廳宣布破產[394]。
- 11月5日,
- 11月6日,總統拜登宣布加快授予烏克蘭60億美元的軍事援助[398]。
- 11月8日,美國司法部對伊朗公民法哈德·沙克里(Farhad Shakeri)發出刑事指控,指控他向美國執法部門表示自己「奉命在2024年10月7日提供暗殺川普的計劃」[399]。
- 11月10日,阿拉巴馬州塔斯基吉塔斯基吉大學周末校友歸寧活動爆發槍擊案,1人死亡,16人受傷[400]。
- 11月11日,馬里蘭州州長韋斯·摩爾在老兵節活動中追授廢奴主義者哈莉特·塔布曼馬里蘭州國民警衛隊一星上將軍階[401]。
- 11月12日,
- 11月13日,國會議員馬特·蓋茨獲提名候任司法部長[407]。
- 11月14日,
- 11月15日,
- 11月16日,
- 11月17日,拜登對烏克蘭解除使用美國武器對俄羅斯境內進行深度攻擊的禁令[419]。兩天後,烏克蘭對俄羅斯發射ATACMS遠程飛彈[420]。
- 11月18日,
- 11月20日,
- 11月21日,
- 11月22日,川普第二次內閣人員名單陸續公布,對沖基金投資者、前耶魯大學教授史考特·貝森特獲提名財政部長,前國會議員洛麗·查韋斯-德雷默獲提名勞工部長,前德州眾議員、退役NFL球員史考特·特納獲提名住宅及城市發展部長[427][428][429]。
- 11月23日,川普提名美國優先政策研究所CEO布魯克·羅琳絲出任農業部長[430]。
- 11月25日,傑克·史密斯撤銷了對川普干預2020年大選的案件[431]。
- 11月27日,
- 11月29日,阿肯色州小岩城公園廣場購物中心在舉行黑色星期五購物節時發生槍擊案,3人受傷[434][435]。
編輯- ^ 95年版權明年元旦到期!米老鼠成公共財任人用 專家警告侵權「迪士尼還有招可告」. 風傳媒. 2023-12-25 [2024-01-01]. (原始內容存檔於2024-01-14).
- ^ Staff, Jackie Napier & WHAM. Driver in fiery crash that killed 2 others, injured 9 more outside Kodak Center dies. WHAM. 2024-01-02 [2024-01-02]. (原始內容存檔於2024-01-09) (英語).
- ^ HARVARD PRESIDENT CLAUDINE GAY RESIGNS, SHORTEST TENURE IN UNIVERSITY HISTORY | News | The Harvard Crimson. www.thecrimson.com. [2024-01-02]. (原始內容存檔於2024-01-02).
- ^ Court records related to Jeffrey Epstein are set to be released, but they aren't a client list. AP News. 2024-01-03 [2024-01-04]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-12) (英語).
- ^ Jan. 6 Proud Boys defendant who led law enforcement on manhunt sentenced to 10 years in prison (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) CBS News, January 4, 2024
- ^ Iowa school shooting: Authorities identify sixth-grader killed in Perry shooting (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) KCCI-TV, January 6, 2024
- ^ Gates, Dominic. Alaska Airlines grounds MAX 9s after door plug blows out on Portland flight. The Seattle Times. 2024-01-05 [2024-01-06]. (原始內容存檔於2024-01-07) (美國英語).
- ^ Nova, Annie. Largest U.S. radio company Audacy files for bankruptcy protection. CNBC. 2024-01-07 [2024-01-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-01-08) (英語).
- ^ Chris Christie ends his Republican presidential bid, criticizing his rivals on his way out (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) AP News, January 10, 2024
- ^ Gambrell, Jon; Becatoros, Elena; Copp, Tara. US military seizes Iranian missile parts bound for Houthi rebels in raid where 2 SEALs went missing. AP News. Jerusalem: Associated Press. 2024-01-16 [2024-01-16]. (原始內容存檔於2024-01-16).
- ^ United States Department of Defense. USCENTCOM Seizes Iranian Advanced Conventional Weapons Bound for Houthis (Press release). U.S. Central Command. United States Central Command (CENTCOM): United States federal government. 2024-01-16 [2024-01-16]. (原始內容存檔於2024-01-16).
- ^ U.S.-led coalition strikes Iran-aligned Houthi militants in Yemen. [2024-01-20]. (原始內容存檔於2024-01-12).
- ^ Vivek Ramaswamy dropping out of presidential race following Iowa caucuses (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) CBS News, January 15, 2024
- ^ Stracqualursi, Veronica. Asa Hutchinson suspends presidential campaign | CNN Politics. CNN. 2024-01-16 [2024-01-16]. (原始內容存檔於2024-02-28) (英語).
- ^ Harvey Weinstein, MSG exec James Dolan sued for sexual assault by former massage therapist (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) USA Today, January 16, 2024
- ^ Alec Baldwin charged for second time in fatal 『Rust』 shooting (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) CNN, January 19, 2024
- ^ Death toll tops 60 across U.S. as arctic blast leaves dangerous icy conditions (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) NBC News, January 20, 2024
- ^ DeSantis ends 2024 presidential campaign | CNN Politics. CNN. 2024-01-21 [2024-01-28]. (原始內容存檔於2024-01-21).
- ^ D'Onofrio, Jessica; Gallardo, Michelle; Horng, Eric. Joliet shooting victims ID'd; new details after suspect in 8 Will County murders dies in Texas. WLS-TV. 2024-01-23 [2024-01-24]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-15).
- ^ Border standoff between Texas, feds intensifies as governor defies Supreme Court ruling. PBS NewsHour. 2024-01-25 [2024-01-26]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-23) (美國英語).
- ^ Kenneth Eugene Smith executed by nitrogen hypoxia in Alabama, marking a first for the death penalty. CBS News. 2024-01-26 [2024-01-28]. (原始內容存檔於2024-01-27).
- ^ Jury finds Trump must pay $83.3 million to E. Jean Carroll (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) CNN, January 26, 2024
- ^ Ashford, Grace. Cuomo Created ‘Sexually Hostile’ Workplace, Says Justice Department. The New York Times. 2024-01-26 [2024-01-27]. ISSN 0362-4331. (原始內容存檔於2024-04-04) (美國英語).
- ^ Australia, Italy and others halt funding to U.N. agency over claim staff involved in Hamas attack on Israel - CBS News. www.cbsnews.com. 2024-01-27 [2024-01-28]. (原始內容存檔於2024-03-19).
- ^ US sanctions Israeli settlers over West Bank violence. 2024-02-01 [2024-02-02]. (原始內容存檔於2024-04-19) (英國英語).
- ^ Mayorquin, Orlando; Yoon, John. 3 Die as Small Plane Crashes Into Mobile Home Park in Florida. The New York Times. 2024-02-02 [2024-02-02]. ISSN 0362-4331. (原始內容存檔於2024-03-24) (美國英語).
- ^ Robertson, Nick. Oregon Supreme Court rules GOP lawmakers who walked out can't run for reelection. The Hill. 2024-02-01 [2024-02-07]. (原始內容存檔於2024-02-07) (美國英語).
- ^ 2026 World Cup schedule reveal: FIFA picks New York for final, Mexico for opener, West Coast for USMNT. Yahoo Sports. 2024-02-05 [2024-02-16]. (原始內容存檔於2024-03-22).
- ^ Bluesky, a trendy rival to X, finally opens to the public. Washington Post. 2024-02-06 [2024-02-06]. (原始內容存檔於2024-04-07) (英國英語).
- ^ Donald Trump does not have presidential immunity, US court rules. BBC News. 2024-02-06 [2024-02-06]. (原始內容存檔於2024-04-26) (英國英語).
- ^ Jennifer Crumbley, mother of school shooter, found guilty of involuntary manslaughter (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) CNN, February 6, 2024
- ^ Marianne Williamson drops out of Democratic presidential race The Washington Post, February 7, 2024
- ^ Farberov, Snejana. At least 6 feared dead in house set ablaze after 2 cops hit by gunfire responding to calls of 11-year-old girl being shot. New York Post. 2024-02-07 [2024-02-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-13).
- ^ 5 Marines aboard helicopter that crashed outside San Diego confirmed dead. USA TODAY. [2024-02-08]. (原始內容存檔於2024-02-25) (美國英語).
- ^ 'My memory is fine' - Biden hits back at special counsel. 2024-02-09 [2024-02-09]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-20) (英國英語).
- ^ Ilyushina, Mary. Tucker Carlson finds a new booster: Russian TV. The Washington Post. 2023-09-25 [2024-02-08]. (原始內容存檔於2023-09-27).
- ^ Tucker Carlson Interviewed Vladimir Putin—Inciting Controversy (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) Forbes, February 8, 2024
- ^ Nigerian bank CEO and family among 6 killed in helicopter crash in San Bernardino County. abc7. [2024-02-11]. (原始內容存檔於2024-02-29).
- ^ Trump says he would 'encourage' Russia to attack Nato allies who do not pay their bills. BBC News. 2024-02-11 [2024-02-11]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-15) (英國英語).
- ^ Stadium, Allegiant. Super Bowl LVIII | Allegiant Stadium. www.allegiantstadium.com. [2024-02-16]. (原始內容存檔於2024-04-09).
- ^ 1 dead, 5 injured in shooting at Bronx subway station. CBS News. 2024-02-12 [2024-02-12]. (原始內容存檔於2024-04-21).
- ^ One killed and five injured in shooting at New York City subway station, police say. The Guardian. [2024-02-12].
- ^ House Republicans impeach Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas in historic, controversial vote (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) ABC News, February 13, 2024
- ^ Democrats flip Santos’s New York House seat in high-stakes special election (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) The Hill, February 13, 2024
- ^ News, A. B. C. 1 dead, 9 hurt in shooting after Chiefs Super Bowl parade in Kansas City: Officials. ABC News. [2024-02-14]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-17) (英語).
- ^ US launches missile-detecting satellites into orbit as concerns about Russia in space grow. FOX News. [2024-02-15]. (原始內容存檔於2024-02-29).
- ^ Judgment in Trump civil fraud case officially entered at $464 million (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) NBC News, February 23, 2024
- ^ Judge orders Trump to pay nearly $355 million in civil fraud trial (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) CNN, February 16, 2024
- ^ Trump appeals $464 million judgment in New York civil fraud case (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) NBC News, February 226, 2024
- ^ Wolf, Alex. Alex Jones Estate Liquidation Gets Sandy Hook Families’ Vote. Bloomberg Law. 2024-02-20 [2024-02-26]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-22) (美國英語).
- ^ Dasrath, Diana; Burke, Minyvonne. Former Rep. George Santos sues Jimmy Kimmel, accuses him of misusing Cameo videos. NBC News. 2024-02-18 [2024-03-02]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-03).
- ^ Burnsville first responders shot: 2 officers, 1 firefighter-paramedic killed. FOX 9. 2024-02-18 [2024-02-26]. (原始內容存檔於2024-02-18) (美國英語).
- ^ Tribune, Paul Walsh Star. Medical examiner: Shannon Gooden killed self after fatally shooting 2 Burnsville officers and medic. Star Tribune. [2024-02-26]. (原始內容存檔於2024-02-24).
- ^ Biden administration to cancel another $1.2 billion of student loans (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) Reuters, February 21, 2024
- ^ Son, Hugh. Here's why Capital One is buying Discover in the biggest proposed merger of 2024. CNBC. 2024-02-21 [2024-02-22]. (原始內容存檔於2024-04-13) (英語).
- ^ Warnings of the impact of fertility treatments in Alabama rush in after frozen embryo ruling. AP. 2024-02-21 [2024-02-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-23) (英國英語).
- ^ Japan-based US Navy sailor accused of espionage. 2024-02-22 [2024-02-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-02-28) (英國英語).
- ^ Thorbecke, Melissa Alonso, Brian Fung, Catherine. AT&T customers report a massive outage, disrupting phone service across America | CNN Business. CNN. 2024-02-22 [2024-02-22]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-06) (英語).
- ^ AT&T to reimburse customers after massive network outage (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) WJRT-TV, February 25, 2024
- ^ Singh, Maanvi; Belam, Martin; Singh (now), Maanvi; Belam (earlier), Martin. Odysseus spacecraft successfully lands on the moon – live updates. the Guardian. 2024-02-22 [2024-02-22]. ISSN 0261-3077. (原始內容存檔於2024-07-22) (英國英語).
- ^ US targets Russia with hundreds of sanctions over Ukraine war, Navalny death Reuters, February 23, 2024
- ^ US jets intercept high-altitude balloon over Utah. 2024-02-23 [2024-03-02]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-09) –透過www.bbc.co.uk.
- ^ U.S. Air Force member who set himself on fire outside Israeli Embassy in D.C. has died. NBC News. 2024-02-26 [2024-02-26]. (原始內容存檔於2024-02-26) (英語).
- ^ Sutton, Mary Gilbert, Joe. An explosive Texas fire more than doubles in size as it threatens towns and forces evacuations. CNN. 2024-02-27 [2024-03-02]. (原始內容存檔於2024-02-27).
- ^ Scott, Rachel; Hutzler, Alexandra; Khan, Mariam. McConnell to step down as Senate GOP leader after nearly two decades. ABC News. 2024-02-28. (原始內容存檔於2024-02-29).
- ^ US military to airdrop humanitarian aid into Gaza. Politico. [2024-03-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-03-17).
- ^ Supreme Court unanimously rules to keep Trump on Colorado ballot (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) CNN, March 4, 2024
- ^ Jack Teixeira pleads guilty to leaking sensitive national defense information (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) CNN, March 4, 2024
- ^ Garcia, Tony. 'I won't make it': Audio reveals last moments before Nashville plane crash. WSMV. 2024-03-05 [2024-03-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-03-23).
- ^ Avery, Dan. Credit card late fees cost Americans billions a year — now they're capped at $8. CNBC. [2024-03-05]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-02) (英語).
- ^ Louisiana governor signs bills that expand death row execution methods and concealed carry. AP News. 2024-03-05 [2024-03-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-12).
- ^ Finn, James. Jeff Landry signs bills to expand Louisiana death penalty, eliminate parole. NOLA.com. 2024-03-05 [2024-03-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-04-07).
- ^ Nikki Haley ends presidential campaign with 'no regrets,' ceding GOP nomination to Trump. NBC News. 2024-03-06 [2024-03-06]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-23) (英語).
- ^ Dean Phillips ends long-shot Democratic primary challenge to Biden (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) CNN, March 6, 2024
- ^ Watson, Kathryn. President Biden to deliver State of the Union address on March 7 - CBS News. www.cbsnews.com. 2024-01-07 [2024-03-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-03-16).
- ^ Wisconsin crash leaves 9 dead, 1 injured: What we know about the Clark County collision. USA TODAY. [2024-03-09]. (原始內容存檔於2024-03-09) (美國英語).
- ^ National Guard helicopter crashes in Texas: 3 killed include 2 soldiers, 1 US border agent. USA TODAY. [2024-03-09]. (原始內容存檔於2024-04-10) (美國英語).
- ^ Former Honduran president found guilty in drug trafficking trial. CNN. 2024-03-08 [2024-03-10]. (原始內容存檔於2024-04-14) (英語).
- ^ Former president of Honduras convicted in US of aiding drug traffickers. AP News. 2024-03-08 [2024-03-10]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-12) (英語).
- ^ Today’s the day: Utah’s new state flag is now official (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) The Salt Lake Tribune, March 9, 2024
- ^ Mother and 3 children fatally stabbed, father dead in apparent murder-suicide at Hawaii home. USA TODAY. [2024-03-11]. (原始內容存檔於2024-04-02) (美國英語).
- ^ Hagan, Jennifer; Helkowski, Lauren. Private jet crash at Ingalls Field under investigation. WSLS. 2024-03-10 [2024-03-12]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-15) (英語).
- ^ House passes a bill that could lead to a TikTok ban if Chinese owner refuses to sell (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) AP News, March 13, 2024
- ^ SpaceX’s Starship reaches new heights in monumental test flight but lost on reentry (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) CNN, March 14, 2024
- ^ James Crumbley guilty of involuntary manslaughter in connection to Oxford High shooting (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) Detroit Free Press, March 14, 2024
- ^ Tornadoes kill 3 and leave trails of destruction in the central US. AP News. 2024-03-15 [2024-03-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-24).
- ^ Pennsylvania shooter in custody after killing 3, standing off with police in New Jersey, authorities say (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) NBC News, March 16, 2024
- ^ Joann files for bankruptcy amid consumer pullback, but plans to keep stores open (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) CBS News, March 18, 2024
- ^ Fritze, John; Devan, Cole. Supreme Court allows Texas to begin enforcing controversial immigration law. CNN Politics. 2024-03-19 [2024-03-21]. (原始內容存檔於2024-03-31) (英語).
- ^ Liptak, Adam. Supreme Court Won't Block, for Now, Aggressive Texas Immigration Law. The New York Times. 2024-03-19 [2024-03-19]. (原始內容存檔於2024-04-10).
- ^ 2 former Mississippi sheriff's deputies sentenced to decades in prison in racially motivated torture of 2 Black men - CBS News. www.cbsnews.com. 2024-03-19 [2024-03-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-10).
- ^ Biden-Harris Administration finalizes strongest-ever pollution standards for cars that position U.S. companies and workers to lead the clean vehicle future, protect public health, address the climate crisis, save drivers money. EPA. EPA. 2024-03-20 [2024-03-20]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-22).
- ^ Biden adopts new vehicle emissions rules preferred by automakers and labor unions. The Verge. The Verge. 2024-03-20 [2024-03-20]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-10).
- ^ Patient receives kidney from genetically engineered pig in medical breakthrough that could end dialysis. New York Post. 2024-03-21 [2024-03-22]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-14) (英語).
- ^ Appeals court delays and cuts Trump's civil fraud judgment (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) CNN, March 25, 2024
- ^ UN Security Council demands immediate Gaza ceasefire after US abstains (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) Reuters, March 25, 2024
- ^ Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun to step down in wake of ongoing safety problems (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) CNN, March 25, 2024
- ^ Part of Key Bridge in Baltimore collapses after large boat collision, sending vehicles into water (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) WTOP-TV, March 26, 2024
- ^ Major Baltimore bridge collapses after being hit by ship. BBC News. March 26, 2024 [March 26, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於2024-03-26).
- ^ 6 workers presumed dead after cargo ship crash levels Baltimore bridge, company says. NBC News. 2024-03-26 [2024-03-26]. (原始內容存檔於2024-03-26) (英語).
- ^ US Supreme Court appears sceptical of abortion pill case. March 26, 2024 [2024-04-09]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-23) –透過www.bbc.com.
- ^ UK court says Assange can't be extradited on espionage charges until US rules out death penalty. AP News. March 26, 2024 [2024-04-09]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-16).
- ^ Simonson, Amy. 4 dead, 7 injured in stabbing rampage in Illinois residential area, authorities say. CNN. 2024-03-28 [2024-03-28]. (原始內容存檔於2024-04-15) (英語).
- ^ Fallen 'Crypto King' Sam Bankman-Fried gets 25 years for fraud (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) BBC News, March 28, 2024
- ^ Virginia governor vetoes marijuana market bill - POLITICO. Politico. [2024-04-09]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-08).
- ^ AT&T data breach: Millions of customers caught up in major dark web leak (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) BBc News, March 30, 2024
- ^ World recoils following Israeli attack on aid convoy. Al Jazeera. [2024-04-09]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-16).
- ^ More than 275,000 power outages reported in Ohio Valley after storms brought damaging winds, dangerous hail and tornadoes (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) CNN, April 3, 2024
- ^ GE completes three-way split, breaking off from its storied past Reuters, April 2, 2024
- ^ News, A. B. C. Dredging of Puerto Rico's biggest port begins despite warnings it may harm turtles and corals. ABC News. [2024-04-09]. (原始內容存檔於2024-04-14).
- ^ Bird Flu Should Make Us Worried — But Not Panicked. 2024-04-04 [2024-04-09]. (原始內容存檔於2024-04-06) –透過www.bloomberg.com.
- ^ Davis, Nicola; correspondent, Nicola Davis Science. New 3D cosmic map raises questions over future of universe, scientists say. 2024-04-04 –透過The Guardian.
- ^ First Results from DESI Make the Most Precise Measurement of Our Expanding Universe. Berkeley Lab News Center. 2024-04-04 [2024-04-09]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-21).
- ^ Desk, The National. 4.8 magnitude earthquake hits New York City area, felt across Northeast US. WSYX. 2024-04-05 [2024-04-09]. (原始內容存檔於2024-04-14).
- ^ Reporter, Giulia Carbonaro US News. 99 Cents Only stores to close in 4 states. Newsweek. 2024-04-05 [2024-04-09]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-17).
- ^ Two dead, seven wounded in Florida martini bar shooting. Reuters. 2024-04-06.
- ^ Engine cover of Southwest Boeing plane falls off during takeoff. [2024-04-09]. (原始內容存檔於2024-04-08).
- ^ Rick.Fienberg. Eclipse America 2023-2024. Solar Eclipse Across America. 2021-03-24. (原始內容存檔於2023-10-15) (英語).
- ^ Oxford shooter’s parents get 10-15 years in prison for roles in massacre (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) WDIV, April 9, 2024
- ^ Arizona supreme court upholds 1864 law banning almost all abortions | Arizona | The Guardian. amp.theguardian.com.
- ^ Czachor, Emily Mae. Millions across Gulf Coast face more severe weather, flooding, suspected tornadoes - CBS News. www.cbsnews.com. 2024-04-10 [2024-04-26]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-10).
- ^ Lindner, Emmett; Jiménez, Jesus. 1 Killed and 13 Injured in 'Intentional' Truck Crash Into Building in Texas. The New York Times. 2024-04-12 [2024-04-12]. (原始內容存檔於2024-04-21).
- ^ Ted, Barrett. Senate kills first impeachment article against Mayorkas. CNN. 2024-04-17 [2024-04-17]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-02).
- ^ Biden administration to reimpose oil and gas sanctions on Venezuela The Washington Post, April 18, 2024
- ^ Osullivan, Kyle. Conspiracy protestor dies after setting himself on fire outside Trump trial. Daily Express US. 2024-04-20 [2024-04-20]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-22) (英語).
- ^ US agrees to withdraw troops from key drone base in Niger. France 24. 2024-04-20 [2024-04-24]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-10) (英語).
- ^ Tesla recalls Cybertrucks over accelerator crash risk. BBC News. 2024-04-19 [2024-04-26]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-09).
- ^ House approves $95 billion in aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. ABC News. [2024-04-26]. (原始內容存檔於2024-04-24).
- ^ Strickland, Ashley. Voyager 1 is sending data back to Earth for the first time in 5 months. CNN. 2024-04-22 [2024-04-26]. (原始內容存檔於2024-04-24).
- ^ FTC Bans Noncompete Agreements That Restrict Job Switching. The Wall Street Journal.com. 2024-04-23 [2024-04-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-10) (英語).
- ^ Picciotto, Rebecca. U.S. Chamber of Commerce, business groups sue FTC over ban on noncompete clauses. CNBC. 2024-04-24 [2024-04-24]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-22) (英語).
- ^ White, Ed. US government agrees to $138.7M settlement over FBI’s botching of Larry Nassar assault allegations. AP News. 2024-04-23 [2024-04-26]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-16) (美國英語).
- ^ Biden signed a bill to force a sale of TikTok or ban it. What’s next? (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) Politico, April 24, 2024
- ^ Harvey Weinstein's 2020 rape conviction overturned. BBC News. 2024-04-25 [2024-04-25]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-07).
- ^ Fung, Brian. Net neutrality is back as FCC votes to regulate internet providers | CNN Business. CNN. 2024-04-25 [2024-04-25]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-17) (英語).
- ^ FCC votes to bring back Obama-era ‘net neutrality’ rules that were repealed under Trump. NBC News. 2024-04-25 [2024-04-25]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-23) (英語).
- ^ USC cancels main commencement, citing safety measures Reuters, April 26, 2024
- ^ US State Department Arabic spokesperson resigns in opposition to Gaza policy (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) Reuters, April 25, 2024
- ^ More than 2 dozen reported tornadoes in 3 states amid outbreak in the Plains. ABC News.go.com. 2024-04-26 [2024-04-26]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-23).
- ^ Baby among 5 people killed as a swarm of tornadoes hits heartland: Officials. ABC News. [2024-04-29]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-23) (英語).
- ^ Desk, RAY LEWIS | The National. Louisiana allows predominantly White area to form new city, sparking segregation concerns. WGXA. 2024-04-30 [2024-05-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-03).
- ^ Ronny, Reyes. Wealthy white Louisiana residents split from Baton Rouge to form their own city. 2024-04-29 [2024-05-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-22).
- ^ Louisiana Supreme Court rules for new City of St. George. AP News. 2024-04-29 [2024-05-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-24).
- ^ US, Mexico to clamp down on illegal immigration, leaders say (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) Reuters, April 29, 2024
- ^ Eight US officers shot, four killed, in home siege. BBC News. 2024-04-29 [2024-04-30]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-09) (英國英語).
- ^ Gov. Abbott orders TEA to ignore Biden's Title IX revisions protecting LGBTQ+ students. NBC DFW. 2024-04-29. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-07).
- ^ Judge fines Trump $9,000, threatens jail for contempt in hush money trial (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) Reuters, April 30, 2024
- ^ Florida's 6-week abortion ban takes effect, cutting off access in much of the South. NBC News. 2024-05-01 [2024-05-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-23).
- ^ Mazzei, Patricia. Florida's Six-Week Abortion Ban Is Now Law, With Political Implications. The New York Times. 2024-05-01 [2024-05-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-23) –透過NYTimes.com.
- ^ Sarnoff, Leah; El-Bawab, Nadine. Florida's strictest abortion ban takes effect, prohibiting abortions after 6 weeks of pregnancy. ABC News. 2024-05-01 [2024-05-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-24).
- ^ US judge blocks some North Carolina restrictions on abortion pill Reuters, May 1, 2024
- ^ United Methodists repeal longstanding ban on LGBTQ clergy. AP News. 2024-05-01 [2024-05-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-23).
- ^ Hundreds of police file onto UCLA near pro-Palestinian protest camp, a day after violent clashes (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) Reuters, May 2, 2024
- ^ Ron DeSantis bans 'global elite' lab-grown meat. 2024-05-02 [2024-05-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-15) –透過www.bbc.com.
- ^ Suter, Tara. DeSantis signs bill banning lab-grown meat. 2024-05-02 [2024-05-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-23).
- ^ Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs signs abortion ban repeal bill (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) Axios, May 2, 2024
- ^ Rue21 files for bankruptcy, will close all stores (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) Fox Business, May 3, 2024
- ^ Rue21, a mall staple, files for bankruptcy and will close all of its stores (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) CNN, March 3, 2024
- ^ Democratic US Rep. Henry Cuellar of Texas and his wife are indicted over ties to Azerbaijan. AP News. 2024-05-03 [2024-05-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-21).
- ^ Colleges prep for commencement as over 2,000 people arrested at US protests. CNN. 2024-05-03 [2024-05-03]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-23) (英語).
- ^ Houthis offer education to students suspended in US protest crackdown. Reuters. 2024-05-03 [2024-05-03].
- ^ Pound, Jesse. Exxon Mobil reaches agreement with FTC, poised to close $60 billion Pioneer deal. CNBC. 2024-05-01 [2024-05-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-23).
- ^ Columbia University cancels main graduation amid protests (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) BBC, May 6, 2024
- ^ Oregonian/OregonLive, Fedor Zarkhin | The. Portland police investigating claims of responsibility in arson fire that burned 17 police cars. oregonlive. 2024-05-06 [2024-05-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-11).
- ^ Steward Health Care seeks bankruptcy protections. www.wbur.org. 2024-05-06 [2024-05-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-16).
- ^ Deadly tornado reported in Oklahoma as severe threat continues today. CNN. 2024-05-06 [2024-05-07]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-11) (英語).
- ^ Banks, Nina. Feds investigate another Texas school district for its gender identity mandate. Texas Tribune. 2024-05-08. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-09).
- ^ Cowan, Richard. Civil rights leader Daisy Bates honored with statue at US Capitol. Reuters. 2024-05-08.
- ^ Gilbert, Mary; Faheid, Dalia; Shackelford, Robert. Waves of storms turn deadly in Tennessee and more twisters are hitting the Southeast. CNN. 2024-05-09. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-08).
- ^ Henshall, Will. Google DeepMind's AlphaFold 3 Could Transform Drug Discovery. TIME. 2024-05-08. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-09).
- ^ Harrington, Adam; Cramer, Matthew. Ascension health care network disrupted by cyberattack. CBS News. 2024-05-08. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-09).
- ^ Wiessner, Daniel. NYC sued for denying gay employees in vitro fertilization coverage. Reuters. 2024-05-09.
- ^ Gov. Abbott tells Texas universities to ignore Biden's Title IX revisions. KXAS-TV. 2024-05-08. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-08).
- ^ Record-breaking increase in CO2 levels in world's atmosphere. The Guardian. 2024-05-09 [2024-05-10].
- ^ MEDIA ADVISORY: NOAA Forecasts Severe Solar Storm; Media Availability Scheduled for Friday, May 10 | NOAA / NWS Space Weather Prediction Center. www.swpc.noaa.gov. [2024-05-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-23).
- ^ Barakat, Matthew. In reversal, Virginia school board votes to restore Confederate names to 2 schools. AP News. 2024-05-10 [2024-05-10]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-21).
- ^ UN assembly approves resolution granting Palestine new rights and reviving its UN membership bid. AP News. 2024-05-10 [2024-05-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-22).
- ^ Exxon hit with $725.5 million verdict over mechanic's leukemia diagnosis (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) Reuters, May 10, 2024
- ^ Minnesota's Capitol campus has 120 state flags that will be replaced with new design in May (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) Minneapolis Star-Tribune, March 15, 2024
- ^ Skene, Lea. Crews conduct controlled demolition on Baltimore bridge span as cleanup continues at collapse site. Associated Press. 2024-05-13 [2024-05-13]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-21).
- ^ GameStop soars after flag bearer 'Roaring Kitty' resurfaces Reuters, May 13, 2024
- ^ Major airlines sue Biden administration over fee disclosure rule Reuters, May 13, 2024
- ^ OpenAI unveils new AI model as competition heats up. Reuters. 2024-05-13.
- ^ Army officer resigns due to US support for Israel's war in Gaza. Reuters. 2024-05-14 [2024-05-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-23).
- ^ US states sue over EEOC's policy on transgender workers. Reuters. 2024-05-14 [2024-05-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-17).
- ^ Biden sharply hikes US tariffs on an array of Chinese imports. Reuters. 2024-05-14 [2024-05-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-16).
- ^ 8 dead, at least 40 injured as farmworkers' bus overturns in central Florida. AP News. 2024-05-14 [2024-05-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-18).
- ^ Boffey, Daniel. US warns Georgia not to side with Moscow against the west. The Guardian. 2024-05-14.
- ^ Tennessee governor OKs bill allowing death penalty for child rape convictions. AP News. 2024-05-14 [2024-05-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-18).
- ^ Wethington, Caleb. Bill authorizing death penalty for child rapists signed by Gov. Lee. WSMV-TV. 2024-05-14 [2024-05-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-19).
- ^ Red Lobster closing at least 99 locations as its future comes into question. CNBC. 2024-05-14 [2024-05-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-23).
- ^ Red Lobster files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. CBS News. 2024-05-20 [2024-05-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-21).
- ^ Santiago, Michael M. Walgreens is launching a generic version of over-the-counter Narcan. NBC News. 2024-05-15. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-15).
- ^ Hatfield, Mycah; Hurtado, Daniela; Miller, Chaz. Gulf Intracoastal Waterway closed after barge slammed into Pelican Island bridge, causing oil spill. KTRK-TV. 2024-05-15. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-16).
- ^ Raymond, Nate. US charges two brothers with novel $25 million cryptocurrency heist. Reuters. 2024-05-15 [2024-05-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-19).
- ^ Holland, Steve; Rosenburg, Mica. US imposes sanctions on Nicaragua over repression, migrant smuggling. Reuters. 2024-05-15 [2024-05-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-16).
- ^ Swan, Jonathan; Haberman, Maggie. Biden and Trump Agree to Two Debates in June and September. The New York Times. 2024-05-15 [2024-05-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-23) –透過NYTimes.com.
- ^ Quinn, Melissa. Supreme Court lets Louisiana use congressional map with new majority-Black district in 2024 elections - CBS News. www.cbsnews.com. 2024-05-15 [2024-05-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-23).
- ^ Oguh, Chibuike; Kamdar, Bansari Mayur. US stocks lose steam after Dow hits milestone 40,000 mark. Reuters. 2024-05-16.
- ^ Facebook, Instagram face EU scrutiny over addictive effects on children. Al Jazeera. 2024-05-16 [2024-05-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-23).
- ^ US announces $2bn in new aid for Ukraine as Russian forces advance. Al Jazeera. 2024-05-15 [2024-05-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-23).
- ^ Adragna, Anthony. House passes GOP bill rebuking Biden's Israel weapons pause. Politico. 2024-05-16 [2024-05-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-21).
- ^ Severe storms kill at least 4 in Houston, knock out power in Texas and Louisiana. AP News. 2024-05-17 [2024-05-17]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-21) (英語).
- ^ Four dead after powerful storms slam Texas. BBC News. 2024-05-17 [2024-05-17]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-22) (英國英語).
- ^ Tugboats escort ship that caused deadly Baltimore bridge collapse back to port. AP News. 2024-05-20 [2024-05-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-21).
- ^ Julian Assange: WikiLeaks founder allowed to appeal extradition from UK to US. Reuters. 2024-05-20 [2024-05-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-19).
- ^ Ramos, Lionel. Federal government sues Oklahoma over new immigration law. KOSU. 2024-05-21 [2024-05-23]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-22).
- ^ Iowa tornado kills 'multiple' people in small town reduced to rubble. Reuters. 2024-05-22.
- ^ Biden cancels $7.7bn more in student debt for 160,000 borrowers. Al Jazeera. 2024-05-22. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-22).
- ^ Banks, Nina. In 75th lawsuit against Biden, Paxton sues to stop new gender identity guidelines for employers. KDFW. 2024-05-22. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-23).
- ^ Justice Department says illegal monopoly by Ticketmaster and Live Nation drives up prices for fans. Associated Press. 2024-05-23 [2024-06-01]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-23).
- ^ Live Nation ticket buyers sue in wake of US Justice Department case. Reuters. 2024-05-24.
- ^ Pronouns and tribal affiliations are now forbidden in South Dakota public university employee emails. Associated Press. 2024-05-24 [2024-06-01]. (原始內容存檔於2024-09-01).
- ^ US missionaries killed in Haiti gang violence. BBC. 2024-05-24 [2024-06-01]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-14).
- ^ Uvalde families sue Meta and Call of Duty maker on second anniversary of school attack. Associated Press. 2024-05-24 [2024-06-01]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-07).
- ^ US storms kill at least 21 across 4 states on Memorial Day weekend (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) Reuters, May 27, 2024
- ^ US-built pier will be removed from Gaza coast and repaired after damage from rough seas. Associated Press. 2024-05-28 [2024-06-01]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-28).
- ^ Building explosion kills bank employee and injures 7 others in Youngstown, Ohio. Associated Press. 2024-05-28 [2024-06-01]. (原始內容存檔於2024-09-26).
- ^ American Airlines faces a discrimination suit after removing 8 Black men from flight. NPR. 2024-05-30 [2024-06-01]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-14).
- ^ US Labor Dept sues Hyundai over US child labor, court filing shows. Reuters. 2024-05-30.
- ^ Protests continue after Wayne State police clear pro-Palestinian encampment on campus. The Detroit News. 2024-05-30.
- ^ Trump guilty of falsifying business records (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) CNN, May 30, 2024
- ^ Biden secretly gave Ukraine permission to strike inside Russia with US weapons - POLITICO. [2024-06-01]. (原始內容存檔於2024-06-01).
- ^ In a first, OpenAI removes influence operations tied to Russia, China and Israel (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) NPR, May 31, 2024
- ^ A 3rd human case of bird flu detected, this one with respiratory symptoms. NPR. 2024-05-30 [2024-06-01]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-07).
- ^ Another Michigan dairy worker has bird flu, the third US case this year. Associated Press. 2024-05-30 [2024-06-01]. (原始內容存檔於2024-09-26).
- ^ Doomsday plot: Idaho jury convicts Chad Daybell of killing wife and girlfriend’s 2 children. Associated Press. 2024-05-30 [2024-06-01]. (原始內容存檔於2024-09-02).
- ^ Chad Daybell is found guilty in 'zombie' murder trial in Idaho. NPR. 2024-05-30 [2024-06-01]. (原始內容存檔於2024-09-02).
- ^ 存档副本. [2024-06-01]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-31).
- ^ Butler, Alexander. Houthis claim to have launched missile attack on US aircraft carrier in wake of US-UK strikes on Yemen. 2024-05-31 [2024-06-01]. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-31) –透過www.independent.co.uk.
- ^ Pro-Palestinian protesters occupy parts of Brooklyn Museum Reuters, May 31, 2024
- ^ US, China agree to resume military-to-military talks in ‘coming months’. Al Jazeera. [2024-06-01]. (原始內容存檔於2024-08-12).
- ^ Live Nation probing Ticketmaster hack amid user data leak concerns. Reuters. 2024-06-01.
- ^ New policy suspends asylum claims for most migrants entering the U.S. unlawfully. NPR. 2024-06-04 [2024-06-19]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-18).
- ^ Biden says he's restricting asylum to help 'gain control' of the border. Associated Press. 2024-06-04 [2024-06-19]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-15).
- ^ Boeing's Starliner launches its 1st astronaut-crewed flight after several delays. ABC News. 2024-06-05 [2024-06-19]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-08).
- ^ Gunman fires shots at US embassy in Lebanon, army says. Reuters. 2024-06-05 [2024-06-19]. (原始內容存檔於2024-06-05).
- ^ FDA advisors reject MDMA therapy for PTSD, amid concerns over research. NPR. 2024-06-05.
- ^ Biden imposes sweeping asylum ban at US-Mexico border. Reuters. 2024-06-05.
- ^ Amanda Knox re-convicted of slander in Italy over accusations in roommate's murder. NPR. 2024-06-05 [2024-06-19]. (原始內容存檔於2024-09-19).
- ^ Staff, Al Jazeera. US sanctions Palestinian group under decree used to target Israeli settlers. Al Jazeera. [2024-06-19]. (原始內容存檔於2024-06-06).
- ^ US imposes travel bans on Georgian officials over new law that critics say will curb media freedom. AP News. 2024-06-06 [2024-06-19]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-20).
- ^ Chang, Kenneth. SpaceX’s Starship Rocket Successfully Completes 1st Return From Space. 2024-06-06 [2024-06-19]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-13) –透過NYTimes.com.
- ^ US and UK air strikes hit Yemen, Houthi-run TV reports. Al Jazeera. [2024-06-19]. (原始內容存檔於2024-06-10).
- ^ Real-world mileage standard for new vehicles rising to 38 mpg in 2031 under new Biden rule. Associated Press. 2024-06-07 [2024-06-19]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-23).
- ^ Australia PM urges activists to 'turn the heat down' after U.S. Consulate is vandalized over Gaza war. NBC News. 2024-06-06.
- ^ Four American educators stabbed in park in northeast China, says US media and officials. CNA. 2024-06-10 [2024-06-19]. (原始內容存檔於2024-06-11).
- ^ U.S. lifts weapons ban on Ukrainian military unit. The Washington Post. 2024-06-10 [2024-06-19]. (原始內容存檔於2024-06-14).
- ^ Hunter Biden convicted on all 3 charges at federal gun trial. CNN. 2024-06-11 [2024-06-11]. (原始內容存檔於2024-09-19).
- ^ Blinken announces more than $400M in new humanitarian aid for Palestinians in Gaza. CNN. 2024-06-11.
- ^ 8 people with alleged ISIS ties arrested in L.A., other U.S. cities (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) KTLA-TV, June 12, 2024
- ^ U.S. bus company Coach files for bankruptcy to sell its business. Reuters. 2024-06-12.
- ^ Russia, hit by new US sanctions, halts dollar and euro trade on main bourse. Reuters. 2024-06-12.
- ^ South Florida residents told to steer clear of 'life-threatening' flooding. NBC News. 2024-06-12.
- ^ US sanctions pro-Russia governor of Moldova's Gagauzia region. Reuters. 2024-06-12.
- ^ US unveils tougher Russia sanctions for foreign banks. Financial Times. 2024-06-12 [2024-06-19]. (原始內容存檔於2024-09-20).
- ^ ACLU sues Biden administration over new executive action on the southern border. NPR. 2024-06-12 [2024-06-19]. (原始內容存檔於2024-09-30).
- ^ Republicans Push Through Contempt of Congress Citation Against Garland. The New York Times. 2024-06-12 [2024-06-19]. (原始內容存檔於2024-06-12).
- ^ Oklahoma Supreme Court dismisses lawsuit of last Tulsa Race Massacre survivors seeking reparations. ABC News. 2024-06-12 [2024-06-19]. (原始內容存檔於2024-06-22).
- ^ Dozens of hikers became ill during trips to waterfalls near the Grand Canyon. Associated Press. 2024-06-13.
- ^ Supreme Court rejects bid to restrict access to abortion pill. NBC News. 2024-06-13 [2024-06-19]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-19).
- ^ US imposes sanctions on Israeli group that attacked Gaza aid. Reuters. 2024-06-14.
- ^ US designates Nordic neo-Nazi group as terrorists. CNN. 2024-06-14 [2024-06-19]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-19).
- ^ Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to undermine China during pandemic. Reuters. 2024-06-14 [2024-06-19]. (原始內容存檔於2024-06-14).
- ^ Federal authorities investigating plane crash that killed two near Chino Airport. Los Angeles Times. 2024-06-15 [2024-06-19]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-03).
- ^ A shooting at a splash pad in Detroit suburb injures 9, including 2 children. NPR. 2024-06-16 [2024-06-19]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-07).
- ^ Strong winds, steep terrain hamper crews battling Los Angeles area's first major fire of the year. Associated press. 2024-06-16 [2024-06-19]. (原始內容存檔於2024-09-26).
- ^ Judge orders railway to pay Washington tribe nearly $400 million for trespassing with oil trains. Associated Press. 2024-06-17 [2024-06-19]. (原始內容存檔於2024-09-26).
- ^ Judge blocks Biden Title IX rule in 6 states, including Kentucky. Louisville Public Media. 2024-06-17 [2024-06-19]. (原始內容存檔於2024-07-19).
- ^ Maryland governor pardons over 175,000 low-level marijuana convictions. Reuters. 2024-06-17.
- ^ 6 dead, 5 hurt in devastating Georgia house fire. ABC News. 2024-06-17 [2024-06-19]. (原始內容存檔於2024-09-22).
- ^ EV startup Fisker files for bankruptcy, aims to sell assets. Reuters. 2024-06-18 [2024-06-19]. (原始內容存檔於2024-06-19).
- ^ Nvidia passes Microsoft in market cap to become most valuable public company. NBC News. 2024-06-18 [2024-06-19]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-11).
- ^ USDA pauses avocado, mango inspections in Mexican state due to security concerns. ABC News. 2024-06-18.
- ^ NYC pastor is sentenced to 9 years for fraud, including taking a single mom's $90,000. NPR. 2024-06-18 [2024-06-19]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-21).
- ^ Louisiana public schools to display Ten Commandments in classrooms after controversial law passes. ABC News. [2024-07-03]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-15).
- ^ Gallagher, Stephanie Gallman, Dianne. Louisiana classrooms now required by law to display the Ten Commandments | CNN Politics. CNN. 2024-06-19 [2024-07-03]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-16).
- ^ The Ten Commandments are going up in every Louisiana public school under this new law. 2024-06-19 [2024-07-03]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-07) –透過www.abc.net.au.
- ^ Texas braces for up to 10 inches of rain as Tropical Storm Alberto bears down. USA Today. 2024-06-19 [2024-07-03]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-10).
- ^ New horned dinosaur species discovered 'largest and most ornate' of its kind ever found. ABC News. 2024-06-20 [2024-07-03]. (原始內容存檔於2024-09-29).
- ^ Sottile, Zoe; Lear, Justin. Fordyce, Arkansas shooting: 3 dead, 10 injured following grocery store shooting. CNN. 2024-06-21 [2024-06-21] (英語).
- ^ At least 6 heat-related deaths reported in metro Phoenix so far this year as high hits 115 degrees. Associated Press. 2024-06-21 [2024-07-03]. (原始內容存檔於2024-06-21).
- ^ Storm chasers catch tornado winds above 300 mph in rare 'intercept'. NBC News. 2024-06-22 [2024-07-03]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-13).
- ^ Mallin, Alexander; Reevell, Patrick. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange expected to plead guilty, avoid further prison time as part of deal with US. ABC News. [2024-07-03]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-10).
- ^ Kresge, Naomi. Ozempic Maker Novo Plans Another $4.1 Billion US Factory. www.bloomberg.com. [2024-06-25]. (原始內容存檔於2024-06-25).
- ^ Biden pardons potentially thousands of ex-service members convicted under now-repealed gay sex ban. Associated Press. 2024-06-26 [2024-07-03]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-10).
- ^ Jamaal Bowman loses most expensive primary race ever. BBC News. 2024-06-26 [2024-07-03]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-16).
- ^ Boeing sanctioned by NTSB for "blatantly" violating investigative rules. Axios. 2024-06-27 [2024-07-03]. (原始內容存檔於2024-10-21).
- ^ US charges 193 people in $2.75 billion health care fraud bust. Reuters. 2024-06-27.
- ^ Bycoffe, Aaron; Brown, Amina; Rakich, Nathaniel. Who won the first Biden-Trump presidential debate?. ABC News. 2024-06-28 [2024-06-28]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-11) (英語).
- ^ Supreme Court Allows, for Now, Emergency Abortions in Idaho. The New York Times. 2024-06-27 [2024-07-03]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-07).
- ^ Moseley-Morris, Kelcie. U.S. Supreme Court ruling reinstates ability to perform emergency abortions in Idaho under ban. Idaho Capital Sun. 2024-06-28.
- ^ York, Ed Pilkington in New. US supreme court strikes down 40-year precedent, reducing power of federal agencies. the Guardian.
- ^ U.S. offers deportation relief to further 309,000 Haitians. Reuters. 2024-06-29 [2024-07-03]. (原始內容存檔於2024-06-28).
- ^ Live updates: Trump has some immunity from prosecution, Supreme Court rules. BBC News. [2024-07-03]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-09).
- ^ Chao-Fong, Léonie. Democrats warn of ‘dangerous precedent’ set by Trump ruling; Republican House speaker calls decision ‘common sense’ – live. 2024-07-01 –透過www.theguardian.com.
- ^ Writer, Dan Crisler World-Herald Staff. Google says it will spend $1 billion to expand its Council Bluffs data center. Omaha World-Herald. 2024-07-02 [2024-07-03]. (原始內容存檔於2024-07-03) (英語).
- ^ US deports 116 Chinese migrants in first 'large' flight in 5 years. Associated Press. 2024-07-02 [2024-07-14]. (原始內容存檔於2024-09-24).
- ^ Giuliani is disbarred in New York as court finds he repeatedly lied about Trump's 2020 election loss. Associated Press. 2024-07-02 [2024-07-14]. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-18).
- ^ US, Panama sign deal to curb migration across Darien Gap. DW. 2024-07-02 [2024-07-14]. (原始內容存檔於2024-09-20).
- ^ US has 'undeniable complicity' in Gaza war killings, say former US officials. Reuters. 2024-07-02.
- ^ Thousands evacuate as Northern California wildfire spreads. More hot weather is expected. NPR. 2024-07-03.
- ^ GM to pay $145.8 million penalty after US finds excess emissions. Reuters. 2024-07-03.
- ^ Luxury department store Saks buys Neiman Marcus, and Amazon gets a stake. NPR. 2024-07-04.
- ^ July Fourth violence nationwide kills at least 33, Chicago 'in state of grief,' mayor says. Associated Press. 2024-07-04.
- ^ More records expected to shatte as long-running blanket of heat threatens 130 million in U.S.. Associated Press. 2024-07-06.
- ^ Weatherbed, Jess. Paramount agrees to sweetened Skydance merger deal. The Verge. 2024-07-08 [2024-07-09] (英語).
- ^ Crew of NASA's earthbound simulated Mars habitat emerge after a year. Associated Press. 2024-07-07.
- ^ Boeing to plead guilty to criminal fraud charge. BBC News. 2024-07-08.
- ^ NATO leaders gather for 75th anniversary summit. Here's what to know. Al Jazeera. [2024-07-09] (英語).
- ^ First local extinction in the U.S. due to sea level rise. Florida Museum. 2024-07-09 [2024-07-10].
- ^ Sea level rise wipes out an entire U.S. species. Axios. 2024-07-09 [2024-07-10].
- ^ Klepper, David. Iran encourages Gaza war protests in US to stoke outrage and distrust, intelligence chief says. Associated Press. 2024-07-09.
- ^ Firefighting community mourns death of wildfire pilot in Horse Gulch Fire. KWYB. 2024-07-11.
- ^ US to resume shipping 500-pound bombs to Israel, US official says. Reuters. 2024-07-10.
- ^ Explainer: What is the Venezuelan prison gang Tren de Aragua?. Reuters. 2024-07-11.
- ^ US announces sanctions on Israeli settlers over West Bank violence. Reuters. 2024-07-11.
- ^ Anger mounts in southeast Texas as crippling power outages and heat turn deadly. CNN. 2024-07-11.
- ^ Alec Baldwin's Rust shooting trial dismissed after lawyers say evidence was withheld. The Guardian. 2024-07-12.
- ^ City discovers first grave of 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre victim. KWGS Public Radio Tulsa. 2024-07-12.
- ^ Shooting at Trump rally is being investigated as assassination attempt, AP sources say. Associated Press. 2024-07-13.
- ^ Trump rally shooting being investigated as assassination attempt: suspect and audience member killed – latest updates. The Guardian. 2024-07-13.
- ^ JD Vance formally picked as Trump's vice-presidential nominee. www.bbc.com. [2024-07-16] (英國英語).
- ^ Mass IT outage affects airlines, media and banks. BBC News. [2024-07-19] (英語).
- ^ President Joe Biden drops out of 2024 presidential race. NBC News. 2024-07-21 [2024-07-21] (英語).
- ^ Wild, Evan Perez, Lauren Fox, Tierney Sneed, Holmes Lybrand, Whitney. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle resigns, sources say | CNN Politics. CNN. 2024-07-23 [2024-07-23] (英語).
- ^ U.S. flag set ablaze, 23 arrested as thousands protest Netanyahu's D.C. visit. The Washington Post. 2024-07-24.
- ^ Live Updates: Biden says nation's democracy lies in hands of voters, explains why he ended 2024 bid. The Associated Press. 2024-07-24.
- ^ Uber, Emma; Davies, Emily; Silverman, Ellie. Maggots, crickets released at Watergate Hotel in protest of Netanyahu visit. The Washington Post. 2024-07-24.
- ^ Leader of Mexico's Sinaloa drug cartel arrested in Texas. BBC News. 2024-07-25 [2024-07-26].
- ^ Mexican cartel leader known as "El Mayo" pleads not guilty in federal court. Los Angeles Times. 2024-07-26 [2024-07-27] (美國英語).
- ^ Video game performers will go on strike over artificial intelligence concerns. AP News. 2024-07-25 [2024-07-29] (英語).
- ^ Bellware, Kim; Rosenzweig-Ziff, Dan; Bisset, Victoria. Ex-ballerina convicted of killing husband in 'Black Swan' trial. The Washington Post. 2024-07-31.
- ^ Pelisek, Christine. Did Ballerina Kill Husband Because She 'Wanted to Be a Single Mother' — or Was It Self-Defense?. People. 2024-07-28 [2024-08-06].
- ^ Troianovski, Anton; Mazzetti, Mark; Hubbard, Ben. Russia Releases Evan Gershkovich in Sweeping Prisoner Swap, Turkish Officials Say. The New York Times. 2024-08-01 [2024-08-01].
- ^ Utah Supreme Court rules state's abortion ban should remain blocked. Gephardt Daily. August 1, 2024 (美國英語).
- ^ US recognizes opposition candidate González as the winner of Venezuela's presidential election. AP News. August 1, 2024 (美國英語).
- ^ Kamala Harris formally chosen as Democratic nominee. BBC News. 2024-08-02 [2024-08-07].
- ^ Plea deal with accused 9/11 plotters revoked - US government. BBC News. August 3, 2024.
- ^ Minnesota Governor Tim Walz picked as Kamala Harris' running mate. www.bbc.com. [2024-08-07] (英國英語).
- ^ FBI agents execute search warrant on Tennessee Congressman Andy Ogles, NewsChannel 5 confirms. News Channel 5 Nashville (WTVF). 2024-08-06 [2024-08-06] (英語).
- ^ Whittle, Patrick; Ramer, Holly. Crew of Titan sub knew they were going to die before implosion, according to more than $50M lawsuit. AP News. August 7, 2024 (美國英語).
- ^ News, A. B. C. Utah man put to death by lethal injection in state's first execution since 2010. ABC News.
- ^ Press, Associated. Utah man put to death by lethal injection in state's first execution since 2010. August 8, 2024 –透過The Guardian.
- ^ George Santos reaches plea deal, pleads guilty to wire fraud and identity theft CBS News, August 19, 2024
- ^ Harris』 running mate Tim Walz talks of 『bringing the joy』 in his national introduction at DNC AP News, August 21, 2024
- ^ Watch live: Harris to accept nomination on final night of Democratic convention The Hill, August 22, 2024
- ^ Markoff, Barb; Tressel, Christine; Jones, Tom; Goudie, Chuck. Timeline of Terror: How the Forest Park CTA Blue Line mass shooting on Labor Day unfolded. WLS-TV. 2024-09-04 [2024-09-05].
- ^ US seizes Venezuelan president's plane in Dominican Republic. Reuters. 2024-09-02.
- ^ 14-year-old student suspect in Georgia school shooting that left 4 dead will be booked tonight, officials say. CNN. 2024-09-04 [2024-09-05] (英語).
- ^ Right-Wing Influencer Network Tenet Media Allegedly Spread Russian Disinformation. Wired. 2024-09-04 [2024-09-05] (英語).
- ^ Hunter Biden enters guilty plea in federal tax case, avoiding a trial NBC News, September 5, 2024
- ^ US, UK, EU sign international AI treaty – DW – 09/05/2024. dw.com.
- ^ Green, Eyal; Halpern, Sam. American-Turkish activist killed by Israeli forces at West Bank protest. The Jerusalem Post. 2024-09-06.
- ^ Kelley, Rosemary; Rosas, Erin. I-75 reopened as search for person of interest in Laurel Co. shooting continues. WLEX-TV. 2024-09-07 [2024-09-07].
- ^ Rosenstein, Sawyer. SpaceX launches historic Polaris Dawn mission. NASASpaceFlight.com. 2024-09-10 [2024-09-12].
- ^ Govindarao, Sejal. Arizona's 1864 abortion ban is officially off the books. AP News. 2024-09-14 (美國英語).
- ^ Helen Sullivan. Trump golf club shooting: what we know so far about apparent assassination attempt. 衛報. 2024-09-15 [2024-09-15].
- ^ Sean 'Diddy' Combs arrest live updates: 'Freak offs' at center of sex trafficking, racketeering charges. NBC News. 2024-09-17 (美國英語).
- ^ US court upholds British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell's sex trafficking conviction. AP News. 2024-09-17 (美國英語).
- ^ Welk, Brian. Using AI to Replace an Actor Is Now Against the Law in California. IndieWire. 2024-09-17 [2024-09-18] (美國英語).
- ^ Tupperware in fight to survive after bankruptcy filing. BBC News. 2024-09-18 [2024-09-18] (英語).
- ^ Schreiner, Bruce. Governor bans use of 'conversion therapy' on LGBTQ+ minors in Kentucky. AP News. 2024-09-18 (美國英語).
- ^ South Carolina death row inmate dies by state's first lethal injection in 13 years. CNN. 2024-09-20.
- ^ Levin, Sam. South Carolina executes first man in 13 years despite new evidence of innocence. The Observer.
- ^ Robinson, Carol; Smith, Ruth Serven; Denham, Hannah. Birmingham's 5 Points South mass shooting: 4 dead, 17 injured; massive manhunt underway. al.com. 2024-09-21 [2024-09-22].
- ^ Lopatto, Elizabeth. Caroline Ellison sentenced to two years in jail for role in FTX fraud. The Verge. 2024-09-24 [2024-09-25] (英語).
- ^ Missouri executes a man for the 1998 killing of a woman despite her family's calls to spare his life. WPTV. 2024-09-25 [2024-09-25] (英語).
- ^ Moshtaghian, Evan Perez, Mark Morales, Kara Scannell, Brynn Gingras, Gloria Pazmino, Eric Levenson, Artemis. NYC Mayor Eric Adams indicted on 5 federal public corruption charges, including bribery and wire fraud. CNN. 2024-09-26 [2024-09-27] (英語).
- ^ Nevada Supreme Court orders dismissal of Nathan Chasing Horse sex abuse case. CBS News. 2024-09-26 (美國英語).
- ^ The search for the missing hits snags at every corner as Helene’s death toll tops 200 AP News, October 3, 2024
- ^ Jimmy Carter, former US president, turns 100. BBC News. 2024-10-01 [2024-10-01].
- ^ Vance and Walz agree to a vice presidential debate on Oct. 1 hosted by CBS News. Associated Press. 2024-08-15 [2024-08-15] (英語).
- ^ US dockworkers suspend ports strike until January. BBC News. 2024-10-04 [2024-10-04] (英語).
- ^ Johnson, Julie. California is about to officially ban fracking. Kamala Harris would allow the practice nationally. San Francisco Chronicle. 2024-09-03.
- ^ Trump 'resorted to crimes' to overturn 2020 election, prosecutors say. BBC News. 2024-10-03 [2024-10-03] (英語).
- ^ Republican former election clerk jailed for nine years over voter interference. The Guardian. 2024-10-03 [2024-10-04] (英語).
- ^ Biden sets 10-year deadline for US cities to replace lead pipes nationwide. AP News. 2024-10-08.
- ^ FBI arrests Afghan man who officials say planned Election Day attack in the US. AP News. 2024-10-08.
- ^ Hurricane Milton damage: What was left behind by the 『storm of the century』 versus other hurricanes The Independent, October 12, 2024
- ^ TD Bank to pay $3 billion in money-laundering settlement with the Justice Department NPR, October 10, 2024
- ^ SpaceX successfully catches returning Starship booster with 'Mechazilla' arms. France 24. 2024-10-13 (英語).
- ^ Sean 'Diddy' Combs accused of sexual assault and rape in new civil suits. NBC News. 2024-10-21 [2024-10-21].
- ^ Mangan, Dan. Trump sued by Central Park Five for defamation over claims made during Harris debate. CNBC. 2024-10-21 (美國英語).
- ^ Sun, Lena H. E. coli outbreak linked to McDonald's Quarter Pounders, CDC says. The Washington Post. 2024-10-22 [2024-10-22].
- ^ There are now 90 victims in McDonald’s E. coli outbreak; lawsuits begin to roll in Los Angeles Times, October 31, 2024
- ^ American Airlines fined $50M for violating disability laws NBC News, October 23, 2024
- ^ Trump headlines Madison Square Garden rally after vulgar, racist remarks from allies. Reuters. 2024-10-28 [2024-10-28].
- ^ Puerto Ricans in must-win Pennsylvania say Trump rally joke won't be forgotten. BBC News. 2024-10-28 [2024-10-28].
- ^ 'Bob's Burgers' actor Jay Johnston sentenced for involvement in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot USA Today, October 28, 2024
- ^ Blum, Ronald. Dodgers win World Series in 5 games, overcome 5-run deficit with help of errors to beat Yankees 7-6. Associated Press. 2024-10-30 [2024-10-30].
- ^ South Carolina Executes Inmate Richard Moore Despite Pleas from Jurors, Judge and Others to Spare His Life People.com, November 1, 2024
- ^ TGI Fridays bankruptcy: Concerns about nearly $50 million in unused gift cards USA Today, November 5, 2024
- ^ 美媒:川普選舉人票過270張門檻 確定當選美國總統. 中央社. 2024-11-06.
- ^ Trump wins, Harris calls Trump to concede The Washington Post, November 6, 2024
- ^ US writes off over $1 billion of Somalia debt.
- ^ White House plans to rush military aid to Ukraine by inauguration day, Politico reports Reuters, November 6, 2024
- ^ US charges Iranian man in plot to kill Donald Trump. Reuters. 2024-11-09.
- ^ 1 dead and 16 injured at Tuskegee University homecoming weekend shooting. NBC News. 2024-11-10.
- ^ Harriet Tubman posthumously named a general in Veterans Day ceremony. Associated Press. 2024-11-11 [2024-11-11].
- ^ Collins, Kaitlan. Trump picks Kristi Noem to serve as his Homeland Security secretary | CNN Politics. CNN. 2024-11-12 [2024-11-12] (英語).
- ^ Trump likely to pick Marco Rubio to serve as his secretary of state, sources say CNN, November 11, 2024
- ^ Trump picks Fox News host Pete Hegseth to serve as secretary of defense CNN, November 12, 2024
- ^ Haiti’s Main Airport Closed After Gangs Shoot at Spirit Airlines Plane Miami Herald, November 12, 2024
- ^ Egan, Piper Hudspeth Blackburn, Tami Luhby, Aaron Pellish, Matt. Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy will lead new ‘Department of Government Efficiency’ in Trump administration | CNN Politics. CNN. 2024-11-13 [2024-11-14] (英語).
- ^ Trump to nominate Florida's Matt Gaetz to be attorney general NPR, November 13, 2024
- ^ Zadronzy, Brandy; Ortiz, Erik. The Onion wins Alex Jones' Infowars in bankruptcy auction. NBC News. 2024-11-14 (美國英語).
- ^ Tetraeder, Bryce P. Here’s Why I Decided To Buy ‘InfoWars’. The Onion. 2024-11-14 (美國英語).
- ^ Trump names former Georgia Congressman Doug Collins as his pick to lead the VA NPR, November 15, 2024
- ^ Trump picks Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to be his Department of Health and Human Services secretary CNN, November 14, 2024
- ^ Trump picks North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum to lead the Interior Department NPR, November 14, 2024
- ^ Brandt, Joe. Six Flags Great Adventure retires Kingda Ka, once the world's tallest and fastest roller coaster - CBS Philadelphia. www.cbsnews.com. 2024-11-14.
- ^ GM cuts 1,000 jobs globally, mostly salaried but some hourly, in move to gain efficiency Detroit Free Press, November 15, 2024
- ^ The daughters of Malcolm X sue the CIA, FBI and NYPD over the civil rights leader's assassination. AP News. 2024-11-15.
- ^ Trump names Karoline Leavitt as youngest ever White House press secretary. AP News. 2024-11-15.
- ^ Trump picks fracking company CEO Chris Wright as next Department of Energy secretary CNN, November 16, 2024
- ^ US confirms first case of more aggressive mpox strain. The Hill. 2024-11-16 [2024-11-17] (英國英語).
- ^ Biden allows Ukraine to use US arms to strike inside Russia Reuters, November 17, 2024
- ^ Ukraine fires US-supplied longer-range missiles into Russia, Moscow says. www.bbc.com. [2024-11-21] (英國英語).
- ^ Spirit Airlines files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. ABC News. [2024-11-18] (英語).
- ^ Trump picks former congressman and Fox Business host Sean Duffy as next Transportation secretary CNN, November 19, 2024
- ^ Trump picks former WWE executive Linda McMahon for education secretary The Guardian, November 20, 2024
- ^ Maruf, Ramishah. Billionaire Gautam Adani indicted in New York on bribery charges | CNN Business. CNN. 2024-11-20 [2024-11-21] (英語).
- ^ Trump names former Florida AG Pam Bondi as his new pick for U.S. attorney general NPR, November 21, 2024
- ^ O'Connor, John; Tareen, Sophia. Jussie Smollett's conviction in 2019 attack on himself is overturned. AP News. 2024-11-21 [2024-11-22] (美國英語).
- ^ Trump picks hedge-fund investor Scott Bessent for treasury secretary. The Guardian. 2024-11-22. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-23).
- ^ Hsu, Andrea; Grisales, Claudia. Trump picks Oregon Congresswoman Lori Chavez-DeRemer to lead Labor Department. NPR. 2024-11-22. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-23).
- ^ Ludden, Jennifer. Trump names former Texas state Rep. Scott Turner to lead Housing and Urban Development. NPR. 2024-11-22.
- ^ Treene, Alayna; Collins, Kaitlan; Holmes, Kristen; Shelton, Shania; Sullivan, Kate. Trump names Brooke Rollins as his pick for Agriculture secretary. CNN. 2024-11-23. (原始內容存檔於2024-11-24).
- ^ Judge agrees to dismiss Donald Trump's 2020 election interference case NBC News, November 25, 2024
- ^ Coote, Darryl; Godfrey, Paul. Israel-Hezbollah cease-fire: Displaced Lebanese begin to head home as guns, bombs fall silent. United Press International. 2024-11-27 [2024-11-27] (英語).
- ^ 北京證實中美換囚 中方換回國安部官員. 德國之聲. 2024-11-29 [2024-12-01] (中文).
- ^ 3 people wounded in Black Friday shooting at mall in Little Rock, Arkansas. Associated Press. 2024-12-30 [2024-12-01].
- ^ Breen, Daniel. Little Rock Police respond to shooting at Park Plaza Mall. Little Rock Public Radio. 2024-11-29 [2024-12-01].
- ^ Statement from President Joe Biden. White House.
- ^ Miller, Zeke; Durkin Richer, Alanna; Long, Colleen. Biden pardons his son Hunter despite previous pledges not to. AP News. 2024-12-01 (美國英語).